This document is for Kombu's development version, which can be significantly different from previous releases. Get the stable docs here: 5.0.
Source code for kombu.utils.text
"""Text Utilities."""
# flake8: noqa
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
from kombu import version_info_t
[docs]def escape_regex(p, white=''):
# type: (str, str) -> str
"""Escape string for use within a regular expression."""
# what's up with re.escape? that code must be neglected or something
return ''.join(c if c.isalnum() or c in white
else ('\\000' if c == '\000' else '\\' + c)
for c in p)
[docs]def fmatch_iter(needle, haystack, min_ratio=0.6):
# type: (str, Sequence[str], float) -> Iterator[Tuple[float, str]]
"""Fuzzy match: iteratively.
Tuple: of ratio and key.
for key in haystack:
ratio = SequenceMatcher(None, needle, key).ratio()
if ratio >= min_ratio:
yield ratio, key
[docs]def fmatch_best(needle, haystack, min_ratio=0.6):
# type: (str, Sequence[str], float) -> str
"""Fuzzy match - Find best match (scalar)."""
return sorted(
fmatch_iter(needle, haystack, min_ratio), reverse=True,
except IndexError:
[docs]def version_string_as_tuple(s):
# type: (str) -> version_info_t
"""Convert version string to version info tuple."""
v = _unpack_version(*s.split('.'))
# X.Y.3a1 -> (X, Y, 3, 'a1')
if isinstance(v.micro, str):
v = version_info_t(v.major, v.minor, *_splitmicro(*v[2:]))
# X.Y.3a1-40 -> (X, Y, 3, 'a1', '40')
if not v.serial and v.releaselevel and '-' in v.releaselevel:
v = version_info_t(*list(v[0:3]) + v.releaselevel.split('-'))
return v
def _unpack_version(major, minor=0, micro=0, releaselevel='', serial=''):
# type: (int, int, int, str, str) -> version_info_t
return version_info_t(int(major), int(minor), micro, releaselevel, serial)
def _splitmicro(micro, releaselevel='', serial=''):
# type: (int, str, str) -> Tuple[int, str, str]
for index, char in enumerate(micro):
if not char.isdigit():
return int(micro or 0), releaselevel, serial
return int(micro[:index]), micro[index:], serial