""" Author: Daniel Berke, berke.daniel@gmail.com Date: October 27, 2019 Requirements: h5py>=2.10.0, unyt>=v2.4.0 Notes: This short example script shows how to save unit information attached to a `unyt_array` using `attrs` in HDF5, and recover it upon reading the file. It uses the Unyt package (https://github.com/yt-project/unyt) because that's what I'm familiar with, but presumably similar options exist for Pint and astropy.units. """ import h5py import tempfile import unyt as u # Set up a temporary file for this example. tf = tempfile.TemporaryFile() f = h5py.File(tf, 'a') # Create some mock data with moderately complicated units (this is the # dimensional representation of Joules of energy). test_data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] * u.kg * ( u.m / u.s ) ** 2 print(test_data.units) # kg*m**2/s**2 # Create a data set to hold the numerical information: f.create_dataset('stored data', data=test_data) # Save the units information as a string in `attrs`. f['stored data'].attrs['units'] = str(test_data.units) # Now recover the data, using the saved units information to reconstruct the # original quantities. reconstituted_data = u.unyt_array(f['stored data'], units=f['stored data'].attrs['units']) print(reconstituted_data.units) # kg*m**2/s**2 assert reconstituted_data.units == test_data.units