Blake2b reference vectors¶
While the blake2b construction is a keyed hash and variable output length algorithm which can optionally be initialized with limited size salt and personalization parameters, the known answers json file in the reference blake2 sources just provides vectors for default length hash with empty salt and personalization.
To fill this test gap, we used both the pyblake and the libsodium implemented generators provided by crypto test vectors for the blake2b mechanism to generate twenty vectors in each of test/data/crypto-test-vectors-blake2-nosalt-nopersonalization.txt and test/data/crypto-test-vectors-blake2-salt-personalization.txt
Vector generation¶
After cloning the github project with
$ git clone
the needed source files will be available in the nosalt-nopersonalization and salt-personalization subdirectories of crypto-test-vectors/crypto/hash/blake2/blake2b/.
To run the python generators, after ensuring the needed pyblake2 module is available in the python environment, it will be enough to run the following commands at the shell prompt:
$ BLAKE="${PWD}/crypto-test-vectors/crypto/hash/blake2/blake2b"
$ NOPERS="${BLAKE}/nosalt-nopersonalization/generators"
$ PERSON="${BLAKE}/salt-personalization/generators"
$ python "${NOPERS}/pyblake2/" 10 > py_nopers_vectors
$ python "${PERSON}/pyblake2/" 10 > py_pers_vectors
On linux systems, after installing the required libsodium development package, the C-language generators, can get built by running:
$ BLAKE="${PWD}/crypto-test-vectors/crypto/hash/blake2/blake2b"
$ NOPERS="${BLAKE}/nosalt-nopersonalization/generators"
$ PERSON="${BLAKE}/salt-personalization/generators"
$ for i in "${NOPERS}/libsodium" "${PERSON}/libsodium"; do (cd "${i}" && make); done
and then run by executing:
$ BLAKE="${PWD}/crypto-test-vectors/crypto/hash/blake2/blake2b"
$ NOPERS="${BLAKE}/nosalt-nopersonalization/generators"
$ PERSON="${BLAKE}/salt-personalization/generators"
$ "${NOPERS}/libsodium/generator" 10 > py_nopers_vectors_c
$ "${PERSON}/libsodium/generator" 10 > py_pers_vectors_c