Source code for guidata.configtools

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2009-2010 CEA
# Pierre Raybaut
# Licensed under the terms of the CECILL License
# (see guidata/ for details)


The ``guidata.configtools`` module provides configuration related tools.

import gettext
import os
import os.path as osp
import sys

from guidata.utils import decode_fs_string, get_module_path


[docs]def get_module_data_path(modname, relpath=None): """Return module *modname* data path Handles py2exe/cx_Freeze distributions""" datapath = getattr(sys.modules[modname], "DATAPATH", "") if not datapath: datapath = get_module_path(modname) parentdir = osp.normpath(osp.join(datapath, osp.pardir)) if osp.isfile(parentdir): # Parent directory is not a directory but the '' file: # this is either a py2exe or a cx_Freeze distribution datapath = osp.abspath(osp.join(osp.join(parentdir, osp.pardir), modname)) if relpath is not None: datapath = osp.abspath(osp.join(datapath, relpath)) return datapath
[docs]def get_translation(modname, dirname=None): """Return translation callback for module *modname*""" if dirname is None: dirname = modname # fixup environment var LANG in case it's unknown if "LANG" not in os.environ: import locale # Warning: 2to3 false alarm ('import' fixer) lang = locale.getdefaultlocale()[0] if lang is not None: os.environ["LANG"] = lang try: modlocpath = get_module_locale_path(dirname) try: _trans = gettext.translation(modname, modlocpath, codeset="utf-8") except TypeError: # Python >= 3.11 (codeset argument has been removed) _trans = gettext.translation(modname, modlocpath) lgettext = _trans.gettext def translate_gettext(x): y = lgettext(x) if isinstance(y, str): return y else: return str(y, "utf-8") return translate_gettext except IOError as _e: # print "Not using translations (%s)" % _e def translate_dumb(x): if not isinstance(x, str): return str(x, "utf-8") return x return translate_dumb
[docs]def get_module_locale_path(modname): """Return module *modname* gettext translation path""" localepath = getattr(sys.modules[modname], "LOCALEPATH", "") if not localepath: localepath = get_module_data_path(modname, relpath="locale") return localepath
[docs]def add_image_path(path, subfolders=True): """Append image path (opt. with its subfolders) to global list IMG_PATH""" if not isinstance(path, str): path = decode_fs_string(path) global IMG_PATH IMG_PATH.append(path) if subfolders: for fileobj in os.listdir(path): pth = osp.join(path, fileobj) if osp.isdir(pth): IMG_PATH.append(pth)
[docs]def add_image_module_path(modname, relpath, subfolders=True): """ Appends image data path relative to a module name. Used to add module local data that resides in a module directory but will be shipped under sys.prefix / share/ ... modname must be the name of an already imported module as found in sys.modules """ add_image_path(get_module_data_path(modname, relpath=relpath), subfolders)
[docs]def get_image_file_path(name, default="not_found.png"): """ Return the absolute path to image with specified name name, default: filenames with extensions """ for pth in IMG_PATH: full_path = osp.join(pth, name) if osp.isfile(full_path): return osp.abspath(full_path) if default is not None: try: return get_image_file_path(default, None) except RuntimeError: raise RuntimeError("Image file %r not found" % name) else: raise RuntimeError()
[docs]def get_icon(name, default="not_found.png"): """ Construct a QIcon from the file with specified name name, default: filenames with extensions """ try: return ICON_CACHE[name] except KeyError: from qtpy import QtGui as QG icon = QG.QIcon(get_image_file_path(name, default)) ICON_CACHE[name] = icon return icon
[docs]def get_image_label(name, default="not_found.png"): """ Construct a QLabel from the file with specified name name, default: filenames with extensions """ from qtpy import QtGui as QG from qtpy import QtWidgets as QW label = QW.QLabel() pixmap = QG.QPixmap(get_image_file_path(name, default)) label.setPixmap(pixmap) return label
[docs]def get_image_layout(imagename, text="", tooltip="", alignment=None): """ Construct a QHBoxLayout including image from the file with specified name, left-aligned text [with specified tooltip] Return (layout, label) """ from qtpy import QtCore as QC from qtpy import QtWidgets as QW if alignment is None: alignment = QC.Qt.AlignLeft layout = QW.QHBoxLayout() if alignment in (QC.Qt.AlignCenter, QC.Qt.AlignRight): layout.addStretch() layout.addWidget(get_image_label(imagename)) label = QW.QLabel(text) label.setToolTip(tooltip) layout.addWidget(label) if alignment in (QC.Qt.AlignCenter, QC.Qt.AlignLeft): layout.addStretch() return (layout, label)
[docs]def font_is_installed(font): """Check if font is installed""" from qtpy import QtGui as QG return [fam for fam in QG.QFontDatabase().families() if str(fam) == font]
MONOSPACE = [ "Cascadia Code PL", "Cascadia Mono PL", "Cascadia Code", "Cascadia Mono", "Consolas", "Courier New", "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", "Andale Mono", "Liberation Mono", "Monaco", "Courier", "monospace", "Fixed", "Terminal", ]
[docs]def get_family(families): """Return the first installed font family in family list""" if not isinstance(families, list): families = [families] for family in families: if font_is_installed(family): return family else: print("Warning: None of the following fonts is installed: %r" % families) return ""
[docs]def get_font(conf, section, option=""): """ Construct a QFont from the specified configuration file entry conf: UserConfig instance section [, option]: configuration entry """ from qtpy import QtGui as QG if not option: option = "font" if "font" not in option: option += "/font" font = QG.QFont() if conf.has_option(section, option + "/family/nt"): families = conf.get(section, option + "/family/" + elif conf.has_option(section, option + "/family"): families = conf.get(section, option + "/family") else: families = None if families is not None: if not isinstance(families, list): families = [families] family = None for family in families: if font_is_installed(family): break font.setFamily(family) if conf.has_option(section, option + "/size"): font.setPointSize(conf.get(section, option + "/size")) if conf.get(section, option + "/bold", False): font.setWeight(QG.QFont.Bold) else: font.setWeight(QG.QFont.Normal) return font
[docs]def get_pen(conf, section, option="", color="black", width=1, style="SolidLine"): """ Construct a QPen from the specified configuration file entry conf: UserConfig instance section [, option]: configuration entry [color]: default color [width]: default width [style]: default style """ from qtpy import QtCore as QC from qtpy import QtGui as QG if "pen" not in option: option += "/pen" color = conf.get(section, option + "/color", color) color = QG.QColor(color) width = conf.get(section, option + "/width", width) style_name = conf.get(section, option + "/style", style) style = getattr(QC.Qt, style_name) return QG.QPen(color, width, style)
[docs]def get_brush(conf, section, option="", color="black", alpha=1.0): """ Construct a QBrush from the specified configuration file entry conf: UserConfig instance section [, option]: configuration entry [color]: default color [alpha]: default alpha-channel """ from qtpy import QtGui as QG if "brush" not in option: option += "/brush" color = conf.get(section, option + "/color", color) color = QG.QColor(color) alpha = conf.get(section, option + "/alphaF", alpha) color.setAlphaF(alpha) return QG.QBrush(color)