2.11. Logging/MonitoringΒΆ

It is possible to use pymongo.monitoring to monitor the driver events (e.g: queries, connections, etc). This can be handy if you want to monitor the queries issued by MongoEngine to the driver.

To use pymongo.monitoring with MongoEngine, you need to make sure that you are registering the listeners before establishing the database connection (i.e calling connect):

The following snippet provides a basic logging of all command events:

import logging
from pymongo import monitoring
from mongoengine import *

log = logging.getLogger()

class CommandLogger(monitoring.CommandListener):

    def started(self, event):
        log.debug("Command {0.command_name} with request id "
                 "{0.request_id} started on server "

    def succeeded(self, event):
        log.debug("Command {0.command_name} with request id "
                 "{0.request_id} on server {0.connection_id} "
                 "succeeded in {0.duration_micros} "

    def failed(self, event):
        log.debug("Command {0.command_name} with request id "
                 "{0.request_id} on server {0.connection_id} "
                 "failed in {0.duration_micros} "


class Jedi(Document):
    name = StringField()



log.info('Saving an item through MongoEngine...')
Jedi(name='Obi-Wan Kenobii').save()

log.info('Querying through MongoEngine...')
obiwan = Jedi.objects.first()

log.info('Updating through MongoEngine...')
obiwan.name = 'Obi-Wan Kenobi'

Executing this prints the following output:

INFO:root:Saving an item through MongoEngine...
DEBUG:root:Command insert with request id 1681692777 started on server ('localhost', 27017)
DEBUG:root:Command insert with request id 1681692777 on server ('localhost', 27017) succeeded in 562 microseconds
INFO:root:Querying through MongoEngine...
DEBUG:root:Command find with request id 1714636915 started on server ('localhost', 27017)
DEBUG:root:Command find with request id 1714636915 on server ('localhost', 27017) succeeded in 341 microseconds
INFO:root:Updating through MongoEngine...
DEBUG:root:Command update with request id 1957747793 started on server ('localhost', 27017)
DEBUG:root:Command update with request id 1957747793 on server ('localhost', 27017) succeeded in 455 microseconds

More details can of course be obtained by checking the event argument from the CommandListener.