Source code for hypothesis.extra.django._fields

# This file is part of Hypothesis, which may be found at
# Copyright the Hypothesis Authors.
# Individual contributors are listed in AUTHORS.rst and the git log.
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
# v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can
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import re
import string
from datetime import timedelta
from decimal import Decimal
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Type, TypeVar, Union

import django
from django import forms as df
from django.contrib.auth.forms import UsernameField
from django.core.validators import (
from django.db import models as dm

from hypothesis import strategies as st
from hypothesis.errors import InvalidArgument, ResolutionFailed
from hypothesis.internal.validation import check_type
from hypothesis.provisional import urls
from hypothesis.strategies import emails

AnyField = Union[dm.Field, df.Field]
F = TypeVar("F", bound=AnyField)

def numeric_bounds_from_validators(
    field, min_value=float("-inf"), max_value=float("inf")
    for v in field.validators:
        if isinstance(v, django.core.validators.MinValueValidator):
            min_value = max(min_value, v.limit_value)
        elif isinstance(v, django.core.validators.MaxValueValidator):
            max_value = min(max_value, v.limit_value)
    return min_value, max_value

def integers_for_field(min_value, max_value):
    def inner(field):
        return st.integers(*numeric_bounds_from_validators(field, min_value, max_value))

    return inner

def timezones():
    # From Django 4.0, the default is to use zoneinfo instead of pytz.
    assert getattr(django.conf.settings, "USE_TZ", False)
    if getattr(django.conf.settings, "USE_DEPRECATED_PYTZ", True):
        from hypothesis.extra.pytz import timezones
        from hypothesis.strategies import timezones

    return timezones()

# Mapping of field types, to strategy objects or functions of (type) -> strategy
_FieldLookUpType = Dict[
    Union[st.SearchStrategy, Callable[[Any], st.SearchStrategy]],
_global_field_lookup: _FieldLookUpType = {
    dm.SmallIntegerField: integers_for_field(-32768, 32767),
    dm.IntegerField: integers_for_field(-2147483648, 2147483647),
    dm.BigIntegerField: integers_for_field(-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807),
    dm.PositiveIntegerField: integers_for_field(0, 2147483647),
    dm.PositiveSmallIntegerField: integers_for_field(0, 32767),
    dm.BooleanField: st.booleans(),
    dm.DateField: st.dates(),
    dm.EmailField: emails(),
    dm.FloatField: st.floats(),
    dm.NullBooleanField: st.one_of(st.none(), st.booleans()),
    dm.URLField: urls(),
    dm.UUIDField: st.uuids(),
    df.DateField: st.dates(),
    df.DurationField: st.timedeltas(),
    df.EmailField: emails(),
    df.FloatField: lambda field: st.floats(
        *numeric_bounds_from_validators(field), allow_nan=False, allow_infinity=False
    df.IntegerField: integers_for_field(-2147483648, 2147483647),
    df.NullBooleanField: st.one_of(st.none(), st.booleans()),
    df.URLField: urls(),
    df.UUIDField: st.uuids(),

_ipv6_strings = st.one_of(
    st.ip_addresses(v=6).map(lambda addr: addr.exploded),

def register_for(field_type):
    def inner(func):
        _global_field_lookup[field_type] = func
        return func

    return inner

def _for_datetime(field):
    if getattr(django.conf.settings, "USE_TZ", False):
        return st.datetimes(timezones=timezones())
    return st.datetimes()

def using_sqlite():
        return (
            getattr(django.conf.settings, "DATABASES", {})
            .get("default", {})
            .get("ENGINE", "")
    except django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured:
        return None

def _for_model_time(field):
    # SQLITE supports TZ-aware datetimes, but not TZ-aware times.
    if getattr(django.conf.settings, "USE_TZ", False) and not using_sqlite():
        return st.times(timezones=timezones())
    return st.times()

def _for_form_time(field):
    if getattr(django.conf.settings, "USE_TZ", False):
        return st.times(timezones=timezones())
    return st.times()

def _for_duration(field):
    # SQLite stores timedeltas as six bytes of microseconds
    if using_sqlite():
        delta = timedelta(microseconds=2**47 - 1)
        return st.timedeltas(-delta, delta)
    return st.timedeltas()

def _for_slug(field):
    min_size = 1
    if getattr(field, "blank", False) or not getattr(field, "required", True):
        min_size = 0
    return st.text(
        alphabet=string.ascii_letters + string.digits,

def _for_model_ip(field):
    return {
        "ipv4": st.ip_addresses(v=4).map(str),
        "ipv6": _ipv6_strings,
        "both": st.ip_addresses(v=4).map(str) | _ipv6_strings,

def _for_form_ip(field):
    # the IP address form fields have no direct indication of which type
    #  of address they want, so direct comparison with the validator
    #  function has to be used instead. Sorry for the potato logic here
    if validate_ipv46_address in field.default_validators:
        return st.ip_addresses(v=4).map(str) | _ipv6_strings
    if validate_ipv4_address in field.default_validators:
        return st.ip_addresses(v=4).map(str)
    if validate_ipv6_address in field.default_validators:
        return _ipv6_strings
    raise ResolutionFailed(f"No IP version validator on field={field!r}")

def _for_decimal(field):
    min_value, max_value = numeric_bounds_from_validators(field)
    bound = Decimal(10**field.max_digits - 1) / (10**field.decimal_places)
    return st.decimals(
        min_value=max(min_value, -bound),
        max_value=min(max_value, bound),

def length_bounds_from_validators(field):
    min_size = 1
    max_size = field.max_length
    for v in field.validators:
        if isinstance(v, django.core.validators.MinLengthValidator):
            min_size = max(min_size, v.limit_value)
        elif isinstance(v, django.core.validators.MaxLengthValidator):
            max_size = min(max_size or v.limit_value, v.limit_value)
    return min_size, max_size

def _for_binary(field):
    min_size, max_size = length_bounds_from_validators(field)
    if getattr(field, "blank", False) or not getattr(field, "required", True):
        return st.just(b"") | st.binary(min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size)
    return st.binary(min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size)

def _for_text(field):
    # We can infer a vastly more precise strategy by considering the
    # validators as well as the field type.  This is a minimal proof of
    # concept, but we intend to leverage the idea much more heavily soon.
    # See
    regexes = [
        re.compile(v.regex, v.flags) if isinstance(v.regex, str) else v.regex
        for v in field.validators
        if isinstance(v, django.core.validators.RegexValidator) and not v.inverse_match
    if regexes:
        # This strategy generates according to one of the regexes, and
        # filters using the others.  It can therefore learn to generate
        # from the most restrictive and filter with permissive patterns.
        # Not maximally efficient, but it makes pathological cases rarer.
        # If you want a challenge: extend to
        # compute intersections of the full Python regex language.
        return st.one_of(*(st.from_regex(r) for r in regexes))
    # If there are no (usable) regexes, we use a standard text strategy.
    min_size, max_size = length_bounds_from_validators(field)
    strategy = st.text(
            blacklist_characters="\x00", blacklist_categories=("Cs",)
    ).filter(lambda s: min_size <= len(s.strip()))
    if getattr(field, "blank", False) or not getattr(field, "required", True):
        return st.just("") | strategy
    return strategy

def _for_form_boolean(field):
    if field.required:
        return st.just(True)
    return st.booleans()

[docs]def register_field_strategy( field_type: Type[AnyField], strategy: st.SearchStrategy ) -> None: """Add an entry to the global field-to-strategy lookup used by :func:`~hypothesis.extra.django.from_field`. ``field_type`` must be a subtype of :class:`django.db.models.Field` or :class:`django.forms.Field`, which must not already be registered. ``strategy`` must be a :class:`~hypothesis.strategies.SearchStrategy`. """ if not issubclass(field_type, (dm.Field, df.Field)): raise InvalidArgument(f"field_type={field_type!r} must be a subtype of Field") check_type(st.SearchStrategy, strategy, "strategy") if field_type in _global_field_lookup: raise InvalidArgument( f"field_type={field_type!r} already has a registered " f"strategy ({_global_field_lookup[field_type]!r})" ) if issubclass(field_type, dm.AutoField): raise InvalidArgument("Cannot register a strategy for an AutoField") _global_field_lookup[field_type] = strategy
[docs]def from_field(field: F) -> st.SearchStrategy[Union[F, None]]: """Return a strategy for values that fit the given field. This function is used by :func:`~hypothesis.extra.django.from_form` and :func:`~hypothesis.extra.django.from_model` for any fields that require a value, or for which you passed ``...`` (:obj:`python:Ellipsis`) to infer a strategy from an annotation. It's pretty similar to the core :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.from_type` function, with a subtle but important difference: ``from_field`` takes a Field *instance*, rather than a Field *subtype*, so that it has access to instance attributes such as string length and validators. """ check_type((dm.Field, df.Field), field, "field") if getattr(field, "choices", False): choices: list = [] for value, name_or_optgroup in field.choices: if isinstance(name_or_optgroup, (list, tuple)): choices.extend(key for key, _ in name_or_optgroup) else: choices.append(value) # form fields automatically include an empty choice, strip it out if "" in choices: choices.remove("") min_size = 1 if isinstance(field, (dm.CharField, dm.TextField)) and field.blank: choices.insert(0, "") elif isinstance(field, (df.Field)) and not field.required: choices.insert(0, "") min_size = 0 strategy = st.sampled_from(choices) if isinstance(field, (df.MultipleChoiceField, df.TypedMultipleChoiceField)): strategy = st.lists(st.sampled_from(choices), min_size=min_size) else: if type(field) not in _global_field_lookup: if getattr(field, "null", False): return st.none() raise ResolutionFailed(f"Could not infer a strategy for {field!r}") strategy = _global_field_lookup[type(field)] # type: ignore if not isinstance(strategy, st.SearchStrategy): strategy = strategy(field) assert isinstance(strategy, st.SearchStrategy) if field.validators: def validate(value): try: field.run_validators(value) return True except django.core.exceptions.ValidationError: return False strategy = strategy.filter(validate) if getattr(field, "null", False): return st.none() | strategy return strategy