Source code for guidata.dataset.dataitems

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2009-2010 CEA
# Pierre Raybaut
# Licensed under the terms of the CECILL License
# (see guidata/ for details)


The ``guidata.dataset.dataitems`` module contains implementation for
concrete DataItems.

import os
import re
import datetime

from guidata.dataset.datatypes import DataItem, ItemProperty
from guidata.utils import utf8_to_unicode, add_extension
from guidata.config import _

[docs]class NumericTypeItem(DataItem): """ Numeric data item """ type = None def __init__( self, label, default=None, min=None, max=None, nonzero=None, unit="", help="", check=True, ): DataItem.__init__(self, label, default=default, help=help) self.set_prop("data", min=min, max=max, nonzero=nonzero, check_value=check) self.set_prop("display", unit=unit)
[docs] def get_auto_help(self, instance): """Override DataItem method""" auto_help = {int: _("integer"), float: _("float")}[self.type] _min = self.get_prop_value("data", instance, "min") _max = self.get_prop_value("data", instance, "max") nonzero = self.get_prop_value("data", instance, "nonzero") unit = self.get_prop_value("display", instance, "unit") if _min is not None and _max is not None: auto_help += _(" between ") + str(_min) + _(" and ") + str(_max) elif _min is not None: auto_help += _(" higher than ") + str(_min) elif _max is not None: auto_help += _(" lower than ") + str(_max) if nonzero: auto_help += ", " + _("non zero") if unit: auto_help += ", %s %s" % (_("unit:"), unit) return auto_help
[docs] def format_string(self, instance, value, fmt, func): """Override DataItem method""" text = fmt % (func(value),) # We add directly the unit to 'text' (instead of adding it # to 'fmt') to avoid string formatting error if '%' is in unit unit = self.get_prop_value("display", instance, "unit", "") if unit: text += " " + unit return text
[docs] def check_value(self, value): """Override DataItem method""" if not self.get_prop("data", "check_value", True): return True if not isinstance(value, self.type): return False if self.get_prop("data", "nonzero") and value == 0: return False _min = self.get_prop("data", "min") if _min is not None: if value < _min: return False _max = self.get_prop("data", "max") if _max is not None: if value > _max: return False return True
[docs] def from_string(self, value): """Override DataItem method""" # String may contains numerical operands: if re.match(r"^([\d\(\)\+/\-\*.]|e)+$", value): try: return self.type(eval(value)) except: pass return None
[docs]class FloatItem(NumericTypeItem): """ Construct a float data item * label [string]: name * default [float]: default value (optional) * min [float]: minimum value (optional) * max [float]: maximum value (optional) * slider [bool]: if True, shows a slider widget right after the line edit widget (default is False) * step [float]: step between tick values with a slider widget (optional) * nonzero [bool]: if True, zero is not a valid value (optional) * unit [string]: physical unit (optional) * help [string]: text shown in tooltip (optional) * check [bool]: if False, value is not checked (optional, default=True) """ type = float def __init__( self, label, default=None, min=None, max=None, nonzero=None, unit="", step=0.1, slider=False, help="", check=True, ): super(FloatItem, self).__init__( label, default=default, min=min, max=max, nonzero=nonzero, unit=unit, help=help, check=check, ) self.set_prop("display", slider=slider) self.set_prop("data", step=step)
[docs] def get_value_from_reader(self, reader): """Reads value from the reader object, inside the try...except statement defined in the base item `deserialize` method""" return reader.read_float()
[docs]class IntItem(NumericTypeItem): """ Construct an integer data item * label [string]: name * default [int]: default value (optional) * min [int]: minimum value (optional) * max [int]: maximum value (optional) * nonzero [bool]: if True, zero is not a valid value (optional) * unit [string]: physical unit (optional) * even [bool]: if True, even values are valid, if False, odd values are valid if None (default), ignored (optional) * slider [bool]: if True, shows a slider widget right after the line edit widget (default is False) * help [string]: text shown in tooltip (optional) * check [bool]: if False, value is not checked (optional, default=True) """ type = int def __init__( self, label, default=None, min=None, max=None, nonzero=None, unit="", even=None, slider=False, help="", check=True, ): super(IntItem, self).__init__( label, default=default, min=min, max=max, nonzero=nonzero, unit=unit, help=help, check=check, ) self.set_prop("data", even=even) self.set_prop("display", slider=slider)
[docs] def get_auto_help(self, instance): """Override DataItem method""" auto_help = super(IntItem, self).get_auto_help(instance) even = self.get_prop_value("data", instance, "even") if even is not None: if even: auto_help += ", " + _("even") else: auto_help += ", " + _("odd") return auto_help
[docs] def check_value(self, value): """Override DataItem method""" if not self.get_prop("data", "check_value", True): return True valid = super(IntItem, self).check_value(value) if not valid: return False even = self.get_prop("data", "even") if even is not None: is_even = value // 2 == value / 2.0 if (even and not is_even) or (not even and is_even): return False return True
[docs] def get_value_from_reader(self, reader): """Reads value from the reader object, inside the try...except statement defined in the base item `deserialize` method""" return reader.read_int()
[docs]class StringItem(DataItem): """ Construct a string data item * label [string]: name * default [string]: default value (optional) * help [string]: text shown in tooltip (optional) * notempty [bool]: if True, empty string is not a valid value (opt.) * wordwrap [bool]: toggle word wrapping (optional) """ type = (str,) def __init__(self, label, default=None, notempty=None, wordwrap=False, help=""): DataItem.__init__(self, label, default=default, help=help) self.set_prop("data", notempty=notempty) self.set_prop("display", wordwrap=wordwrap)
[docs] def check_value(self, value): """Override DataItem method""" notempty = self.get_prop("data", "notempty") if notempty and not value: return False return True
[docs] def from_string(self, value): """Override DataItem method""" return value
[docs] def get_value_from_reader(self, reader): """Reads value from the reader object, inside the try...except statement defined in the base item `deserialize` method""" return reader.read_unicode()
[docs]class TextItem(StringItem): """ Construct a text data item (multiline string) * label [string]: name * default [string]: default value (optional) * help [string]: text shown in tooltip (optional) * notempty [bool]: if True, empty string is not a valid value (opt.) * wordwrap [bool]: toggle word wrapping (optional) """ def __init__(self, label, default=None, notempty=None, wordwrap=True, help=""): StringItem.__init__( self, label, default=default, notempty=notempty, wordwrap=wordwrap, help=help, )
[docs]class BoolItem(DataItem): """ Construct a boolean data item * text [string]: form's field name (optional) * label [string]: name * default [string]: default value (optional) * help [string]: text shown in tooltip (optional) * check [bool]: if False, value is not checked (optional, default=True) """ type = bool def __init__(self, text="", label="", default=None, help="", check=True): DataItem.__init__(self, label, default=default, help=help, check=check) self.set_prop("display", text=text)
[docs] def get_value_from_reader(self, reader): """Reads value from the reader object, inside the try...except statement defined in the base item `deserialize` method""" return reader.read_bool()
[docs]class DateItem(DataItem): """ Construct a date data item. * text [string]: form's field name (optional) * label [string]: name * default []: default value (optional) * help [string]: text shown in tooltip (optional) """ type =
[docs]class DateTimeItem(DateItem): pass
[docs]class ColorItem(StringItem): """ Construct a color data item * label [string]: name * default [string]: default value (optional) * help [string]: text shown in tooltip (optional) * check [bool]: if False, value is not checked (optional, default=True) Color values are encoded as hexadecimal strings or Qt color names """
[docs] def check_value(self, value): """Override DataItem method""" if not self.get_prop("data", "check_value", True): return True if not isinstance(value, self.type): return False from guidata.qthelpers import text_to_qcolor return text_to_qcolor(value).isValid()
[docs] def get_value_from_reader(self, reader): """Reads value from the reader object, inside the try...except statement defined in the base item `deserialize` method""" # Using read_str converts `numpy.string_` to `str` -- otherwise, # when passing the string to a QColor Qt object, any numpy.string_ will # be interpreted as no color (black) return reader.read_str()
[docs]class FileSaveItem(StringItem): """ Construct a path data item for a file to be saved * label [string]: name * formats [string (or string list)]: wildcard filter * default [string]: default value (optional) * basedir [string]: default base directory (optional) * help [string]: text shown in tooltip (optional) * check [bool]: if False, value is not checked (optional, default=True) """ def __init__( self, label, formats="*", default=None, basedir=None, all_files_first=False, help="", check=True, ): DataItem.__init__(self, label, default=default, help=help, check=check) if isinstance(formats, str): formats = [formats] self.set_prop("data", formats=formats) self.set_prop("data", basedir=basedir) self.set_prop("data", all_files_first=all_files_first)
[docs] def get_auto_help(self, instance): """Override DataItem method""" formats = self.get_prop("data", "formats") return ( _("all file types") if formats == ["*"] else _("supported file types:") + " *.%s" % ", *.".join(formats) )
[docs] def check_value(self, value): """Override DataItem method""" if not self.get_prop("data", "check_value", True): return True if not isinstance(value, self.type): return False return len(value) > 0
[docs] def from_string(self, value): """Override DataItem method""" return add_extension(self, value)
[docs]class FileOpenItem(FileSaveItem): """ Construct a path data item for a file to be opened * label [string]: name * formats [string (or string list)]: wildcard filter * default [string]: default value (optional) * basedir [string]: default base directory (optional) * help [string]: text shown in tooltip (optional) * check [bool]: if False, value is not checked (optional, default=True) """
[docs] def check_value(self, value): """Override DataItem method""" if not self.get_prop("data", "check_value", True): return True if not isinstance(value, self.type): return False return os.path.exists(value) and os.path.isfile(value)
[docs]class FilesOpenItem(FileSaveItem): """ Construct a path data item for multiple files to be opened. * label [string]: name * formats [string (or string list)]: wildcard filter * default [string]: default value (optional) * basedir [string]: default base directory (optional) * help [string]: text shown in tooltip (optional) * check [bool]: if False, value is not checked (optional, default=True) """ type = list def __init__( self, label, formats="*", default=None, basedir=None, all_files_first=False, help="", check=True, ): if isinstance(default, str): default = [default] FileSaveItem.__init__( self, label, formats=formats, default=default, basedir=basedir, all_files_first=all_files_first, help=help, check=check, )
[docs] def check_value(self, value): """Override DataItem method""" if not self.get_prop("data", "check_value", True): return True if value is None: return False allexist = True for path in value: allexist = allexist and os.path.exists(path) and os.path.isfile(path) return allexist
[docs] def from_string(self, value): """Override DataItem method""" if value.endswith("']") or value.endswith('"]'): value = eval(value) else: value = [value] return [add_extension(self, path) for path in value]
[docs] def serialize(self, instance, writer): """Serialize this item""" value = self.get_value(instance) writer.write_sequence([fname.encode("utf-8") for fname in value])
[docs] def get_value_from_reader(self, reader): """Reads value from the reader object, inside the try...except statement defined in the base item `deserialize` method""" return [fname for fname in reader.read_sequence()]
[docs]class DirectoryItem(StringItem): """ Construct a path data item for a directory. * label [string]: name * default [string]: default value (optional) * help [string]: text shown in tooltip (optional) * check [bool]: if False, value is not checked (optional, default=True) """
[docs] def check_value(self, value): """Override DataItem method""" if not self.get_prop("data", "check_value", True): return True if not isinstance(value, self.type): return False return os.path.exists(value) and os.path.isdir(value)
class FirstChoice(object): pass
[docs]class ChoiceItem(DataItem): """ Construct a data item for a list of choices. * label [string]: name * choices [list, tuple or function]: string list or (key, label) list function of two arguments (item, value) returning a list of tuples (key, label, image) where image is an icon path, a QIcon instance or a function of one argument (key) returning a QIcon instance * default [-]: default label or default key (optional) * help [string]: text shown in tooltip (optional) * check [bool]: if False, value is not checked (optional, default=True) * radio [bool]: if True, shows radio buttons instead of a combo box (default is False) """ def __init__( self, label, choices, default=FirstChoice, help="", check=True, radio=False ): if isinstance(choices, _choices_data = ItemProperty(choices) else: _choices_data = [] for idx, choice in enumerate(choices): _choices_data.append(self._normalize_choice(idx, choice)) if default is FirstChoice and not isinstance(choices, default = _choices_data[0][0] elif default is FirstChoice: default = None DataItem.__init__(self, label, default=default, help=help, check=check) self.set_prop("data", choices=_choices_data) self.set_prop("display", radio=radio) def _normalize_choice(self, idx, choice_tuple): if isinstance(choice_tuple, tuple): key, value = choice_tuple else: key = idx value = choice_tuple if isinstance(value, str): value = utf8_to_unicode(value) return (key, value, None) # def _choices(self, item): # _choices_data = self.get_prop("data", "choices") # if callable(_choices_data): # return _choices_data(self, item) # return _choices_data
[docs] def get_string_value(self, instance): """Override DataItem method""" value = self.get_value(instance) choices = self.get_prop_value("data", instance, "choices") # print "ShowChoiceWidget:", choices, value for choice in choices: if choice[0] == value: return str(choice[1]) else: return DataItem.get_string_value(self, instance)
[docs]class MultipleChoiceItem(ChoiceItem): """ Construct a data item for a list of choices -- multiple choices can be selected * label [string]: name * choices [list or tuple]: string list or (key, label) list * default [-]: default label or default key (optional) * help [string]: text shown in tooltip (optional) * check [bool]: if False, value is not checked (optional, default=True) """ def __init__(self, label, choices, default=(), help="", check=True): ChoiceItem.__init__(self, label, choices, default, help, check=check) self.set_prop("display", shape=(1, -1))
[docs] def horizontal(self, row_nb=1): """ Method to arange choice list horizontally on `n` rows Example: nb = MultipleChoiceItem("Number", ['1', '2', '3'] ).horizontal(2) """ self.set_prop("display", shape=(row_nb, -1)) return self
[docs] def vertical(self, col_nb=1): """ Method to arange choice list vertically on `n` columns Example: nb = MultipleChoiceItem("Number", ['1', '2', '3'] ).vertical(2) """ self.set_prop("display", shape=(-1, col_nb)) return self
[docs] def serialize(self, instance, writer): """Serialize this item""" value = self.get_value(instance) seq = [] _choices = self.get_prop_value("data", instance, "choices") for key, _label, _img in _choices: seq.append(key in value) writer.write_sequence(seq)
[docs] def deserialize(self, instance, reader): """Deserialize this item""" flags = reader.read_sequence() # We could have trouble with objects providing their own choice # function which depend on not yet deserialized values _choices = self.get_prop_value("data", instance, "choices") value = [] for idx, flag in enumerate(flags): if flag: value.append(_choices[idx][0]) self.__set__(instance, value)
[docs]class ImageChoiceItem(ChoiceItem): """ Construct a data item for a list of choices with images * label [string]: name * choices [list, tuple or function]: (label, image) list or (key, label, image) list function of two arguments (item, value) returning a list of tuples (key, label, image) where image is an icon path, a QIcon instance or a function of one argument (key) returning a QIcon instance * default [-]: default label or default key (optional) * help [string]: text shown in tooltip (optional) * check [bool]: if False, value is not checked (optional, default=True) """ def _normalize_choice(self, idx, choice_tuple): assert isinstance(choice_tuple, tuple) if len(choice_tuple) == 3: key, value, img = choice_tuple else: key = idx value, img = choice_tuple if isinstance(value, str): value = utf8_to_unicode(value) return (key, value, img)
[docs]class FloatArrayItem(DataItem): """ Construct a float array data item * label [string]: name * default [numpy.ndarray]: default value (optional) * help [string]: text shown in tooltip (optional) * format [string]: formatting string (example: '%.3f') (optional) * transpose [bool]: transpose matrix (display only) * large [bool]: view all float of the array * minmax [string]: "all" (default), "columns", "rows" * check [bool]: if False, value is not checked (optional, default=True) """ def __init__( self, label, default=None, help="", format="%.3f", transpose=False, minmax="all", check=True, ): DataItem.__init__(self, label, default=default, help=help, check=check) self.set_prop("display", format=format, transpose=transpose, minmax=minmax)
[docs] def format_string(self, instance, value, fmt, func): """Override DataItem method""" larg = self.get_prop_value("display", instance, "large", False) fmt = self.get_prop_value("display", instance, "format", "%s") unit = self.get_prop_value("display", instance, "unit", "") v = func(value) if larg: text = "= [" for flt in v[:-1]: text += fmt % flt + "; " text += fmt % v[-1] + "]" else: text = "~= " + fmt % v.mean() text += " [" + fmt % v.min() text += " .. " + fmt % v.max() text += "]" text += " %s" % unit return str(text)
[docs] def serialize(self, instance, writer): """Serialize this item""" value = self.get_value(instance) writer.write_array(value)
[docs] def get_value_from_reader(self, reader): """Reads value from the reader object, inside the try...except statement defined in the base item `deserialize` method""" return reader.read_array()
[docs]class ButtonItem(DataItem): """ Construct a simple button that calls a method when hit * label [string]: text shown on the button * callback [function]: function with four parameters (dataset, item, value, parent) - dataset [DataSet]: instance of the parent dataset - item [DataItem]: instance of ButtonItem (i.e. self) - value [unspecified]: value of ButtonItem (default ButtonItem value or last value returned by the callback) - parent [QObject]: button's parent widget * icon [QIcon or string]: icon show on the button (optional) (string: icon filename as in guidata/guiqwt image search paths) * default [unspecified]: default value passed to the callback (optional) * help [string]: text shown in button's tooltip (optional) * check [bool]: if False, value is not checked (optional, default=True) The value of this item is unspecified but is passed to the callback along with the whole dataset. The value is assigned the callback`s return value. """ def __init__(self, label, callback, icon=None, default=None, help="", check=True): DataItem.__init__(self, label, default=default, help=help, check=check) self.set_prop("display", callback=callback) self.set_prop("display", icon=icon)
[docs] def serialize(self, instance, writer): pass
[docs] def deserialize(self, instance, reader): pass
[docs]class DictItem(ButtonItem): """ Construct a dictionary data item * label [string]: name * default [dict]: default value (optional) * help [string]: text shown in tooltip (optional) * check [bool]: if False, value is not checked (optional, default=True) """ def __init__(self, label, default=None, help="", check=True): def dictedit(instance, item, value, parent): from guidata.widgets.collectionseditor import CollectionsEditor editor = CollectionsEditor(parent) value_was_none = value is None if value_was_none: value = {} editor.setup(value) if editor.exec_(): return editor.get_value() else: if value_was_none: return return value ButtonItem.__init__( self, label, dictedit, icon="dictedit.png", default=default, help=help, check=check, )
[docs]class FontFamilyItem(StringItem): """ Construct a font family name item * label [string]: name * default [string]: default value (optional) * help [string]: text shown in tooltip (optional) """ pass