Mock - Mocking and Testing Library

mock is a library for testing in Python. It allows you to replace parts of your system under test with mock objects and make assertions about how they have been used.

mock is now part of the Python standard library, available as unittest.mock in Python 3.3 onwards.

This package contains a rolling backport of the standard library mock code compatible with Python 3.6 and up.

Please see the standard library documentation for more details.


Mock Homepage


Mock on PyPI


Python Docs


BSD License


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Issue tracker

GitHub Issues

Build status

|CircleCI|_ |Docs|_

Python Version Compatibility

  • Version 1.0.1 is the last version compatible with Python < 2.6.

  • Version 1.3.0 is the last version compatible with Python 3.2.

  • Version 2.0.0 is the last version compatible with Python 2.6.

  • Version 2.0.0 is the last version offering official Jython support.

  • version 3.0.5 is the last version supporting Python 3.5 and lower.


You can checkout the latest development version from GitHub repository with the following command:

git clone

You can install mock with pip:

pip install -U mock

Bug Reports

Issues with the backport process, such as compatibility with a particular Python, should be reported to the bug tracker. Feature requests and issues with Mock functionality should be reported to the Python bug tracker.


See the change log.

Maintainer Notes


Checkout from git (see Installing) and submit pull requests.

Committers can just push as desired: since all semantic development takes place in cPython, the backport process is as lightweight as we can make it.

If you end up fixing anything backport-specific, please add an entry to the top of CHANGELOG.rst so it shows up in the next release notes.


NB: please use semver. Bump the major component on API breaks, minor on all non-bugfix changes, patch on bugfix only changes.

  1. Run [major|minor|bugfix] which will roll out new NEWS items, bump the version number and create a commit for the release.

  2. Review that commit, feel free to amend it if you want to note anything manually in CHANGELOG.rst.

  3. Push to the master branch on and the Circle CI automation will take care of pushing releases to PyPI and creating a tag.

Backporting rules

  • If code such as this causes coverage checking to drop below 100%:

    def will_never_be_called():

    It should be adjusted to the following pattern, preferably upstream, so that the .coveragerc in this repo knows to ignore it:

    def will_never_be_called(): pass
  • If code such as this causes coverage checking to drop below 100%:

    def will_never_be_called():

    It should be adjusted to the following pattern, preferably upstream, so that the .coveragerc in this repo knows to ignore it:

    def will_never_be_called(): yield

Backporting process

  1. Clone cpython and mock into the same directory, eg:

    mkdir vcs
    cd vcs
    git clone
    git clone

    Make sure they are both on master and up to date!

  2. Create a branch in your mock clone and switch to it.

  3. Make sure you build a suitable virtualenv for Mock development and activate it. For backporting, this should use Python 3.7+.

  4. Run

    cd vcs/mock

    This will find the next cpython patch that needs to be applied, munge it and attempt to apply it with git am.

    If it succeeds, run the tests and/or push your branch up to a fork and do a pull request into the master branch of the main repo to kick off the continuous integration tests.

    If it fails, you’ll have to manually work with what git status shows to get the patch committed.

    If it turns out that there’s nothing that should be applied from the failed commit, run python --skip-current, maybe with --skip-reason.

    If you have to make changes, please do a git commit --amend and add notes about what needed doing below the Signed-off-by block.

    If you have to make changes because tests fail with an applied patch, please make those changes in a followup commit and take note of the “Backporting rules” above.

  5. Rinse and repeat until reports no more patches need applying.

  6. If has updated lastsync.txt but not committed it, now would be a good time to commit that change.

Checking coverage in upstream

Assuming you have the checkout structure as above, and you have compiled your cpython master branch, then roughly as follows:

~/vcs/cpython/python.exe -m venv ~/virtualenvs/cpython-master
source ~/virtualenvs/cpython-master/bin/activate
pip install -U setuptools pip
pip install pytest pytest-cov
cd vcs/cpython/Lib/unittest
pytest --cov unittest.mock --cov unittest.test.testmock \
       --cov-config ~/vcs/git/mock/.coveragerc \
       --cov-report term-missing:skip-covered \

Ignore test/testmock/__* as these aren’t present in the backport.