

This documents the development version of NetworkX. Documentation for the current release can be found here.


About Us

NetworkX was originally written by Aric Hagberg, Dan Schult, and Pieter Swart, and has been developed with the help of many others. Thanks to everyone who has improved NetworkX by contributing code, bug reports (and fixes), documentation, and input on design, features, and the future of NetworkX.

Core Developers

NetworkX development is guided by the following core team:

Avatar picture of @camillescott
Camille Scott
Avatar picture of @dschult
Dan Schult
Avatar picture of @ericmjl
Eric Ma
Avatar picture of @jarrodmillman
Jarrod Millman
Avatar picture of @MridulS
Mridul Seth

Emeritus Developers

We thank these previously-active core developers for their contributions to NetworkX.

Avatar picture of @chebee7i
Avatar picture of @jfinkels
Avatar picture of @jtorrents
Jordi Torrents
Avatar picture of @ysitu


If you are a NetworkX contributor, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request to add your name to the bottom of the list.

A supplementary (but still incomplete) list of contributors is given by the list of names that have commits in networkx’s git repository. This can be obtained via:

git log --raw | grep "^Author: " | sort | uniq

A historical, partial listing of contributors and their contributions to some of the earlier versions of NetworkX can be found here.


NetworkX acknowledges support from the following research groups:

NetworkX acknowledges the following financial support:

  • Google Summer of Code via Python Software Foundation

  • U.S. Army Research Office grant W911NF-12-1-0288

  • DARPA Physical Intelligence Subcontract No. 9060-000709

  • NSF Grant No. PHY-0748828

  • John Templeton Foundation through a grant to the Santa Fe Institute to study complexity

  • U.S. Army Research Laboratory and the U.S. Army Research Office under contract number W911NF-13-1-0340