manager - starting, stopping, signalling ======================================== .. currentmodule:: jupyter_client .. autoclass:: KernelManager .. attribute:: kernel_name The name of the kernel to launch (see :ref:`kernelspecs`). .. autoattribute:: provisioner The kernel provisioner with which this :class:`KernelManager` is communicating. This will generally be a :class:`LocalProvisioner` instance unless the kernelspec indicates otherwise. .. automethod:: start_kernel .. automethod:: is_alive .. automethod:: interrupt_kernel .. automethod:: signal_kernel .. automethod:: client For the client API, see :mod:`jupyter_client.client`. .. automethod:: blocking_client .. automethod:: shutdown_kernel .. automethod:: restart_kernel multikernelmanager - controlling multiple kernels ------------------------------------------------- .. autoclass:: MultiKernelManager This exposes the same methods as :class:`~jupyter_client.manager.KernelManager`, but their first parameter is a kernel ID, a string identifying the kernel instance. Typically these are UUIDs picked by :meth:`start_kernel` .. automethod:: start_kernel .. automethod:: list_kernel_ids .. automethod:: get_kernel .. automethod:: remove_kernel .. automethod:: shutdown_all Utility functions ----------------- .. autofunction:: run_kernel