
Asynchronous Data Updates with ORM Events

This recipe presents one technique of optimistically pushing new data into the cache when an update is sent to a database.

Using SQLAlchemy for database querying, suppose a simple cache-decorated function returns the results of a database query:

def get_some_data(argument):
    # query database to get data
    data = Session().query(DBClass).filter(DBClass.argument == argument).all()
    return data

We would like this particular function to be re-queried when the data has changed. We could call get_some_data.invalidate(argument, hard=False) at the point at which the data changes, however this only leads to the invalidation of the old value; a new value is not generated until the next call, and also means at least one client has to block while the new value is generated. We could also call get_some_data.refresh(argument), which would perform the data refresh at that moment, but then the writer is delayed by the re-query.

A third variant is to instead offload the work of refreshing for this query into a background thread or process. This can be acheived using a system such as the CacheRegion.async_creation_runner. However, an expedient approach for smaller use cases is to link cache refresh operations to the ORM session’s commit, as below:

from sqlalchemy import event
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session

def cache_refresh(session, refresher, *args, **kwargs):
    Refresh the functions cache data in a new thread. Starts refreshing only
    after the session was committed so all database data is available.
    assert isinstance(session, Session), \
        "Need a session, not a sessionmaker or scoped_session"

    @event.listens_for(session, "after_commit")
    def do_refresh(session):
        t = Thread(target=refresher, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
        t.daemon = True

Within a sequence of data persistence, cache_refresh can be called given a particular SQLAlchemy Session and a callable to do the work:

def add_new_data(session, argument):
    # add some data

    # add a hook to refresh after the Session is committed.
    cache_refresh(session, get_some_data.refresh, argument)

Note that the event to refresh the data is associated with the Session being used for persistence; however, the actual refresh operation is called with a different Session, typically one that is local to the refresh operation, either through a thread-local registry or via direct instantiation.

Prefixing all keys in Redis

If you use a redis instance as backend that contains other keys besides the ones set by dogpile.cache, it is a good idea to uniquely prefix all dogpile.cache keys, to avoid potential collisions with keys set by your own code. This can easily be done using a key mangler function:

from dogpile.cache import make_region

region = make_region(
  key_mangler=lambda key: "myapp:dogpile:" + key

Encoding/Decoding data into another format

Since dogpile is managing cached data, you may be concerned with the size of your payloads. A possible method of helping minimize payloads is to use a ProxyBackend to recode the data on-the-fly or otherwise transform data as it enters or leaves persistent storage.

In the example below, we define 2 classes to implement msgpack encoding. Msgpack ( is a serialization format that works exceptionally well with json-like data and can serialize nested dicts into a much smaller payload than Python’s own pickle. _EncodedProxy is our base class for building data encoders, and inherits from dogpile’s own ProxyBackend. You could just use one class. This class passes 4 of the main key/value functions into a configurable decoder and encoder. The MsgpackProxy class simply inherits from _EncodedProxy and implements the necessary value_decode and value_encode functions.

Encoded ProxyBackend Example:

from dogpile.cache.proxy import ProxyBackend
import msgpack

class _EncodedProxy(ProxyBackend):
    """base class for building value-mangling proxies"""

    def value_decode(self, value):
        raise NotImplementedError("override me")

    def value_encode(self, value):
        raise NotImplementedError("override me")

    def set(self, k, v):
        v = self.value_encode(v)
        self.proxied.set(k, v)

    def get(self, key):
        v = self.proxied.get(key)
        return self.value_decode(v)

    def set_multi(self, mapping):
        """encode to a new dict to preserve unencoded values in-place when
           called by `get_or_create_multi`
        mapping_set = {}
        for (k, v) in mapping.iteritems():
            mapping_set[k] = self.value_encode(v)
        return self.proxied.set_multi(mapping_set)

    def get_multi(self, keys):
        results = self.proxied.get_multi(keys)
        translated = []
        for record in results:
            except Exception as e:
        return translated

class MsgpackProxy(_EncodedProxy):
    """custom decode/encode for value mangling"""

    def value_decode(self, v):
        if not v or v is NO_VALUE:
            return NO_VALUE
        # you probably want to specify a custom decoder via `object_hook`
        v = msgpack.unpackb(payload, encoding="utf-8")
        return CachedValue(*v)

    def value_encode(self, v):
        # you probably want to specify a custom encoder via `default`
        v = msgpack.packb(payload, use_bin_type=True)
        return v

# extend our region configuration from above with a 'wrap'
region = make_region().configure(
    expiration_time = 3600,
    arguments = {
        'url': [""],
    wrap = [MsgpackProxy, ]