Executor that uses a green thread pool to execute calls asynchronously.
See: https://docs.python.org/dev/library/concurrent.futures.html and http://eventlet.net/doc/modules/greenpool.html for information on how this works.
It gathers statistics about the submissions executed for post-analysis…
Initializes a green thread pool executor.
max_workers (int) – maximum number of workers that can be simulatenously active at the same time, further submitted work will be queued up when this limit is reached.
check_and_reject (callback) – a callback function that will be provided
two position arguments, the first argument
will be this executor instance, and the second
will be the number of currently queued work
items in this executors backlog; the callback
should raise a RejectedSubmission
exception if it wants to have this submission
Accessor to determine if the executor is alive/active.
Clean-up the resources associated with the Executor.
It is safe to call this method several times. Otherwise, no other methods can be called after this one.
wait – If True then shutdown will not return until all running futures have finished executing and the resources used by the executor have been reclaimed.
cancel_futures – If True then shutdown will cancel all pending futures. Futures that are completed or running will not be cancelled.
about the executors executions.
Submit some work to be executed (and gather statistics).
args (list) – non-keyworded arguments
kwargs (dictionary) – key-value arguments
Executor that uses a process pool to execute calls asynchronously.
It gathers statistics about the submissions executed for post-analysis…
See: https://docs.python.org/dev/library/concurrent.futures.html
Initializes a new ProcessPoolExecutor instance.
max_workers – The maximum number of processes that can be used to execute the given calls. If None or not given then as many worker processes will be created as the machine has processors.
mp_context – A multiprocessing context to launch the workers. This object should provide SimpleQueue, Queue and Process.
initializer – A callable used to initialize worker processes.
initargs – A tuple of arguments to pass to the initializer.
Accessor to determine if the executor is alive/active.
about the executors executions.
Submit some work to be executed (and gather statistics).
Executor that uses the caller to execute calls synchronously.
This provides an interface to a caller that looks like an executor but will execute the calls inside the caller thread instead of executing it in a external process/thread for when this type of functionality is useful to provide…
It gathers statistics about the submissions executed for post-analysis…
Synchronous executor constructor.
green (bool) – when enabled this forces the usage of greened lock classes and green futures (so that the internals of this object operate correctly under eventlet)
run_work_func – callable that takes a single work item and runs it (typically in a blocking manner)
run_work_func – callable
Accessor to determine if the executor is alive/active.
Restarts this executor (iff previously shutoff/shutdown).
NOTE(harlowja): clears any previously gathered statistics.
Clean-up the resources associated with the Executor.
It is safe to call this method several times. Otherwise, no other methods can be called after this one.
wait – If True then shutdown will not return until all running futures have finished executing and the resources used by the executor have been reclaimed.
cancel_futures – If True then shutdown will cancel all pending futures. Futures that are completed or running will not be cancelled.
about the executors executions.
Submit some work to be executed (and gather statistics).
Executor that uses a thread pool to execute calls asynchronously.
It gathers statistics about the submissions executed for post-analysis…
See: https://docs.python.org/dev/library/concurrent.futures.html
Initializes a thread pool executor.
max_workers (int) – maximum number of workers that can be simultaneously active at the same time, further submitted work will be queued up when this limit is reached.
check_and_reject (callback) – a callback function that will be provided
two position arguments, the first argument
will be this executor instance, and the second
will be the number of currently queued work
items in this executors backlog; the callback
should raise a RejectedSubmission
exception if it wants to have this submission
Accessor to determine if the executor is alive/active.
Clean-up the resources associated with the Executor.
It is safe to call this method several times. Otherwise, no other methods can be called after this one.
wait – If True then shutdown will not return until all running futures have finished executing and the resources used by the executor have been reclaimed.
cancel_futures – If True then shutdown will cancel all pending futures. Futures that are completed or running will not be cancelled.
about the executors executions.
Submit some work to be executed (and gather statistics).
Represents the result of an asynchronous computation.
Attaches a callable that will be called when the future finishes.
fn – A callable that will be called with this future as its only argument when the future completes or is cancelled. The callable will always be called by a thread in the same process in which it was added. If the future has already completed or been cancelled then the callable will be called immediately. These callables are called in the order that they were added.
Cancel the future if possible.
Returns True if the future was cancelled, False otherwise. A future cannot be cancelled if it is running or has already completed.
Return True if the future was cancelled.
Return True if the future was cancelled or finished executing.
Return the exception raised by the call that the future represents.
timeout – The number of seconds to wait for the exception if the future isn’t done. If None, then there is no limit on the wait time.
The exception raised by the call that the future represents or None if the call completed without raising.
CancelledError – If the future was cancelled.
TimeoutError – If the future didn’t finish executing before the given timeout.
Return the result of the call that the future represents.
timeout – The number of seconds to wait for the result if the future isn’t done. If None, then there is no limit on the wait time.
The result of the call that the future represents.
CancelledError – If the future was cancelled.
TimeoutError – If the future didn’t finish executing before the given timeout.
Exception – If the call raised then that exception will be raised.
Return True if the future is currently executing.
Sets the result of the future as being the given exception.
Should only be used by Executor implementations and unit tests.
Sets the return value of work associated with the future.
Should only be used by Executor implementations and unit tests.
Mark the future as running or process any cancel notifications.
Should only be used by Executor implementations and unit tests.
If the future has been cancelled (cancel() was called and returned True) then any threads waiting on the future completing (though calls to as_completed() or wait()) are notified and False is returned.
If the future was not cancelled then it is put in the running state (future calls to running() will return True) and True is returned.
This method should be called by Executor implementations before executing the work associated with this future. If this method returns False then the work should not be executed.
False if the Future was cancelled, True otherwise.
RuntimeError – if this method was already called or if set_result() or set_exception() was called.
Represents the result of an asynchronous computation.
Calls a collection of callables periodically (sleeping as needed…).
NOTE(harlowja): typically the start()
method is executed in a
background thread so that the periodic callables are executed in
the background/asynchronously (using the defined periods to determine
when each is called).
Built in scheduling strategies (used to determine when next to run a periodic callable).
The first element is the strategy to use after the initial start and the second element is the strategy to use for the initial start.
These are made somewhat pluggable so that we can easily add-on different types later (perhaps one that uses a cron-style syntax for example).
Default jitter percentage the built-in strategies (that have jitter support) will use.
Max amount of time to wait when running (forces a wakeup when elapsed).
Creates a new worker using the given periodic callables.
callables (iterable) – a iterable of tuple objects previously decorated
with the periodic()
decorator, each item
in the iterable is expected to be in the format
of (cb, args, kwargs)
where cb
is the
decorated function and args
and kwargs
any positional and keyword arguments to send into
the callback when it is activated (both args
and kwargs
may be provided as none to avoid
using them)
log (logger) – logger to use when creating a new worker (defaults to the module logger if none provided), it is currently only used to report callback failures (if they occur)
executor_factory (ExecutorFactory or any callable) – factory callable that can be used to generate
executor objects that will be used to
run the periodic callables (if none is
provided one will be created that uses
the SynchronousExecutor
cond_cls (callable) – callable object that can
produce threading.Condition
(or compatible/equivalent) objects
event_cls (callable) – callable object that can produce threading.Event
(or compatible/equivalent) objects
schedule_strategy (string) – string to select one of the built-in strategies that can return the next time a callable should run
now_func (callable) – callable that can return the current time offset from some point (used in calculating elapsed times and next times to run); preferably this is monotonically increasing
on_failure (callable) – callable that will be called whenever a periodic
function fails with an error, it will be provided
four positional arguments and one keyword
argument, the first positional argument being the
callable that failed, the second being the type
of activity under which it failed (IMMEDIATE
), the third being the spacing that the
callable runs at and the fourth exc_info
of the failure. The keyword argument traceback
will also be provided that may be be a string
that caused the failure (this is required for
executors which run out of process, as those can not
currently transfer stack frames across process
boundaries); if no callable is provided then a
default failure logging function will be used
instead (do note that
any user provided callable should not raise
exceptions on being called)
How many callables/periodic work units are currently active.
Adds a new periodic callback to the current worker.
Returns a Watcher
if added successfully or the value
if not (or raises a ValueError
if the callback is not
correctly formed and/or decorated).
cb (callable) – a callable object/method/function previously decorated
with the periodic()
Automatically creates a worker by analyzing object(s) methods.
Only picks up methods that have been tagged/decorated with
the periodic()
decorator (does not match against private
or protected methods unless explicitly requested to).
objects (iterable) – the objects to introspect for decorated members
exclude_hidden (bool) – exclude hidden members (ones that start with an underscore)
log (logger) – logger to use when creating a new worker (defaults to the module logger if none provided), it is currently only used to report callback failures (if they occur)
executor_factory (ExecutorFactory or any callable) – factory callable that can be used to generate
executor objects that will be used to
run the periodic callables (if none is
provided one will be created that uses
the SynchronousExecutor
cond_cls (callable) – callable object that can
produce threading.Condition
(or compatible/equivalent) objects
event_cls (callable) – callable object that can produce threading.Event
(or compatible/equivalent) objects
schedule_strategy (string) – string to select one of the built-in strategies that can return the next time a callable should run
now_func (callable) – callable that can return the current time offset from some point (used in calculating elapsed times and next times to run); preferably this is monotonically increasing
on_failure (callable) – callable that will be called whenever a periodic
function fails with an error, it will be provided
four positional arguments and one keyword
argument, the first positional argument being the
callable that failed, the second being the type
of activity under which it failed (IMMEDIATE
), the third being the spacing that the
callable runs at and the fourth exc_info
of the failure. The keyword argument traceback
will also be provided that may be be a string
that caused the failure (this is required for
executors which run out of process, as those can not
currently transfer stack frames across process
boundaries); if no callable is provided then a
default failure logging function will be used
instead (do note that
any user provided callable should not raise
exceptions on being called)
args (tuple) – positional arguments to be passed to all callables
kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments to be passed to all callables
Iterator/generator over all the currently maintained watchers.
Resets the workers internal state.
Starts running (will not return until stop()
is called).
allow_empty (bool) – instead of running with no callbacks raise when
this worker has no contained callables (this can be
set to true and add()
can be used to add
new callables on demand), note that when enabled
and no callbacks exist this will block and
sleep (until either stopped or callbacks are
auto_stop_when_empty (bool) – when the provided periodic functions have all exited and this is false then the thread responsible for executing those methods will just spin/idle waiting for a new periodic function to be added; switching it to true will make this idling not happen (and instead when no more periodic work exists then the calling thread will just return).
Sets the tombstone (this stops any further executions).
Waits for the start()
method to gracefully exit.
An optional timeout can be provided, which will cause the method to return within the specified timeout. If the timeout is reached, the returned value will be False.
timeout (float/int) – Maximum number of seconds that the wait()
method should block for
Tags a method/function as wanting/able to execute periodically.
spacing (float/int) – how often to run the decorated function (required)
run_immediately (boolean) – option to specify whether to run immediately or wait until the spacing provided has elapsed before running for the first time
enabled (boolean) – whether the task is enabled to run
A read-only object representing a periodic callback’s activities.
Avg. amount of time the periodic callback has ran for.
This may raise a ZeroDivisionError
if there has been no runs.
Avg. amount of time the periodic callback has waited to run for.
This may raise a ZeroDivisionError
if there has been no runs.
Total amount of time the periodic callback has ran for.
Total amount of time the periodic callback has waited to run for.
How many times the periodic callback ran unsuccessfully.
If the work unit being ran has requested to be stopped.
How many times the periodic callback has been ran.
How many times the periodic callback ran successfully.
Read-only named work tuple this object watches.
Holds immutable information about a executors executions.
The average runtime of all submissions executed.
average runtime of all submissions executed
ZeroDivisionError when no executions have occurred.
How many submissions were cancelled before executing.
how many submissions were cancelled before executing
How many submissions were executed (failed or not).
how many submissions were executed
How many submissions ended up raising exceptions.
how many submissions ended up raising exceptions
Total runtime of all submissions executed (failed or not).
total runtime of all submissions executed
Exception raised when a submitted call is rejected (for some reason).
Wait for one (any) of the futures to complete.
Works correctly with both green and non-green futures (but not both together, since this can’t be guaranteed to avoid dead-lock due to how the waiting implementations are different when green threads are being used).
Returns pair (done futures, not done futures).
Wait for all of the futures to complete.
Works correctly with both green and non-green futures (but not both together, since this can’t be guaranteed to avoid dead-lock due to how the waiting implementations are different when green threads are being used).
Returns pair (done futures, not done futures).
Named tuple returned from wait_for*
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