
Pagination is easy, just call Table.paginate() and pass in the current page number:

def people_listing(request):
    table = PeopleTable(Person.objects.all())
    table.paginate(page=request.GET.get("page", 1), per_page=25)
    return render(request, "people_listing.html", {"table": table})

If you are using RequestConfig, pass pagination options to the constructor:

def people_listing(request):
    table = PeopleTable(Person.objects.all())
    RequestConfig(request, paginate={"per_page": 25}).configure(table)
    return render(request, "people_listing.html", {"table": table})

If you are using SingleTableView, the table will get paginated by default:

class PeopleListView(SingleTableView):
    table = PeopleTable

Disabling pagination

If you are using SingleTableView and want to disable the default behavior, set SingleTableView.table_pagination = False

Lazy pagination

The default Paginator wants to count the number of items, which might be an expensive operation for large QuerySets. In those cases, you can use LazyPaginator, which does not perform a count, but also does not know what the total amount of pages will be, until you’ve hit the last page.

The LazyPaginator does this by fetching n + 1 records where the number of records per page is n. If it receives n or less records, it knows it is on the last page, preventing rendering of the ‘next’ button and further “…” ellipsis. Usage with SingleTableView:

class UserListView(SingleTableView):
    table_class = UserTable
    table_data = User.objects.all()
    paginator_class = LazyPaginator