Source code for django_tables2.views

from itertools import count

from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.views.generic.list import ListView

from . import tables
from .config import RequestConfig

class TableMixinBase:
    Base mixin for the Single- and MultiTable class based views.

    context_table_name = "table"
    table_pagination = None

    def get_context_table_name(self, table):
        Get the name to use for the table's template variable.
        return self.context_table_name

    def get_table_pagination(self, table):
        Return pagination options passed to `.RequestConfig`:
            - True for standard pagination (default),
            - False for no pagination,
            - a dictionary for custom pagination.

        `ListView`s pagination attributes are taken into account, if `table_pagination` does not
        define the corresponding value.

        Override this method to further customize pagination for a `View`.
        paginate = self.table_pagination
        if paginate is False:
            return False

        paginate = {}
        if getattr(self, "paginate_by", None) is not None:
            paginate["per_page"] = self.paginate_by
        if hasattr(self, "paginator_class"):
            paginate["paginator_class"] = self.paginator_class
        if getattr(self, "paginate_orphans", 0) != 0:
            paginate["orphans"] = self.paginate_orphans

        # table_pagination overrides any MultipleObjectMixin attributes
        if self.table_pagination:

        # we have no custom pagination settings, so just use the default.
        if not paginate and self.table_pagination is None:
            return True

        return paginate

[docs]class SingleTableMixin(TableMixinBase): """ Adds a Table object to the context. Typically used with `.TemplateResponseMixin`. Attributes: table_class: subclass of `.Table` table_data: data used to populate the table, any compatible data source. context_table_name(str): name of the table's template variable (default: 'table') table_pagination (dict): controls table pagination. If a `dict`, passed as the *paginate* keyword argument to `.RequestConfig`. As such, any Truthy value enables pagination. (default: enable pagination). The `dict` can be used to specify values for arguments for the call to `~.tables.Table.paginate`. If you want to use a non-standard paginator for example, you can add a key `paginator_class` to the dict, containing a custom `Paginator` class. This mixin plays nice with the Django's ``.MultipleObjectMixin`` by using ``.get_queryset`` as a fall back for the table data source. """ table_class = None table_data = None
[docs] def get_table_class(self): """ Return the class to use for the table. """ if self.table_class: return self.table_class if self.model: return tables.table_factory(self.model) raise ImproperlyConfigured( "You must either specify {0}.table_class or {0}.model".format(type(self).__name__) )
[docs] def get_table(self, **kwargs): """ Return a table object to use. The table has automatic support for sorting and pagination. """ table_class = self.get_table_class() table = table_class(data=self.get_table_data(), **kwargs) return RequestConfig(self.request, paginate=self.get_table_pagination(table)).configure( table )
[docs] def get_table_data(self): """ Return the table data that should be used to populate the rows. """ if self.table_data is not None: return self.table_data elif hasattr(self, "object_list"): return self.object_list elif hasattr(self, "get_queryset"): return self.get_queryset() klass = type(self).__name__ raise ImproperlyConfigured( "Table data was not specified. Define {}.table_data".format(klass) )
[docs] def get_table_kwargs(self): """ Return the keyword arguments for instantiating the table. Allows passing customized arguments to the table constructor, for example, to remove the buttons column, you could define this method in your View:: def get_table_kwargs(self): return { 'exclude': ('buttons', ) } """ return {}
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """ Overridden version of `.TemplateResponseMixin` to inject the table into the template's context. """ context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) table = self.get_table(**self.get_table_kwargs()) context[self.get_context_table_name(table)] = table return context
[docs]class SingleTableView(SingleTableMixin, ListView): """ Generic view that renders a template and passes in a `.Table` instances. Mixes ``.SingleTableMixin`` with ``django.views.generic.list.ListView``. """
[docs]class MultiTableMixin(TableMixinBase): """ Add a list with multiple Table object's to the context. Typically used with `.TemplateResponseMixin`. The `tables` attribute must be either a list of `.Table` instances or classes extended from `.Table` which are not already instantiated. In that case, `get_tables_data` must be able to return the tables data, either by having an entry containing the data for each table in `tables`, or by overriding this method in order to return this data. Attributes: tables: list of `.Table` instances or list of `.Table` child objects. tables_data: if defined, `tables` is assumed to be a list of table classes which will be instantiated with the corresponding item from this list of `.TableData` instances. table_prefix(str): Prefix to be used for each table. The string must contain one instance of `{}`, which will be replaced by an integer different for each table in the view. Default is 'table_{}-'. context_table_name(str): name of the table's template variable (default: 'tables') .. versionadded:: 1.2.3 """ tables = None tables_data = None table_prefix = "table_{}-" # override context table name to make sense in a multiple table context context_table_name = "tables"
[docs] def get_tables(self): """ Return an array of table instances containing data. """ if self.tables is None: klass = type(self).__name__ raise ImproperlyConfigured("No tables were specified. Define {}.tables".format(klass)) data = self.get_tables_data() if data is None: return self.tables if len(data) != len(self.tables): klass = type(self).__name__ raise ImproperlyConfigured("len({}.tables_data) != len({}.tables)".format(klass, klass)) return list(Table(data[i]) for i, Table in enumerate(self.tables))
[docs] def get_tables_data(self): """ Return an array of table_data that should be used to populate each table """ return self.tables_data
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) tables = self.get_tables() # apply prefixes and execute requestConfig for each table table_counter = count() for table in tables: table.prefix = table.prefix or self.table_prefix.format(next(table_counter)) RequestConfig(self.request, paginate=self.get_table_pagination(table)).configure(table) context[self.get_context_table_name(table)] = list(tables) return context