Template tags


Renders a Table object to HTML and enables as many features in the output as possible.

{% load django_tables2 %}
{% render_table table %}

{# Alternatively a specific template can be used #}
{% render_table table "path/to/custom_table_template.html" %}

If the second argument (template path) is given, the template will be rendered with a RequestContext and the table will be in the variable table.


This tag temporarily modifies the Table object during rendering. A context attribute is added to the table, providing columns with access to the current context for their own rendering (e.g. TemplateColumn).

This tag requires that the template in which it’s rendered contains the HttpRequest inside a request variable. This can be achieved by ensuring the TEMPLATES[]['OPTIONS']['context_processors'] setting contains django.template.context_processors.request. Please refer to the Django documentation for the TEMPLATES-setting.


A utility that allows you to update a portion of the query-string without overwriting the entire thing.

Let’s assume we have the query string ?search=pirates&sort=name&page=5 and we want to update the sort parameter:

{% querystring "sort"="dob" %}           # ?search=pirates&sort=dob&page=5
{% querystring "sort"="" %}              # ?search=pirates&page=5
{% querystring "sort"="" "search"="" %}  # ?page=5

{% with "search" as key %}               # supports variables as keys
{% querystring key="robots" %}           # ?search=robots&page=5
{% endwith %}

This tag requires the django.template.context_processors.request context processor, see render_table.