""" ================== Usetex Fonteffects ================== This script demonstrates that font effects specified in your pdftex.map are now supported in usetex mode. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def setfont(font): return rf'\font\a {font} at 14pt\a ' fig = plt.figure() for y, font, text in zip(range(5), ['ptmr8r', 'ptmri8r', 'ptmro8r', 'ptmr8rn', 'ptmrr8re'], ['Nimbus Roman No9 L ' + x for x in ['', 'Italics (real italics for comparison)', '(slanted)', '(condensed)', '(extended)']]): fig.text(.1, 1 - (y + 1) / 6, setfont(font) + text, usetex=True) fig.suptitle('Usetex font effects') # Would also work if saving to pdf. plt.show()