""" ============================ Clipping images with patches ============================ Demo of image that's been clipped by a circular patch. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as patches import matplotlib.cbook as cbook with cbook.get_sample_data('grace_hopper.png') as image_file: image = plt.imread(image_file) fig, ax = plt.subplots() im = ax.imshow(image) patch = patches.Circle((260, 200), radius=200, transform=ax.transData) im.set_clip_path(patch) ax.axis('off') plt.show() ############################################################################# # # ------------ # # References # """""""""" # # The use of the following functions and methods is shown # in this example: import matplotlib matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow matplotlib.pyplot.imshow matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_clip_path