# This file is part of Hypothesis, which may be found at
# https://github.com/HypothesisWorks/hypothesis/
# Copyright the Hypothesis Authors.
# Individual contributors are listed in AUTHORS.rst and the git log.
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
# v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can
# obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
import re
from typing import NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Union
from hypothesis import assume, strategies as st
from hypothesis.errors import InvalidArgument
from hypothesis.internal.conjecture import utils as cu
from hypothesis.internal.coverage import check_function
from hypothesis.internal.validation import check_type, check_valid_interval
from hypothesis.strategies._internal.utils import defines_strategy
from hypothesis.utils.conventions import UniqueIdentifier, not_set
__all__ = [
Shape = Tuple[int, ...]
# We silence flake8 here because it disagrees with mypy about `ellipsis` (`type(...)`)
BasicIndex = Tuple[Union[int, slice, None, "ellipsis"], ...] # noqa: F821
class BroadcastableShapes(NamedTuple):
input_shapes: Tuple[Shape, ...]
result_shape: Shape
def check_argument(condition, fail_message, *f_args, **f_kwargs):
if not condition:
raise InvalidArgument(fail_message.format(*f_args, **f_kwargs))
def order_check(name, floor, min_, max_):
if floor > min_:
raise InvalidArgument(f"min_{name} must be at least {floor} but was {min_}")
if min_ > max_:
raise InvalidArgument(f"min_{name}={min_} is larger than max_{name}={max_}")
# 32 is a dimension limit specific to NumPy, and does not necessarily apply to
# other array/tensor libraries. Historically these strategies were built for the
# NumPy extra, so it's nice to keep these limits, and it's seemingly unlikely
# someone would want to generate >32 dim arrays anyway.
# See https://github.com/HypothesisWorks/hypothesis/pull/3067.
def check_valid_dims(dims, name):
if dims > NDIM_MAX:
raise InvalidArgument(
f"{name}={dims}, but Hypothesis does not support arrays with "
f"more than {NDIM_MAX} dimensions"
def array_shapes(
min_dims: int = 1,
max_dims: Optional[int] = None,
min_side: int = 1,
max_side: Optional[int] = None,
) -> st.SearchStrategy[Shape]:
"""Return a strategy for array shapes (tuples of int >= 1).
* ``min_dims`` is the smallest length that the generated shape can possess.
* ``max_dims`` is the largest length that the generated shape can possess,
defaulting to ``min_dims + 2``.
* ``min_side`` is the smallest size that a dimension can possess.
* ``max_side`` is the largest size that a dimension can possess,
defaulting to ``min_side + 5``.
check_type(int, min_dims, "min_dims")
check_type(int, min_side, "min_side")
check_valid_dims(min_dims, "min_dims")
if max_dims is None:
max_dims = min(min_dims + 2, NDIM_MAX)
check_type(int, max_dims, "max_dims")
check_valid_dims(max_dims, "max_dims")
if max_side is None:
max_side = min_side + 5
check_type(int, max_side, "max_side")
order_check("dims", 0, min_dims, max_dims)
order_check("side", 0, min_side, max_side)
return st.lists(
st.integers(min_side, max_side), min_size=min_dims, max_size=max_dims
def valid_tuple_axes(
ndim: int,
min_size: int = 0,
max_size: Optional[int] = None,
) -> st.SearchStrategy[Tuple[int, ...]]:
"""All tuples will have a length >= ``min_size`` and <= ``max_size``. The default
value for ``max_size`` is ``ndim``.
Examples from this strategy shrink towards an empty tuple, which render most
sequential functions as no-ops.
The following are some examples drawn from this strategy.
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> [valid_tuple_axes(3).example() for i in range(4)]
[(-3, 1), (0, 1, -1), (0, 2), (0, -2, 2)]
``valid_tuple_axes`` can be joined with other strategies to generate
any type of valid axis object, i.e. integers, tuples, and ``None``:
.. code-block:: python
any_axis_strategy = none() | integers(-ndim, ndim - 1) | valid_tuple_axes(ndim)
check_type(int, ndim, "ndim")
check_type(int, min_size, "min_size")
if max_size is None:
max_size = ndim
check_type(int, max_size, "max_size")
order_check("size", 0, min_size, max_size)
check_valid_interval(max_size, ndim, "max_size", "ndim")
axes = st.integers(0, max(0, 2 * ndim - 1)).map(
lambda x: x if x < ndim else x - 2 * ndim
return st.lists(
axes, min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size, unique_by=lambda x: x % ndim
def broadcastable_shapes(
shape: Shape,
min_dims: int = 0,
max_dims: Optional[int] = None,
min_side: int = 1,
max_side: Optional[int] = None,
) -> st.SearchStrategy[Shape]:
"""Return a strategy for shapes that are broadcast-compatible with the
provided shape.
Examples from this strategy shrink towards a shape with length ``min_dims``.
The size of an aligned dimension shrinks towards size ``1``. The size of an
unaligned dimension shrink towards ``min_side``.
* ``shape`` is a tuple of integers.
* ``min_dims`` is the smallest length that the generated shape can possess.
* ``max_dims`` is the largest length that the generated shape can possess,
defaulting to ``max(len(shape), min_dims) + 2``.
* ``min_side`` is the smallest size that an unaligned dimension can possess.
* ``max_side`` is the largest size that an unaligned dimension can possess,
defaulting to 2 plus the size of the largest aligned dimension.
The following are some examples drawn from this strategy.
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> [broadcastable_shapes(shape=(2, 3)).example() for i in range(5)]
[(1, 3), (), (2, 3), (2, 1), (4, 1, 3), (3, )]
check_type(tuple, shape, "shape")
check_type(int, min_side, "min_side")
check_type(int, min_dims, "min_dims")
check_valid_dims(min_dims, "min_dims")
strict_check = max_side is None or max_dims is None
if max_dims is None:
max_dims = min(max(len(shape), min_dims) + 2, NDIM_MAX)
check_type(int, max_dims, "max_dims")
check_valid_dims(max_dims, "max_dims")
if max_side is None:
max_side = max(shape[-max_dims:] + (min_side,)) + 2
check_type(int, max_side, "max_side")
order_check("dims", 0, min_dims, max_dims)
order_check("side", 0, min_side, max_side)
if strict_check:
dims = max_dims
bound_name = "max_dims"
dims = min_dims
bound_name = "min_dims"
# check for unsatisfiable min_side
if not all(min_side <= s for s in shape[::-1][:dims] if s != 1):
raise InvalidArgument(
f"Given shape={shape}, there are no broadcast-compatible "
f"shapes that satisfy: {bound_name}={dims} and min_side={min_side}"
# check for unsatisfiable [min_side, max_side]
if not (
min_side <= 1 <= max_side or all(s <= max_side for s in shape[::-1][:dims])
raise InvalidArgument(
f"Given base_shape={shape}, there are no broadcast-compatible "
f"shapes that satisfy all of {bound_name}={dims}, "
f"min_side={min_side}, and max_side={max_side}"
if not strict_check:
# reduce max_dims to exclude unsatisfiable dimensions
for n, s in zip(range(max_dims), shape[::-1]):
if s < min_side and s != 1:
max_dims = n
elif not (min_side <= 1 <= max_side or s <= max_side):
max_dims = n
return MutuallyBroadcastableShapesStrategy(
).map(lambda x: x.input_shapes[0])
# See https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/c-api/generalized-ufuncs.html
# Implementation based on numpy.lib.function_base._parse_gufunc_signature
# with minor upgrades to handle numeric and optional dimensions. Examples:
# add (),()->() binary ufunc
# sum1d (i)->() reduction
# inner1d (i),(i)->() vector-vector multiplication
# matmat (m,n),(n,p)->(m,p) matrix multiplication
# vecmat (n),(n,p)->(p) vector-matrix multiplication
# matvec (m,n),(n)->(m) matrix-vector multiplication
# matmul (m?,n),(n,p?)->(m?,p?) combination of the four above
# cross1d (3),(3)->(3) cross product with frozen dimensions
# Note that while no examples of such usage are given, Numpy does allow
# generalised ufuncs that have *multiple output arrays*. This is not
# currently supported by Hypothesis - please contact us if you would use it!
# We are unsure if gufuncs allow frozen dimensions to be optional, but it's
# easy enough to support here - and so we will unless we learn otherwise.
_DIMENSION = r"\w+\??" # Note that \w permits digits too!
_SHAPE = r"\((?:{0}(?:,{0})".format(_DIMENSION) + r"{0,31})?\)"
_ARGUMENT_LIST = "{0}(?:,{0})*".format(_SHAPE)
class _GUfuncSig(NamedTuple):
input_shapes: Tuple[Shape, ...]
result_shape: Shape
def _hypothesis_parse_gufunc_signature(signature, all_checks=True):
# Disable all_checks to better match the Numpy version, for testing
if not re.match(_SIGNATURE, signature):
if re.match(_SIGNATURE_MULTIPLE_OUTPUT, signature):
raise InvalidArgument(
"Hypothesis does not yet support generalised ufunc signatures "
"with multiple output arrays - mostly because we don't know of "
"anyone who uses them! Please get in touch with us to fix that."
f"\n (signature={signature!r})"
if re.match(
# Taken from np.lib.function_base._SIGNATURE
raise InvalidArgument(
f"signature={signature!r} matches Numpy's regex for gufunc signatures, "
f"but contains shapes with more than {NDIM_MAX} dimensions and is thus invalid."
raise InvalidArgument(f"{signature!r} is not a valid gufunc signature")
input_shapes, output_shapes = (
tuple(tuple(re.findall(_DIMENSION, a)) for a in re.findall(_SHAPE, arg_list))
for arg_list in signature.split("->")
assert len(output_shapes) == 1
result_shape = output_shapes[0]
if all_checks:
# Check that there are no names in output shape that do not appear in inputs.
# (kept out of parser function for easier generation of test values)
# We also disallow frozen optional dimensions - this is ambiguous as there is
# no way to share an un-named dimension between shapes. Maybe just padding?
# Anyway, we disallow it pending clarification from upstream.
frozen_optional_err = (
"Got dimension %r, but handling of frozen optional dimensions "
"is ambiguous. If you known how this should work, please "
"contact us to get this fixed and documented (signature=%r)."
only_out_err = (
"The %r dimension only appears in the output shape, and is "
"not frozen, so the size is not determined (signature=%r)."
names_in = {n.strip("?") for shp in input_shapes for n in shp}
names_out = {n.strip("?") for n in result_shape}
for shape in input_shapes + (result_shape,):
for name in shape:
if "?" in name:
raise InvalidArgument(frozen_optional_err % (name, signature))
except ValueError:
if name.strip("?") in (names_out - names_in):
raise InvalidArgument(
only_out_err % (name, signature)
) from None
return _GUfuncSig(input_shapes=input_shapes, result_shape=result_shape)
def mutually_broadcastable_shapes(
num_shapes: Union[UniqueIdentifier, int] = not_set,
signature: Union[UniqueIdentifier, str] = not_set,
base_shape: Shape = (),
min_dims: int = 0,
max_dims: Optional[int] = None,
min_side: int = 1,
max_side: Optional[int] = None,
) -> st.SearchStrategy[BroadcastableShapes]:
"""Return a strategy for a specified number of shapes N that are
mutually-broadcastable with one another and with the provided base shape.
* ``num_shapes`` is the number of mutually broadcast-compatible shapes to generate.
* ``base_shape`` is the shape against which all generated shapes can broadcast.
The default shape is empty, which corresponds to a scalar and thus does
not constrain broadcasting at all.
* ``min_dims`` is the smallest length that the generated shape can possess.
* ``max_dims`` is the largest length that the generated shape can possess,
defaulting to ``max(len(shape), min_dims) + 2``.
* ``min_side`` is the smallest size that an unaligned dimension can possess.
* ``max_side`` is the largest size that an unaligned dimension can possess,
defaulting to 2 plus the size of the largest aligned dimension.
The strategy will generate a :obj:`python:typing.NamedTuple` containing:
* ``input_shapes`` as a tuple of the N generated shapes.
* ``result_shape`` as the resulting shape produced by broadcasting the N shapes
with the base shape.
The following are some examples drawn from this strategy.
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> # Draw three shapes where each shape is broadcast-compatible with (2, 3)
... strat = mutually_broadcastable_shapes(num_shapes=3, base_shape=(2, 3))
>>> for _ in range(5):
... print(strat.example())
BroadcastableShapes(input_shapes=((4, 1, 3), (4, 2, 3), ()), result_shape=(4, 2, 3))
BroadcastableShapes(input_shapes=((3,), (1, 3), (2, 3)), result_shape=(2, 3))
BroadcastableShapes(input_shapes=((), (), ()), result_shape=())
BroadcastableShapes(input_shapes=((3,), (), (3,)), result_shape=(3,))
BroadcastableShapes(input_shapes=((1, 2, 3), (3,), ()), result_shape=(1, 2, 3))
arg_msg = "Pass either the `num_shapes` or the `signature` argument, but not both."
if num_shapes is not not_set:
check_argument(signature is not_set, arg_msg)
check_type(int, num_shapes, "num_shapes")
assert isinstance(num_shapes, int) # for mypy
parsed_signature = None
sig_dims = 0
check_argument(signature is not not_set, arg_msg)
if signature is None:
raise InvalidArgument(
"Expected a string, but got invalid signature=None. "
"(maybe .signature attribute of an element-wise ufunc?)"
check_type(str, signature, "signature")
parsed_signature = _hypothesis_parse_gufunc_signature(signature)
all_shapes = parsed_signature.input_shapes + (parsed_signature.result_shape,)
sig_dims = min(len(s) for s in all_shapes)
num_shapes = len(parsed_signature.input_shapes)
if num_shapes < 1:
raise InvalidArgument(f"num_shapes={num_shapes} must be at least 1")
check_type(tuple, base_shape, "base_shape")
check_type(int, min_side, "min_side")
check_type(int, min_dims, "min_dims")
check_valid_dims(min_dims, "min_dims")
strict_check = max_dims is not None
if max_dims is None:
max_dims = min(max(len(base_shape), min_dims) + 2, NDIM_MAX - sig_dims)
check_type(int, max_dims, "max_dims")
check_valid_dims(max_dims, "max_dims")
if max_side is None:
max_side = max(base_shape[-max_dims:] + (min_side,)) + 2
check_type(int, max_side, "max_side")
order_check("dims", 0, min_dims, max_dims)
order_check("side", 0, min_side, max_side)
if signature is not None and max_dims > NDIM_MAX - sig_dims:
raise InvalidArgument(
f"max_dims={signature!r} would exceed the {NDIM_MAX}-dimension"
"limit Hypothesis imposes on array shapes, "
f"given signature={parsed_signature!r}"
if strict_check:
dims = max_dims
bound_name = "max_dims"
dims = min_dims
bound_name = "min_dims"
# check for unsatisfiable min_side
if not all(min_side <= s for s in base_shape[::-1][:dims] if s != 1):
raise InvalidArgument(
f"Given base_shape={base_shape}, there are no broadcast-compatible "
f"shapes that satisfy: {bound_name}={dims} and min_side={min_side}"
# check for unsatisfiable [min_side, max_side]
if not (
min_side <= 1 <= max_side or all(s <= max_side for s in base_shape[::-1][:dims])
raise InvalidArgument(
f"Given base_shape={base_shape}, there are no broadcast-compatible "
f"shapes that satisfy all of {bound_name}={dims}, "
f"min_side={min_side}, and max_side={max_side}"
if not strict_check:
# reduce max_dims to exclude unsatisfiable dimensions
for n, s in zip(range(max_dims), base_shape[::-1]):
if s < min_side and s != 1:
max_dims = n
elif not (min_side <= 1 <= max_side or s <= max_side):
max_dims = n
return MutuallyBroadcastableShapesStrategy(
class MutuallyBroadcastableShapesStrategy(st.SearchStrategy):
def __init__(
self.base_shape = base_shape
self.side_strat = st.integers(min_side, max_side)
self.num_shapes = num_shapes
self.signature = signature
self.min_dims = min_dims
self.max_dims = max_dims
self.min_side = min_side
self.max_side = max_side
self.size_one_allowed = self.min_side <= 1 <= self.max_side
def do_draw(self, data):
# We don't usually have a gufunc signature; do the common case first & fast.
if self.signature is None:
return self._draw_loop_dimensions(data)
# When we *do*, draw the core dims, then draw loop dims, and finally combine.
core_in, core_res = self._draw_core_dimensions(data)
# If some core shape has omitted optional dimensions, it's an error to add
# loop dimensions to it. We never omit core dims if min_dims >= 1.
# This ensures that we respect Numpy's gufunc broadcasting semantics and user
# constraints without needing to check whether the loop dims will be
# interpreted as an invalid substitute for the omitted core dims.
# We may implement this check later!
use = [None not in shp for shp in core_in]
loop_in, loop_res = self._draw_loop_dimensions(data, use=use)
def add_shape(loop, core):
return tuple(x for x in (loop + core)[-NDIM_MAX:] if x is not None)
return BroadcastableShapes(
input_shapes=tuple(add_shape(l_in, c) for l_in, c in zip(loop_in, core_in)),
result_shape=add_shape(loop_res, core_res),
def _draw_core_dimensions(self, data):
# Draw gufunc core dimensions, with None standing for optional dimensions
# that will not be present in the final shape. We track omitted dims so
# that we can do an accurate per-shape length cap.
dims = {}
shapes = []
for shape in self.signature.input_shapes + (self.signature.result_shape,):
for name in shape:
if name.isdigit():
if name not in dims:
dim = name.strip("?")
dims[dim] = data.draw(self.side_strat)
if self.min_dims == 0 and not data.draw_bits(3):
dims[dim + "?"] = None
dims[dim + "?"] = dims[dim]
return tuple(tuple(s) for s in shapes[:-1]), tuple(shapes[-1])
def _draw_loop_dimensions(self, data, use=None):
# All shapes are handled in column-major order; i.e. they are reversed
base_shape = self.base_shape[::-1]
result_shape = list(base_shape)
shapes = [[] for _ in range(self.num_shapes)]
if use is None:
use = [True for _ in range(self.num_shapes)]
assert len(use) == self.num_shapes
assert all(isinstance(x, bool) for x in use)
for dim_count in range(1, self.max_dims + 1):
dim = dim_count - 1
# We begin by drawing a valid dimension-size for the given
# dimension. This restricts the variability across the shapes
# at this dimension such that they can only choose between
# this size and a singleton dimension.
if len(base_shape) < dim_count or base_shape[dim] == 1:
# dim is unrestricted by the base-shape: shrink to min_side
dim_side = data.draw(self.side_strat)
elif base_shape[dim] <= self.max_side:
# dim is aligned with non-singleton base-dim
dim_side = base_shape[dim]
# only a singleton is valid in alignment with the base-dim
dim_side = 1
allowed_sides = sorted([1, dim_side]) # shrink to 0 when available
for shape_id, shape in enumerate(shapes):
# Populating this dimension-size for each shape, either
# the drawn size is used or, if permitted, a singleton
# dimension.
if dim <= len(result_shape) and self.size_one_allowed:
# aligned: shrink towards size 1
side = data.draw(st.sampled_from(allowed_sides))
side = dim_side
# Use a trick where where a biased coin is queried to see
# if the given shape-tuple will continue to be grown. All
# of the relevant draws will still be made for the given
# shape-tuple even if it is no longer being added to.
# This helps to ensure more stable shrinking behavior.
if self.min_dims < dim_count:
use[shape_id] &= cu.biased_coin(
data, 1 - 1 / (1 + self.max_dims - dim)
if use[shape_id]:
if len(result_shape) < len(shape):
elif shape[-1] != 1 and result_shape[dim] == 1:
result_shape[dim] = shape[-1]
if not any(use):
result_shape = result_shape[: max(map(len, [self.base_shape] + shapes))]
assert len(shapes) == self.num_shapes
assert all(self.min_dims <= len(s) <= self.max_dims for s in shapes)
assert all(self.min_side <= s <= self.max_side for side in shapes for s in side)
return BroadcastableShapes(
input_shapes=tuple(tuple(reversed(shape)) for shape in shapes),
class BasicIndexStrategy(st.SearchStrategy):
def __init__(
self.shape = shape
self.min_dims = min_dims
self.max_dims = max_dims
self.allow_ellipsis = allow_ellipsis
self.allow_newaxis = allow_newaxis
# allow_fewer_indices_than_dims=False will disable generating indices
# that don't cover all axes, i.e. indices that will flat index arrays.
# This is necessary for the Array API as such indices are not supported.
self.allow_fewer_indices_than_dims = allow_fewer_indices_than_dims
def do_draw(self, data):
# General plan: determine the actual selection up front with a straightforward
# approach that shrinks well, then complicate it by inserting other things.
result = []
for dim_size in self.shape:
if dim_size == 0:
strategy = st.integers(-dim_size, dim_size - 1) | st.slices(dim_size)
# Insert some number of new size-one dimensions if allowed
result_dims = sum(isinstance(idx, slice) for idx in result)
while (
and result_dims < self.max_dims
and (result_dims < self.min_dims or data.draw(st.booleans()))
i = data.draw(st.integers(0, len(result)))
result.insert(i, None) # Note that `np.newaxis is None`
result_dims += 1
# Check that we'll have the right number of dimensions; reject if not.
# It's easy to do this by construction if you don't care about shrinking,
# which is really important for array shapes. So we filter instead.
assume(self.min_dims <= result_dims <= self.max_dims)
# This is a quick-and-dirty way to insert ..., xor shorten the indexer,
# but it means we don't have to do any structural analysis.
if self.allow_ellipsis and data.draw(st.booleans()):
# Choose an index; then replace all adjacent whole-dimension slices.
i = j = data.draw(st.integers(0, len(result)))
while i > 0 and result[i - 1] == slice(None):
i -= 1
while j < len(result) and result[j] == slice(None):
j += 1
result[i:j] = [Ellipsis]
elif self.allow_fewer_indices_than_dims: # pragma: no cover
while result[-1:] == [slice(None, None)] and data.draw(st.integers(0, 7)):
if len(result) == 1 and data.draw(st.booleans()):
# Sometimes generate bare element equivalent to a length-one tuple
return result[0]
return tuple(result)