Images and memory¶
We saw in Nibabel images that images loaded from disk are usually
proxy images. Proxy images are images that have a dataobj
property that
is not a numpy array, but an array proxy that can fetch the array data from
>>> import os
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from nibabel.testing import data_path
>>> example_file = os.path.join(data_path, 'example4d.nii.gz')
>>> import nibabel as nib
>>> img = nib.load(example_file)
>>> img.dataobj
<nibabel.arrayproxy.ArrayProxy object at ...>
Nibabel does not load the image array from the proxy when you load
image. It waits until you ask for the array data. The standard way to ask
for the array data is to call the get_fdata()
>>> data = img.get_fdata()
>>> data.shape
(128, 96, 24, 2)
We also saw in Proxies and caching that this call to get_fdata()
(by default) load the array data into an internal image cache. The image
returns the cached copy on the next call to get_fdata()
>>> data_again = img.get_fdata()
>>> data is data_again
This behavior is convenient if you want quick and repeated access to the image array data. The down-side is that the image keeps a reference to the image data array, so the array can’t be cleared from memory until the image object gets deleted. You might prefer to keep loading the array from disk instead of keeping the cached copy in the image.
This page describes ways of using the image array proxies to save memory and time.
Using in_memory
to check the state of the cache¶
You can use the in_memory
property to check if the image has cached the
The in_memory
property is always True for array images, because the image
data is always an array in memory:
>>> array_data = np.arange(24, dtype=np.int16).reshape((2, 3, 4))
>>> affine = np.diag([1, 2, 3, 1])
>>> array_img = nib.Nifti1Image(array_data, affine)
>>> array_img.in_memory
For a proxy image, the in_memory
property is False when the array is not
in cache, and True when it is in cache:
>>> img = nib.load(example_file)
>>> img.in_memory
>>> data = img.get_fdata()
>>> img.in_memory
Using uncache
As y’all know, the proxy image has the array in cache, get_fdata()
the cached array:
>>> data_again = img.get_fdata()
>>> data_again is data # same array returned from cache
You can uncache a proxy image with the uncache()
>>> img.uncache()
>>> img.in_memory
>>> data_once_more = img.get_fdata()
>>> data_once_more is data # a new copy read from disk
has no effect if the image is an array image, or if the cache is
already empty.
You need to be careful when you modify arrays returned by get_fdata()
proxy images, because uncache
will then change the result you get back
from get_fdata()
>>> proxy_img = nib.load(example_file)
>>> data = proxy_img.get_fdata() # array cached and returned
>>> data[0, 0, 0, 0]
>>> data[0, 0, 0, 0] = 99 # modify returned array
>>> data_again = proxy_img.get_fdata() # return cached array
>>> data_again[0, 0, 0, 0] # cached array modified
So far the proxy image behaves the same as an array image. uncache()
no effect on an array image, but it does have an effect on the returned array
of a proxy image:
>>> proxy_img.uncache() # cached array discarded from proxy image
>>> data_once_more = proxy_img.get_fdata() # new copy of array loaded
>>> data_once_more[0, 0, 0, 0] # array modifications discarded
Saving memory¶
Uncache the array¶
If you do not want the image to keep the array in its internal cache, you can
use the uncache()
>>> img.uncache()
Use the array proxy instead of get_fdata()
The dataobj
property of a proxy image is an array proxy. We can ask the
proxy to return the array directly by passing dataobj
to the numpy
>>> proxy_img = nib.load(example_file)
>>> data_array = np.asarray(proxy_img.dataobj)
>>> type(data_array)
<... 'numpy.ndarray'>
This also works for array images, because np.asarray
returns the array:
>>> array_img = nib.Nifti1Image(array_data, affine)
>>> data_array = np.asarray(array_img.dataobj)
>>> type(data_array)
<... 'numpy.ndarray'>
If you want to avoid caching you can avoid get_fdata()
and always use
Use the caching
keyword to get_fdata()
The default behavior of the get_fdata()
function is to always fill the
cache, if it is empty. This corresponds to the default 'fill'
to the caching
keyword. So, this:
>>> proxy_img = nib.load(example_file)
>>> data = proxy_img.get_fdata() # default caching='fill'
>>> proxy_img.in_memory
is the same as this:
>>> proxy_img = nib.load(example_file)
>>> data = proxy_img.get_fdata(caching='fill')
>>> proxy_img.in_memory
Sometimes you may want to avoid filling the cache, if it is empty. In this
case, you can use caching='unchanged'
>>> proxy_img = nib.load(example_file)
>>> data = proxy_img.get_fdata(caching='unchanged')
>>> proxy_img.in_memory
will leave the cache full if it is already full.
>>> data = proxy_img.get_fdata(caching='fill')
>>> proxy_img.in_memory
>>> data = proxy_img.get_fdata(caching='unchanged')
>>> proxy_img.in_memory
See the get_fdata() docstring
for more detail.
Saving time and memory¶
You can use the array proxy to get slices of data from disk in an efficient way.
The array proxy API allows you to do slicing on the proxy. In most cases this will mean that you only load the data from disk that you actually need, often saving both time and memory.
For example, let us say you only wanted the second volume from the example dataset. You could do this:
>>> proxy_img = nib.load(example_file)
>>> data = proxy_img.get_fdata()
>>> data.shape
(128, 96, 24, 2)
>>> vol1 = data[..., 1]
>>> vol1.shape
(128, 96, 24)
The problem is that you had to load the whole data array into memory before throwing away the first volume and keeping the second.
You can use array proxy slicing to do this more efficiently:
>>> proxy_img = nib.load(example_file)
>>> vol1 = proxy_img.dataobj[..., 1]
>>> vol1.shape
(128, 96, 24)
The slicing call in proxy_img.dataobj[..., 1]
will only load the data from
disk that you need to fill the memory of vol1