Admin ===== API --- .. module:: treebeard.admin .. autoclass:: TreeAdmin :show-inheritance: Example: .. code-block:: python from django.contrib import admin from treebeard.admin import TreeAdmin from treebeard.forms import movenodeform_factory from myproject.models import MyNode class MyAdmin(TreeAdmin): form = movenodeform_factory(MyNode), MyAdmin) .. autofunction:: admin_factory Interface --------- The features of the admin interface will depend on the tree type. Advanced Interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :doc:`Materialized Path ` and :doc:`Nested Sets ` trees have an AJAX interface based on `FeinCMS`_, that includes features like drag&drop and an attractive interface. .. image:: _static/treebeard-admin-advanced.png Basic Interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :doc:`Adjacency List ` trees have a basic admin interface. .. image:: _static/treebeard-admin-basic.png .. _FeinCMS: Model Detail Pages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If a model's field values are modified, then it is necessary to add the fields '_position' and '_ref_node_id'. Otherwise, it is not possible to create instances of the model. Example: .. code-block:: python class MyAdmin(TreeAdmin): list_display = ('title', 'body', 'is_edited', 'timestamp', '_position', '_ref_node_id',) form = movenodeform_factory(MyNode), MyAdmin)