Source code for ly.colorize

# This file is part of python-ly,
# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 by Wilbert Berendsen
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
# See for more information.

Classes and functions to colorize (syntax-highlight) parsed source.

Highlighting is based on CSS properties and their values, although the Mapping
object can map a token's class to any object or value.

The Mapping object normally maps a token's class basically to a CSS class and
possibly a base CSS class. This way you can define base styles (e.g. string,
comment, etc) and have specific classes (e.g. LilyPond string, Scheme
comment) inherit from that base style. This CSS class is described by the
css_class named tuple, with its three fields: mode, name, base. E.g.
('lilypond', 'articulation', 'keyword'). The base field may be None.

The css classes are mapped to dictionaries of css properties, like
{'font-weight': 'bold', 'color': '#4800ff'}, etc.

A scheme (a collection of styles) is simply a dictionary mapping the mode to
a dictionary of CSS dictionaries. The base styles are in the [None] item of the
scheme dictionary.


from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import collections

import ly.lex

# don't test all the Token base classes
_token_mro_slice = slice(1, -len(ly.lex.Token.__mro__))

style = collections.namedtuple("style", "name base classes")
css_class = collections.namedtuple("css_class", "mode name base")

[docs]class Mapper(dict): """Maps token classes to arbitrary values, which can be highlighting styles. Mapper behaves like a dict, you set items with a token class as key to an arbitrary value. But getting items can be done using a token. The token class's method resolution order is walked up and the value for the first available class found in the keys is returned. The class is also cached to speed up requests for other tokens. """ def __getitem__(self, token): cls = type(token) try: return dict.__getitem__(self, cls) except KeyError: for c in cls.__mro__[_token_mro_slice]: try: value = dict.__getitem__(self, c) break except KeyError: pass else: value = None self[cls] = value return value
[docs]def default_mapping(): """Return a good default mapping from token class(es) to style and default style, per group.""" from ly.lex import lilypond from ly.lex import scheme from ly.lex import html from ly.lex import texinfo #from ly.lex import latex #from ly.lex import docbook from ly.lex import mup return ( ('lilypond', ( style('keyword', 'keyword', (lilypond.Keyword,)), style('command', 'function', (lilypond.Command, lilypond.Skip)), style('pitch', None, (lilypond.MusicItem,)), style('octave', None, (lilypond.Octave,)), style('accidental', None, (lilypond.Accidental, lilypond.FigureAccidental)), style('duration', None, (lilypond.Duration,)), style('dynamic', None, (lilypond.Dynamic,)), style('check', None, (lilypond.OctaveCheck, lilypond.PipeSymbol)), style('articulation', None, (lilypond.Direction, lilypond.Articulation)), style('fingering', None, (lilypond.Fingering,)), style('stringnumber', None, (lilypond.StringNumber,)), style('slur', None, (lilypond.Slur,)), style('beam', None, (lilypond.Beam, lilypond.FigureBracket,)), style('chord', None, (lilypond.Chord, lilypond.ChordItem)), style('markup', 'function', (lilypond.Markup,)), style('lyricmode', 'function', (lilypond.LyricMode,)), style('lyrictext', None, (lilypond.Lyric,)), style('repeat', 'function', (lilypond.Repeat, lilypond.Tremolo,)), style('specifier', 'variable', (lilypond.Specifier,)), style('usercommand', 'variable', (lilypond.UserCommand,)), style('figbass', None, (lilypond.Figure,)), style('figbstep', None, (lilypond.FigureStep,)), style('figbmodif', None, (lilypond.FigureModifier,)), style('delimiter', 'keyword', (lilypond.Delimiter,)), style('context', None, (lilypond.ContextName,)), style('grob', None, (lilypond.GrobName,)), style('property', 'variable', (lilypond.ContextProperty,)), style('variable', 'variable', (lilypond.Variable,)), style('uservariable', None, (lilypond.UserVariable,)), style('value', 'value', (lilypond.Value,)), style('string', 'string', (lilypond.String,)), style('stringescape', 'escape', (lilypond.StringQuoteEscape,)), style('comment', 'comment', (lilypond.Comment,)), style('error', 'error', (lilypond.Error,)), )), ('scheme', ( style('scheme', None, (lilypond.SchemeStart, scheme.Scheme,)), style('string', 'string', (scheme.String,)), style('stringescape', 'escape', (scheme.StringQuoteEscape,)), style('comment', 'comment', (scheme.Comment,)), style('number', 'value', (scheme.Number,)), style('lilypond', None, (scheme.LilyPond,)), style('keyword', 'keyword', (scheme.Keyword,)), style('function', 'function', (scheme.Function,)), style('variable', 'variable', (scheme.Variable,)), style('constant', 'variable', (scheme.Constant,)), style('delimiter', None, (scheme.OpenParen, scheme.CloseParen,)), )), ('html', ( style('tag', 'keyword', (html.Tag,)), style('attribute', 'variable', (html.AttrName,)), style('value', 'value', (html.Value,)), style('string', 'string', (html.String,)), style('entityref', 'escape', (html.EntityRef,)), style('comment', 'comment', (html.Comment,)), style('lilypondtag', 'function', (html.LilyPondTag,)), )), ('texinfo', ( style('keyword', 'keyword', (texinfo.Keyword,)), style('block', 'function', (texinfo.Block,)), style('attribute', 'variable', (texinfo.Attribute,)), style('escapechar', 'escape', (texinfo.EscapeChar,)), style('verbatim', 'string', (texinfo.Verbatim,)), style('comment', 'comment', (texinfo.Comment,)), )), ('mup', ( style('string', 'string', (mup.String,)), style('stringescape', 'escape', (mup.StringQuoteEscape,)), style('comment', 'comment', (mup.Comment,)), style('macro', 'variable', (mup.Macro,)), style('preprocessor', 'keyword', (mup.Preprocessor,)), )), ) # end of mapping
default_scheme = { # the base styles None: { 'keyword': { 'font-weight': 'bold', }, 'function': { 'font-weight': 'bold', 'color': '#0000c0', }, 'variable': { 'color': '#0000ff', }, 'value': { 'color': '#808000', }, 'string': { 'color': '#c00000', }, 'escape': { 'color': '#008080', }, 'comment': { 'color': '#808080', 'font-style': 'italic', }, 'error': { 'color': '#ff0000', 'text-decoration': 'underline', 'text-decoration-color': '#ff0000', }, }, 'lilypond': { 'duration': { 'color': '#008080', }, 'markup': { 'color': '#008000', 'font-weight': 'normal', }, 'lyricmode': { 'color': '#006000', }, 'lyrictext': { 'color': '#006000', }, 'grob': { 'color': '#c000c0', }, 'context': { 'font-weight': 'bold', }, 'slur': { 'font-weight': 'bold', }, 'articulation': { 'font-weight': 'bold', 'color': '#ff8000', }, 'dynamic': { 'font-weight': 'bold', 'color': '#ff8000', }, 'fingering': { 'color': '#ff8000', }, 'stringnumber': { 'color': '#ff8000', }, }, 'scheme': { }, 'html': { }, 'texinfo': { }, 'mup': { }, } # end of default_css_styles
[docs]def get_tokens(cursor): """Return the list of tokens for the cursor. Tokens that are partially inside the cursor's selection are re-created so that they fall exactly within the selection. This can be used to convert a highlighted part of a document to e.g. HTML. """ tokens = list(ly.document.Source(cursor, None, ly.document.PARTIAL, True)) if tokens: if cursor.end is not None and tokens[-1].end > cursor.end: t = tokens[-1] tokens[-1] = type(t)(t[:cursor.end - t.end], t.pos) if cursor.start > tokens[0].pos: t = tokens[0] tokens[0] = type(t)(t[cursor.start - t.pos:], cursor.start) return tokens
[docs]def map_tokens(cursor, mapper): """Yield a two-tuple(token, style) for every token. The style is what mapper[token] returns. Style may be None, which also happens with unparsed (not-tokenized) text. """ text = cursor.document.plaintext() start = cursor.start tokens = get_tokens(cursor) t = None for t in tokens: if t.pos > start: yield text[start:t.pos], None yield t, mapper[t] start = t.end if t and cursor.end is not None and cursor.end > t.end: yield text[t.end:cursor.end]
[docs]def melt_mapped_tokens(mapped_tokens): """Melt adjacent tokens with the same mapping together.""" prev_tokens = [] prev_style = None for t, s in mapped_tokens: if s == prev_style or t.isspace(): prev_tokens.append(t) else: if prev_tokens: if prev_tokens[-1] == ' ': yield ''.join(prev_tokens[:-1]), prev_style yield ' ', None else: yield ''.join(prev_tokens), prev_style prev_tokens = [t] prev_style = s if prev_tokens: yield ''.join(prev_tokens), prev_style
[docs]def css_mapper(mapping=None): """Return a Mapper dict, mapping token classes to two CSS classes. By default the mapping returned by default_mapping() is used. """ if mapping is None: mapping = default_mapping() return Mapper((cls, css_class(mode,, style.base)) for mode, styles in mapping for style in styles for cls in style.classes)
[docs]def css_dict(css_style, scheme=default_scheme): """Return the css properties dict for the style, taken from the scheme. This can be used for inline style attributes. """ d = {} try: d.update(scheme[None][css_style.base]) except KeyError: pass try: d.update(scheme[css_style.mode][]) except KeyError: pass return d
[docs]def css_item(i): """Return "name: value;" where i = (name, value).""" return '{0}: {1};'.format(*i)
[docs]def css_attr(d): """Return a dictionary with a 'style' key. The value is the style items in d formatted with css_item() joined with spaces. If d is empty, an empty dictionary is returned. """ if d: return {'style': ' '.join(map(css_item, sorted(d.items())))} return {}
[docs]def css_group(selector, d): """Return a "selector { items...}" part of a CSS stylesheet.""" return '{0} {{\n {1}\n}}\n'.format( selector, '\n '.join(map(css_item, sorted(d.items()))))
[docs]def format_css_span_class(css_style): """Return a string like 'class="mode-style base"' for the specified style.""" c = css_style.mode + '-' + if css_style.base: c += ' ' + css_style.base return 'class="{0}"'.format(c)
[docs]class css_style_attribute_formatter(object): """Return the inline style attribute for a specified style.""" def __init__(self, scheme=default_scheme): self.scheme = scheme def __call__(self, css_style): d = css_dict(css_style, self.scheme) if d: return 'style="{0}"'.format(' '.join(map(css_item, sorted(d.items()))))
[docs]def format_stylesheet(scheme=default_scheme): """Return a formatted stylesheet for the stylesheet scheme dictionary.""" sheet = [] key = lambda i: '' if i[0] is None else i[0] for mode, styles in sorted(scheme.items(), key=key): if styles: sheet.append('/* {0} */'.format( "mode: " + mode if mode else "base styles")) for css_class, d in sorted(styles.items()): if mode: selector = 'span.{0}-{1}'.format(mode, css_class) else: selector = '.' + css_class sheet.append(css_group(selector, d)) return '\n'.join(sheet)
[docs]def html_escape(text): """Escape &, < and >.""" return text.replace('&', '&amp;').replace('<', '&lt;').replace('>', '&gt;')
[docs]def html_escape_attr(text): """Escape &, ", < and >.""" return html_escape(text).replace('"', '&quot;')
[docs]def html_format_attrs(d): """Format the attributes dict as a string. The attributes are escaped correctly. A space is prepended for every assignment. """ return ''.join(' {0}="{1}"'.format( k, html_escape_attr(format(v))) for k, v in d.items())
[docs]def html(cursor, mapper, span=format_css_span_class): """Return a HTML string with the tokens wrapped in <span class=> elements. The span argument is a function returning an attribute for the <span> tag for the specified style. By default the format_css_span_class() function is used, that returns a 'class="group style base"' string. You'll want to wrap the HTML inside <pre> tokens and add a CSS stylesheet. """ result = [] for t, style in melt_mapped_tokens(map_tokens(cursor, mapper)): arg = span(style) if style else None if arg: result.append('<span {0}>'.format(arg)) result.append(html_escape(t)) result.append('</span>') else: result.append(html_escape(t)) return ''.join(result)
[docs]def add_line_numbers(cursor, html, linenum_attrs=None, document_attrs=None): """Combines the html (returned by html()) with the line numbers in a HTML table. The linenum_attrs are put in the <td> tag for the line numbers. The default value is: {"style": "background: #eeeeee;"}. The document_attrs are put in the <td> tag for the document. The default is empty. By default, the id for the linenumbers <td> is set to "linenumbers", and the id for the document <td> is set to "document". """ linenum_attrs = dict(linenum_attrs) if linenum_attrs else {"style": "background: #eeeeee;"} document_attrs = dict(document_attrs) if document_attrs else {} linenum_attrs.setdefault('id', 'linenumbers') document_attrs.setdefault('id', 'document') linenum_attrs['valign'] = 'top' linenum_attrs['align'] = 'right' linenum_attrs['style'] = linenum_attrs.get('style', '') + 'vertical-align: top; text-align: right;' document_attrs['valign'] = 'top' document_attrs['style'] = document_attrs.get('style', '') + 'vertical-align: top;' start_num = cursor.document.index(cursor.start_block()) + 1 end_num = cursor.document.index(cursor.end_block()) + 1 linenumbers = '<pre>{0}</pre>'.format('\n'.join(map(format, range(start_num, end_num)))) body = '<pre>{0}</pre>'.format(html) return ( '<table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">' '<tbody><tr>' '<td{0}>' '\n{1}\n' '</td>' '<td{2}>' '\n{3}\n' '</td></tr></tbody></table>\n').format( html_format_attrs(linenum_attrs), linenumbers, html_format_attrs(document_attrs), body)
[docs]def format_html_document(body, title="", stylesheet=None, stylesheet_ref=None, encoding='UTF-8'): """Return a complete HTML document. The body is put inside body tags unchanged. The title is html-escaped. If stylesheet_ref is given, it is put as a <link> reference in the HTML; if stylesheet is given, it is put verbatim in a <style> section in the HTML. The encoding is set in the meta http-equiv field, but the returned HTML is in normal Python unicode (python2) or str (python3) format, you should encode it yourself in the same encoding (by default utf-8) when writing it to a file. """ css = "" if stylesheet_ref: css += '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{0}"/>\n'.format(html_escape_attr(stylesheet_ref)) if stylesheet: css += '<style type="text/css">\n{0}\n</style>\n'.format(stylesheet) return ( '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">\n' '<html><head>\n' '<title>{title}</title>\n' '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset={encoding}" />\n' '{css}' '</head>\n' '<body>\n{body}</body>\n</html>\n').format( title = html_escape(title), encoding = encoding, body = body, css = css, )
[docs]class HtmlWriter(object): """A do-it-all object to create syntax highlighted HTML. You can set the instance attributes to configure the behaviour in all details. Then call the html(cursor) method to get the HTML. """ fgcolor = None bgcolor = None linenumbers_fgcolor = None linenumbers_bgcolor = "#eeeeee" inline_style = False number_lines = False wrapper_tag = "pre" wrapper_attribute = "id" document_id = "document" linenumbers_id = "linenumbers" title = "" css_scheme = default_scheme css_mapper = None encoding = 'UTF-8' stylesheet_ref = None full_html = True
[docs] def set_wrapper_attribute(self, attr): """Choose attribute name for wrapper tag""" valid_attrs = ["id", "class"] if attr in valid_attrs: self.wrapper_attribute = attr else: print("Invalid attribute, has to be one of {}".format(valid_attrs))
[docs] def set_wrapper_tag(self, tag): """Define the tag to be used for wrapping the content""" valid_tags = ['pre', 'code', 'div'] if tag in valid_tags: self.wrapper_tag = tag else: print("Invalid tag, has to be one of {}".format(valid_tags))
[docs] def html(self, cursor): """Return the output HTML.""" doc_style = {} if self.fgcolor: doc_style['color'] = self.fgcolor if self.bgcolor: doc_style['background'] = self.bgcolor num_style = {} if self.linenumbers_fgcolor: num_style['color'] = self.linenumbers_fgcolor if self.linenumbers_bgcolor: num_style['background'] = self.linenumbers_bgcolor num_attrs = {self.wrapper_attribute: self.linenumbers_id} doc_attrs = {self.wrapper_attribute: self.document_id} css = [] if self.inline_style: formatter = css_style_attribute_formatter(self.css_scheme) num_attrs.update(css_attr(num_style)) doc_attrs.update(css_attr(doc_style)) else: formatter = format_css_span_class wrap_type = '#' if self.wrapper_attribute == 'id' else '.' css.append(css_group(wrap_type + self.document_id, doc_style)) if self.number_lines: css.append(css_group(wrap_type + self.linenumbers_id, num_style)) css.append(format_stylesheet(self.css_scheme)) body = html(cursor, self.css_mapper or css_mapper(), formatter) if self.number_lines: body = add_line_numbers(cursor, body, num_attrs, doc_attrs) else: body = '<{0}{1}>{2}</{0}>'.format(self.wrapper_tag, html_format_attrs(doc_attrs), body) if not self.full_html: return body if self.stylesheet_ref: css = None else: css = '\n'.join(css) return format_html_document(body, self.title, css, self.stylesheet_ref, self.encoding)