Bases: keystoneauth1.identity.v3.base.AuthConstructor
A plugin for authenticating with a username and TOTP passcode.
auth_url (string) – Identity service endpoint for authentication.
passcode (string) – TOTP passcode for authentication.
username (string) – Username for authentication.
user_id (string) – User ID for authentication.
user_domain_id (string) – User’s domain ID for authentication.
user_domain_name (string) – User’s domain name for authentication.
trust_id (string) – Trust ID for trust scoping.
domain_id (string) – Domain ID for domain scoping.
domain_name (string) – Domain name for domain scoping.
project_id (string) – Project ID for project scoping.
project_name (string) – Project name for project scoping.
project_domain_id (string) – Project’s domain ID for project.
project_domain_name (string) – Project’s domain name for project.
reauthenticate (bool) – Allow fetching a new token if the current one is going to expire. (optional) default True
Bases: keystoneauth1.identity.v3.base.AuthMethod
Construct a User/Passcode based authentication method.
passcode (string) – TOTP passcode for authentication.
username (string) – Username for authentication.
user_id (string) – User ID for authentication.
user_domain_id (string) – User’s domain ID for authentication.
user_domain_name (string) – User’s domain name for authentication.
Return the authentication section of an auth plugin.
session (keystoneauth1.session.Session) – The communication session.
auth (base.Auth) – The auth plugin calling the method.
headers (dict) – The headers that will be sent with the auth request if a plugin needs to add to them.
The identifier of this plugin and a dict of authentication data for the auth type.
tuple(string, dict)
Get the elements for this auth method that make it unique.
These elements will be used as part of the
allow caching of the auth plugin.
Plugins should override this if they want to allow caching of their state.
To avoid collision or overrides the keys of the returned dictionary should be prefixed with the plugin identifier. For example the password plugin returns its username value as ‘password_username’.
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