.. _JavaScript: ========== JavaScript ========== :Authors: Toshio Kuratomi :Date: 26 February 2009 :For Version: 0.3.x python-fedora currently provides some JavaScript files to make coding :ref:`Fedora-Services` easier. In the future we may move these to their own package. ------------------ :mod:`fedora.dojo` ------------------ .. module:: fedora.dojo :synopsis: JavaScript helper scripts using Dojo .. moduleauthor:: Toshio Kuratomi .. versionadded:: 0.3.10 :term:`Dojo` is one of several JavaScript Toolkits. It aims to be a standard library for JavaScript. The :mod:`fedora.dojo` module has JavaScript code that make use of :term:`Dojo` to do their work. It is most appropriate to use when the :term:`Dojo` libraries are being used as the JavaScript library for the app. However, it is well namespaced and nothing should prevent it from being used in other apps as well. .. class::dojo.BaseClient(base_url, kw=[useragent, username, password, debug]) A client configured to make requests of a particular service. :arg base_url: Base of every URL used to contact the server :kwarg useragent: useragent string to use. If not given, default to "Fedora DojoClient/VERSION" :kwarg username: Username for establishing authenticated connections :kwarg password: Password to use with authenticated connections :kwarg debug: If True, log debug information Default: false