Data package usecases and implementation


We are here working from Principles of data package


See Package provider bundle.

An local path format prundle is a directory on the local file system with prundle data stored in files in a on the local filesystem.


We’ll call our package dang - data package new generation.

Create local-path prundle

>>> import os
>>> import tempfile
>>> pth = tempfile.mkdtemp() # temporary directory

Make a pinstance object:

>>> from dang import Pinstance
>>> pri = Prundle(name='my-package')
>>> pri.pkg_name
>>> pri.meta

Now we make a prundle. First a directory to contain it:

>>> import os
>>> import tempfile
>>> pth = tempfile.mkdtemp() # temporary directory

>>> from dang.prundle import LocalPathPrundle
>>> prun = LocalPathPrundle(pri, pth)

At the moment there’s nothing in the directory. The ‘write’ method will write the meta information - here just the package name:

>>> prun.write() # writes meta.ini file
>>> os.listdir(pth)

The local path prundle data is just the set of files in the temporary directory named in pth above.

Now we’ve written the package, we can get it by a single call that reads in the meta.ini file:

>>> prun_back = LocalPathPrundle.from_path(pth)
>>> prun_back.pkg_name

Getting prundle data

The file-system prundle formats can return content by file names.

For example, for the local path prun distribution objects we have seen so far, the following should work:

>>> fobj = prun.get_fileobj('a_file.txt')

In fact, local path distribution objects also have a path attribute:

>>> fname = os.path.join(prun.path, 'a_file.txt')

The path attribute might not make sense for objects with greater abstraction over the file-system - for example objects encapsulating web content.


So far, in order to create a prundle object, we have to know where the prundle is (the path).

We want to be able to tell the system where prundles are - and the system will then be able to return a prundle on request - perhaps by package name. The system here is answering a Prundle discovery query.

We will then want to ask our packaging system whether it knows about the prundle we are interested in.

Discovery sources

A discovery source is an object that can answer a discovery query. Specifically, it is an object with a discover method, like this:

>>> import dang
>>> dsrc = dang.get_source('local-system')
>>> dquery_result ='my-package', version='0')
>>> dquery_result[0].pkg_name
>>> dquery_result ='implausible-pkg', version='0')
>>> len(dquery_result)

The discovery version number spec may allow comparison operators, as for distutils.version.LooseVersion:

>>> res ='my-package', version='>=0')
>>> prun = rst[0]
>>> prun.pkg_name
>>> prun.meta['version']

Default discovery sources

We’ve used the local-system discovery source in this call:

>>> dsrc = dpkg.get_source('local-system')

The get_source function is a convenience function that returns default discovery sources by name. There are at least two named discovery sources, local-system, and local-user. local-system is a discovery source for packages that are installed system-wide (/usr/share/data type installation in *nix). local-user is for packages installed for this user only (/home/user/data type installations in *nix).

Discovery source pools

We’ll typically have more than one source from which we’d like to query. The obvious case is where we want to look for both system and local sources. For this we have a source pool which simply returns the first known distribution from a list of sources. Something like this:

>>> local_sys = dpkg.get_source('local-system')
>>> local_usr = dpkg.get_source('local-user')
>>> src_pool = dpkg.SourcePool((local_usr, local_sys))
>>> dq_res ='my-package', version='0')
>>> dq_res[0].pkg_name

We’ll often want to do exactly this, so we’ll add this source pool to those that can be returned from our get_source convenience function:

>>> src_pool = dpkg.get_source('local-pool')

Register a prundle

In order to register a prundle, we need a prundle object and a discovery source:

>>> from dang.prundle import LocalPathPrundle
>>> prun = LocalPathDistribution.from_path(path=/a/path')
>>> local_usr = dang.get_source('local-user')
>>> local_usr.register(prun)

Let us then write the source to disk:

>>> local_usr.write()

Now, when we start another process as the same user, we can do this:

>>> import dang
>>> local_usr = dang.get_source('local-user')
>>> prun ='my-package', '0')[0]


Here are some notes. We had the hope that we could implement something that would be simple enough that someone using the system would not need our code, but could work from the specification.

Local path prundles

These are directories accessible on the local filesystem. The directory needs to give information about the prundle name and optionally, version, tag, revision id and maybe other metadata. An ini file is probably enough for this - something like a meta.ini file in the directory with:

name = my-package
version = 0

might be enough to get started.

Discovery sources

The discovery source has to be able to return prundle objects for the prundles it knows about:

0 = /some/path
0.1 = /another/path
0 = /further/path

Registering a package

So far we have a local path distribution, that is a directory with some files in it, and our own meta.ini file, containing the package name and version. How does this package register itself to the default sources? Of course, we could use dpkg as above:

>>> dst = dpkg.LocalPathDistribution.from_path(path='/a/path')
>>> local_usr = dpkg.get_source('local-user')
>>> local_usr.register(dst)

but we wanted to be able to avoid using dpkg. To do this, there might be a supporting script, in the distribution directory, called, of form given in

Using discovery sources without dpkg

The local discovery sources are ini files, so it would be easy to read and use these outside the dpkg system, as long as the locations of the ini files are well defined. Here is the code from defining these files:

import os
import sys

if sys.platform == 'win32':
    _home_dpkg_sdir = '_dpkg'
    _sys_drive, _ = os.path.splitdrive(sys.prefix)
    _home_dpkg_sdir = '.dpkg'
    _sys_drive = '/'
# Can we get the user directory?
_home = os.path.expanduser('~')
if _home == '~': # if not, the user ini file is undefined
    HOME_INI = None
    HOME_INI = os.path.join(_home, _home_dpkg_sdir, 'local.dsource')
SYS_INI = os.path.join(_sys_drive, 'etc', 'dpkg', 'local.dsource')