What's new in h5py 2.9 ====================== New features ------------ * A convenient high-level API for creating virtual datasets, HDF5 objects which act as a view over one or more real datasets (:issue:`1060`, :issue:`1126`). See :ref:`vds` for details. * :class:`File` can now be constructed with a Python file-like object, making it easy to create an HDF5 file in memory using :class:`io.BytesIO` (:issue:`1061`, :issue:`1105`, :issue:`1116`). See :ref:`file_fileobj` for details. * :class:`File` now accepts parameters to control the chunk cache (:issue:`1008`). See :ref:`file_cache` for details. * New options to record the order of insertion for attributes and group entries. Iterating over these collections now follows insertion order if it was recorded, or name order if not (:issue:`1098`). * A new method :meth:`Group.create_dataset_like` to create a new dataset with similar properties to an existing one (:issue:`1085`). * Datasets can now be created with storage backed by external non-HDF5 files (:issue:`1000`). * Lists or tuples of unicode strings can now be stored as HDF5 attributes (:issue:`1032`). * Inspecting the view returned by ``.keys()`` now shows the key names, for convenient interactive use (:issue:`1049`). Exposing HDF5 functions ----------------------- * ``H5LTopen_file_image`` as :func:`h5py.h5f.open_file_image` (:issue:`1075`). * External dataset storage functions ``H5Pset_external``, ``H5Pget_external`` and ``H5Pget_external_count`` as methods on :class:`h5py.h5p.PropDCID` (:issue:`1000`). Bugfixes -------- * Fix reading/writing of float128 data (:issue:`1114`). * Converting data to float16 when creating a dataset (:issue:`1115`). Support for old Python ---------------------- Support for Python 3.3 has been dropped. Support for Python 2.6 has been dropped.