# This file is part of python-ly, https://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-ly
# Copyright (c) 2008 - 2015 by Wilbert Berendsen
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
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# See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ for more information.
Classes that holds information about a musical score,
suitable for converting to musicXML.
When the score structure is built, it can easily be used to create a musicXML.
from ly.musicxml import create_musicxml, xml_objs
musxml = create_musicxml.CreateMusicXML()
score = xml_objs.Score()
part = xml_objs.ScorePart()
bar = xml_objs.Bar()
ba = xml_objs.BarAttr()
c = xml_objs.BarNote('c', 0, 0, (1,1))
xml_objs.IterateXmlObjs(score, musxml, 1)
xml = musxml.musicxml()
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import print_function
from fractions import Fraction
[docs]class IterateXmlObjs():
A ly.musicxml.xml_objs.Score object is iterated and the Music XML node tree
is constructed.
def __init__(self, score, musxml, div):
"""Create the basic score information, and initiate the
iteration of the parts."""
# score.debug_score([])
self.musxml = musxml
self.divisions = div
if score.title:
for ctag in score.creators:
self.musxml.add_creator(ctag, score.creators[ctag])
for itag in score.info:
self.musxml.create_score_info(itag, score.info[itag])
if score.rights:
if len(score.rights) > 1:
for right in score.rights:
self.musxml.add_rights(right[0], right[1])
for p in score.partlist:
if isinstance(p, ScorePart):
elif isinstance(p, ScorePartGroup):
[docs] def iterate_partgroup(self, group):
"""Loop through a group, recursively if nested."""
'start', group.num, group.name, group.abbr, group.bracket)
for p in group.partlist:
if isinstance(p, ScorePart):
elif isinstance(p, ScorePartGroup):
self.musxml.create_partgroup('stop', group.num)
[docs] def iterate_part(self, part):
"""The part is iterated."""
if part.barlist:
last_bar = part.barlist[-1]
last_bar_objs = last_bar.obj_list
self.musxml.create_part(part.name, part.abbr, part.midi)
for bar in part.barlist[:-1]:
if len(last_bar_objs) > 1 or last_bar_objs[0].has_attr():
print("Warning: empty part:", part.name)
[docs] def iterate_bar(self, bar):
"""The objects in the bar are output to the xml-file."""
self.musxml.create_measure(pickup = bar.pickup)
for obj in bar.obj_list:
if isinstance(obj, BarAttr):
elif isinstance(obj, BarMus):
if isinstance(obj, BarNote):
elif isinstance(obj, BarRest):
elif isinstance(obj, BarBackup):
divdur = self.count_duration(obj.duration, self.divisions)
[docs] def new_xml_bar_attr(self, obj):
"""Create bar attribute xml-nodes."""
if obj.has_attr():
self.musxml.new_bar_attr(obj.clef, obj.time, obj.key, obj.mode,
obj.divs, obj.multirest)
if obj.new_system:
if obj.repeat:
self.musxml.add_barline(obj.barline, obj.repeat)
elif obj.barline:
if obj.staves:
if obj.multiclef:
for mc in obj.multiclef:
self.musxml.add_clef(sign=mc[0][0], line=mc[0][1], nr=mc[1], oct_ch=mc[0][2])
if obj.tempo:
self.musxml.create_tempo(obj.tempo.text, obj.tempo.metr,
obj.tempo.midi, obj.tempo.dots)
if obj.mark:
if obj.word:
[docs] def before_note(self, obj):
"""Xml-nodes before note."""
self._add_dynamics([d for d in obj.dynamic if d.before])
if obj.oct_shift and not obj.oct_shift.octdir == 'stop':
self.musxml.add_octave_shift(obj.oct_shift.plac, obj.oct_shift.octdir, obj.oct_shift.size)
[docs] def after_note(self, obj):
"""Xml-nodes after note."""
self._add_dynamics([d for d in obj.dynamic if not d.before])
if obj.oct_shift and obj.oct_shift.octdir == 'stop':
self.musxml.add_octave_shift(obj.oct_shift.plac, obj.oct_shift.octdir, obj.oct_shift.size)
def _add_dynamics(self, dyns):
"""Add XML nodes for list of Dynamics objects."""
for d in dyns:
if isinstance(d, DynamicsMark):
elif isinstance(d, DynamicsWedge):
elif isinstance(d, DynamicsText):
elif isinstance(d, DynamicsDashes):
[docs] def gener_xml_mus(self, obj):
"""Nodes generic for both notes and rests."""
if obj.tuplet:
for t in obj.tuplet:
self.musxml.tuplet_note(t.fraction, obj.duration, t.ttype, t.nr,
self.divisions, t.acttype, t.normtype)
if obj.staff and not obj.skip:
if obj.other_notation:
[docs] def new_xml_note(self, obj):
"""Create note specific xml-nodes."""
divdur = self.count_duration(obj.duration, self.divisions)
if isinstance(obj, Unpitched):
self.musxml.new_unpitched_note(obj.base_note, obj.octave, obj.type, divdur,
obj.voice, obj.dot, obj.chord, obj.grace)
self.musxml.new_note(obj.base_note, obj.octave, obj.type, divdur,
obj.alter, obj.accidental_token, obj.voice, obj.dot, obj.chord,
obj.grace, obj.stem_direction)
for t in obj.tie:
for s in obj.slur:
self.musxml.add_slur(s.nr, s.slurtype)
for a in obj.artic:
if obj.ornament:
if obj.adv_ornament:
self.musxml.new_adv_ornament(obj.adv_ornament[0], obj.adv_ornament[1])
if obj.tremolo[1]:
self.musxml.add_tremolo(obj.tremolo[0], obj.tremolo[1])
if obj.gliss:
self.musxml.add_gliss(obj.gliss[0], obj.gliss[1], obj.gliss[2])
if obj.fingering:
if obj.lyric:
for l in obj.lyric:
self.musxml.add_lyric(l[0], l[1], l[2], l[3])
except IndexError:
self.musxml.add_lyric(l[0], l[1], l[2])
[docs] def new_xml_rest(self, obj):
"""Create rest specific xml-nodes."""
divdur = self.count_duration(obj.duration, self.divisions)
if obj.skip:
self.musxml.new_rest(divdur, obj.type, obj.pos,
obj.dot, obj.voice)
[docs] def count_duration(self, base_scaling, divs):
base = base_scaling[0]
scaling = base_scaling[1]
duration = divs*4*base
duration = duration * scaling
return int(duration)
[docs]class Score():
"""Object that keep track of a whole score."""
def __init__(self):
self.partlist = []
self.title = None
self.creators = {}
self.info = {}
self.rights = []
self.glob_section = ScoreSection('global', True)
[docs] def add_right(self, value, type):
self.rights.append((value, type))
[docs] def is_empty(self):
"""Check if score is empty."""
if self.partlist:
return False
return True
[docs] def merge_globally(self, section, override=False):
"""Merge section to all parts."""
for p in self.partlist:
p.merge_voice(section, override)
[docs] def debug_score(self, attr=[]):
Loop through score and print all elements for debugging purposes.
Additionally print element attributes by adding them to the
argument 'attr' list.
ind = " "
def debug_part(p):
print("Score part:"+p.name)
for n, b in enumerate(p.barlist):
print(ind+"Bar nr: "+str(n+1))
for obj in b.obj_list:
for a in attr:
print(ind+ind+ind+a+':'+repr(getattr(obj, a)))
except AttributeError:
def debug_group(g):
if hasattr(g, 'barlist'):
print("Score group:"+g.name)
for pg in g.partlist:
for i in self.partlist:
[docs]class ScorePartGroup():
"""Object to keep track of part group."""
def __init__(self, num, bracket):
self.bracket = bracket
self.partlist = []
self.name = ''
self.abbr = ''
self.parent = None
self.num = num
[docs] def set_bracket(self, bracket):
self.bracket = bracket
[docs] def merge_voice(self, voice, override=False):
"""Merge in a ScoreSection into all parts."""
for part in self.partlist:
part.merge_voice(voice, override)
[docs]class SlurCount:
"""Utility class meant for keeping count of started slurs in a section"""
def __init__(self):
self.count = 0
[docs] def inc(self):
self.count += 1
[docs] def dec(self):
self.count -= 1
[docs]class ScoreSection():
""" object to keep track of music section """
def __init__(self, name, glob=False):
self.name = name
self.barlist = []
self.glob = glob
# Keeps track of the number of started slurs in the section
self.active_slur_count = SlurCount()
def __repr__(self):
return '<{0} {1}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.name)
[docs] def merge_voice(self, voice, override=False):
"""Merge in other ScoreSection."""
for org_v, add_v in zip(self.barlist, voice.barlist):
org_v.inject_voice(add_v, override, self.active_slur_count)
bl_len = len(self.barlist)
if len(voice.barlist) > bl_len:
self.barlist += voice.barlist[bl_len:]
[docs] def merge_lyrics(self, lyrics):
"""Merge in lyrics in music section."""
i = 0
ext = False
for bar in self.barlist:
for obj in bar.obj_list:
if isinstance(obj, BarNote):
if ext:
if obj.slur:
ext = False
l = lyrics.barlist[i]
except IndexError:
if l != 'skip':
if l[3] == "extend" and obj.slur:
ext = True
except IndexError:
i += 1
[docs]class Snippet(ScoreSection):
""" Short section intended to be merged.
Holds reference to the barlist to be merged into."""
def __init__(self, name, merge_into):
ScoreSection.__init__(self, name)
self.merge_barlist = merge_into
[docs]class LyricsSection(ScoreSection):
""" Holds the lyrics information. Will eventually be merged to
the corresponding note in the section set by the voice id. """
def __init__(self, name, voice_id):
ScoreSection.__init__(self, name)
self.voice_id = voice_id
[docs]class ScorePart(ScoreSection):
""" object to keep track of part """
def __init__(self, staves=0, part_id=None, to_part=None, name=''):
ScoreSection.__init__(self, name)
self.part_id = part_id
self.to_part = to_part
self.abbr = ''
self.midi = ''
self.staves = staves
def __repr__(self):
return '<{0} {1} {2}>'.format(
self.__class__.__name__, self.name, self.part_id)
[docs] def set_first_bar(self, divisions):
initime = [4, 4]
iniclef = ('G', 2, 0)
def check_time(bar):
for obj in bar.obj_list:
if isinstance(obj, BarAttr):
if obj.time:
return True
if isinstance(obj, BarMus):
return False
def check_clef(bar):
for obj in bar.obj_list:
if isinstance(obj, BarAttr):
if obj.clef or obj.multiclef:
return True
if isinstance(obj, BarMus):
return False
if not check_time(self.barlist[0]):
self.barlist[0].obj_list[0].set_time(initime, False)
except AttributeError:
print("Warning can't set initial time sign!")
if not check_clef(self.barlist[0]):
except AttributeError:
print("Warning can't set initial clef sign!")
self.barlist[0].obj_list[0].divs = divisions
if self.staves:
self.barlist[0].obj_list[0].staves = self.staves
[docs] def merge_part_to_part(self):
"""Merge the part with the one indicated."""
if self.to_part.barlist:
[docs]class Bar():
""" Representing the bar/measure.
Contains also information about how complete it is."""
def __init__(self):
self.obj_list = []
self.pickup = False
self.list_full = False
def __repr__(self):
return '<{0} {1}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.obj_list)
[docs] def add(self, obj):
[docs] def has_music(self):
""" Check if bar contains music. """
for obj in self.obj_list:
if isinstance(obj, BarMus):
return True
return False
[docs] def has_attr(self):
""" Check if bar contains attribute. """
for obj in self.obj_list:
if isinstance(obj, BarAttr):
return True
return False
[docs] def create_backup(self):
""" Calculate and create backup object."""
b = 0
s = 1
for obj in self.obj_list:
if isinstance(obj, BarMus):
if not obj.chord:
b += obj.duration[0]
s *= obj.duration[1]
elif isinstance(obj, BarBackup):
self.add(BarBackup((b, s)))
[docs] def is_skip(self, obj_list=None):
""" Check if bar has nothing but skips. """
if not obj_list:
obj_list = self.obj_list
for obj in obj_list:
if obj.has_attr():
return False
if isinstance(obj, BarNote):
return False
elif isinstance(obj, BarRest):
if not obj.skip:
return False
return True
[docs] def inject_voice(self, new_voice, override=False, active_slur_count=None):
""" Adding new voice to bar.
Omitting double or conflicting bar attributes as long as override is false.
Omitting also bars with only skips."""
if new_voice.obj_list[0].has_attr():
if self.obj_list[0].has_attr():
self.obj_list[0].merge_attr(new_voice.obj_list[0], override)
self.obj_list.insert(0, new_voice.obj_list[0])
backup_list = new_voice.obj_list[1:]
backup_list = new_voice.obj_list
if self.obj_list[-1].barline and new_voice.obj_list[-1].barline:
except AttributeError:
if not self.is_skip(backup_list):
if active_slur_count:
# Update active_slur_count wrt to already existing slur starts
# and slur ends in the bar, before we add backup_list
for n in self.obj_list:
if isinstance(n, BarNote):
for slur in n.slur:
if slur.slurtype == 'start':
elif slur.slurtype == 'stop':
for bl in backup_list:
if active_slur_count and isinstance(bl, BarNote):
# If the slur is starting: increase active_slur_count and set slur number
# to that value.
# If the slur is ending: set slur number to be the same as the origin slur number.
for slur in bl.slur:
if slur.slurtype == 'start':
slur.nr = active_slur_count.count
elif slur.slurtype == 'stop':
if slur.start_node:
slur.nr = slur.start_node.nr
[docs]class BarMus():
""" Common class for notes and rests. """
def __init__(self, duration, voice=1):
self.duration = duration
self.type = None
self.tuplet = []
self.dot = 0
self.voice = voice
self.staff = 0
self.chord = False
self.other_notation = None
self.dynamic = []
self.oct_shift = None
def __repr__(self):
return '<{0} {1}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.duration)
[docs] def set_tuplet(self, fraction, ttype, nr, acttype='', normtype=''):
self.tuplet.append(Tuplet(fraction, ttype, nr, acttype, normtype))
[docs] def set_staff(self, staff):
self.staff = staff
[docs] def add_dot(self):
self.dot += 1
[docs] def add_other_notation(self, other):
self.other_notation = other
[docs] def set_dynamics_mark(self, sign, before=True):
self.dynamic.append(DynamicsMark(sign, before))
[docs] def set_dynamics_wedge(self, sign, before=True):
self.dynamic.append(DynamicsWedge(sign, before))
[docs] def set_dynamics_text(self, sign, before=True):
self.dynamic.append(DynamicsText(sign, before))
[docs] def set_dynamics_dashes(self, sign, before=True):
self.dynamic.append(DynamicsDashes(sign, before))
[docs] def set_oct_shift(self, plac, octdir, size):
self.oct_shift = OctaveShift(plac, octdir, size)
[docs] def has_attr(self):
return False
# Classes that are used by BarMus
[docs]class OctaveShift():
"""Class for octave shifts."""
def __init__(self, plac, octdir, size):
self.plac = plac
self.octdir = octdir
self.size = size
[docs]class Dynamics():
"""Stores information about dynamics. """
def __init__(self, sign, before=True):
self.before = before
self.sign = sign
[docs]class DynamicsMark(Dynamics):
"""A dynamics mark."""
[docs]class DynamicsWedge(Dynamics):
"""A dynamics wedge/hairpin."""
[docs]class DynamicsText(Dynamics):
"""A dynamics text."""
[docs]class DynamicsDashes(Dynamics):
"""Dynamics dashes."""
[docs]class Tuplet():
"""Stores information about tuplet."""
def __init__(self, fraction, ttype, nr, acttype, normtype):
self.fraction = fraction
self.ttype = ttype
self.nr = nr
self.acttype = acttype
self.normtype = normtype
[docs]class Slur():
"""Stores information about slur. start_node is only interesting if slurtype is 'stop'.
start_node must be None or a Slur instance."""
def __init__(self, nr, slurtype, phrasing=False, start_node=None):
self.nr = nr
self.slurtype = slurtype
self.phrasing = phrasing
self.start_node = start_node
# Subclasses of BarMus
[docs]class BarNote(BarMus):
""" object to keep track of note parameters """
def __init__(self, pitch_note, alter, accidental, duration, voice=1):
BarMus.__init__(self, duration, voice)
self.base_note = pitch_note.upper()
self.alter = alter
self.octave = None
self.accidental_token = accidental
self.tie = []
self.grace = (0, 0)
self.gliss = None
self.tremolo = ('', 0)
self.skip = False
self.slur = []
self.artic = []
self.ornament = None
self.adv_ornament = None
self.fingering = None
self.lyric = None
self.stem_direction = None
[docs] def set_duration(self, duration, durtype=''):
self.duration = duration
self.dot = 0
if durtype:
self.type = durtype
[docs] def set_durtype(self, durtype):
self.type = durtype
[docs] def set_octave(self, octave):
self.octave = octave
[docs] def set_tie(self, tie_type):
[docs] def set_slur(self, nr, slur_type, phrasing=False, slur_start_node=None):
self.slur.append(Slur(nr, slur_type, phrasing, slur_start_node))
[docs] def add_articulation(self, art_name):
[docs] def add_ornament(self, ornament):
self.ornament = ornament
[docs] def add_adv_ornament(self, ornament, end_type="start"):
self.adv_ornament = (ornament, {"type": end_type})
[docs] def set_grace(self, slash):
self.grace = (1, slash)
[docs] def set_gliss(self, line, endtype = "start", nr=1):
if not line:
line = "solid"
self.gliss = (line, endtype, nr)
[docs] def set_tremolo(self, trem_type, duration=False):
if duration:
self.tremolo = (trem_type, dur2lines(duration))
self.tremolo = (trem_type, self.tremolo[1])
[docs] def set_stem_direction(self, direction):
self.stem_direction = direction
[docs] def add_fingering(self, finger_nr):
self.fingering = finger_nr
[docs] def add_lyric(self, lyric_list):
if not self.lyric:
self.lyric = []
[docs] def change_lyric_syll(self, index, syll):
self.lyric[index][1] = syll
[docs] def change_lyric_nr(self, index, nr):
self.lyric[index][2] = nr
[docs]class Unpitched(BarNote):
"""Object to keep track of unpitched notes."""
def __init__(self, duration, step=None, voice=1):
BarNote.__init__(self, 'B', 0, "", duration, voice=1)
self.octave = 4
if step:
self.base_note = step.upper()
[docs]class BarRest(BarMus):
""" object to keep track of different rests and skips """
def __init__(self, duration, voice=1, show_type=True, skip=False, pos=0):
BarMus.__init__(self, duration, voice)
self.show_type = show_type
self.type = None
self.skip = skip
self.pos = pos
[docs] def set_duration(self, duration, durtype=''):
self.duration = duration
if durtype:
if self.show_type:
self.type = durtype
self.type = None
[docs] def set_durtype(self, durtype):
if self.show_type:
self.type = durtype
[docs]class BarAttr():
""" object that keep track of bar attributes, e.g. time sign, clef, key etc """
def __init__(self):
self.key = None
self.time = 0
self.clef = 0
self.mode = ''
self.divs = 0
self.barline = None
self.repeat = None
self.staves = 0
self.multiclef = []
self.tempo = None
self.multirest = None
self.mark = None
self.word = None
self.new_system = None
def __repr__(self):
return '<{0} {1}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.time)
[docs] def add_break(self, force_break):
self.new_system = force_break
[docs] def set_key(self, muskey, mode):
self.key = muskey
self.mode = mode
[docs] def set_time(self, fractlist, numeric=True):
self.time = fractlist
if not numeric and (fractlist == [2, 2] or fractlist == [4, 4]):
[docs] def set_clef(self, clef):
self.clef = clef
[docs] def set_barline(self, bl):
self.barline = convert_barl(bl)
[docs] def set_tempo(self, unit=0, unittype='', beats=0, dots=0, text=""):
self.tempo = TempoDir(unit, unittype, beats, dots, text)
[docs] def set_multp_rest(self, size=0):
self.multirest = size
[docs] def set_mark(self, mark):
self.mark = mark
[docs] def set_word(self, words):
if self.word == None:
self.word = ''
self.word += words + ' '
[docs] def has_attr(self):
check = False
if self.key is not None:
check = True
elif self.time != 0:
check = True
elif self.clef != 0:
check = True
elif self.multiclef:
check = True
elif self.divs != 0:
check = True
elif self.multirest is not None:
check = True
elif self.mark:
check = True
return check
[docs] def merge_attr(self, barattr, override=False):
"""Merge in attributes (from another bar).
Existing attributes will only be replaced when override is set to true.
if barattr.key is not None and (override or self.key is None):
self.key = barattr.key
self.mode = barattr.mode
if barattr.time != 0 and (override or self.time == 0):
self.time = barattr.time
if barattr.clef != 0 and (override or self.clef == 0):
self.clef = barattr.clef
if barattr.multiclef:
self.multiclef += barattr.multiclef
if barattr.tempo is not None and (override or self.tempo is None):
self.tempo = barattr.tempo
[docs]class BarBackup():
""" Object that stores duration for backup """
def __init__(self, duration):
self.duration = duration
[docs]class TempoDir():
""" Object that stores tempo direction information """
def __init__(self, unit, unittype, beats, dots, text):
if unittype:
self.metr = unittype, beats
self.midi = self.set_midi_tempo(unit, beats, dots)
self.metr = 0
self.midi = 0
self.dots = dots
self.text = text
[docs] def set_midi_tempo(self, unit, beats, dots):
u = Fraction(1, int(unit))
if dots:
import math
den = int(math.pow(2, dots))
num = int(math.pow(2, dots+1)-1)
u *= Fraction(num, den)
mult = 4*u
return float(Fraction(beats)*mult)
# Translation functions
[docs]def dur2lines(dur):
if dur == 8:
return 1
elif dur == 16:
return 2
elif dur == 32:
return 3
return 0
[docs]def convert_barl(bl):
if bl == '|':
return 'regular'
elif bl == ':':
return 'dotted'
elif bl == 'dashed':
return bl
elif bl == '.':
return 'heavy'
elif bl == '||':
return 'light-light'
elif bl == '.|' or bl == 'forward':
return 'heavy-light'
elif bl == '.|.':
return 'heavy-heavy'
elif bl == '|.' or bl == 'backward':
return 'light-heavy'
elif bl == "'":
return 'tick'