Nested Sets trees ================= .. module:: treebeard.ns_tree An implementation of Nested Sets trees for Django, as described by `Joe Celko`_ in `Trees and Hierarchies in SQL for Smarties`_. Nested sets have very efficient reads at the cost of high maintenance on write/delete operations. .. warning:: As with all tree implementations, please be aware of the :doc:`caveats`. .. inheritance-diagram:: NS_Node .. autoclass:: NS_Node :show-inheritance: .. warning:: If you need to define your own :py:class:`~django.db.models.Manager` class, you'll need to subclass :py:class:`~NS_NodeManager`. Also, if in your manager you need to change the default queryset handler, you'll need to subclass :py:class:`~NS_NodeQuerySet`. .. attribute:: node_order_by Attribute: a list of model fields that will be used for node ordering. When enabled, all tree operations will assume this ordering. Example: .. code-block:: python node_order_by = ['field1', 'field2', 'field3'] .. attribute:: depth ``PositiveIntegerField``, depth of a node in the tree. A root node has a depth of *1*. .. attribute:: lft ``PositiveIntegerField`` .. attribute:: rgt ``PositiveIntegerField`` .. attribute:: tree_id ``PositiveIntegerField`` .. automethod:: get_tree See: :meth:`treebeard.models.Node.get_tree` .. note:: This method returns a queryset. .. autoclass:: NS_NodeManager :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: NS_NodeQuerySet :show-inheritance: .. _`Joe Celko`: .. _`Trees and Hierarchies in SQL for Smarties`: