from matplotlib import cbook, pyplot as plt, style import numpy as np style.use("classic") datafile = cbook.get_sample_data('membrane.dat', asfileobj=False) # convert data to mV x = 1000 * 0.1 * np.fromstring(open(datafile, 'rb').read(), np.float32) # 0.0005 is the sample interval t = 0.0005 * np.arange(len(x)) plt.figure(1, figsize=(7, 1), dpi=100) ax = plt.subplot(111, facecolor='y') plt.plot(t, x) plt.text(0.5, 0.5, 'matplotlib', color='r', fontsize=40, fontname=['Courier', 'DejaVu Sans Mono'], horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes, ) plt.axis([1, 1.72, -60, 10]) plt.gca().set_xticklabels([]) plt.gca().set_yticklabels([])