import inspect
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import total_ordering
from itertools import chain
from django.core.exceptions import FieldDoesNotExist
from django.db import models
from django.utils.html import format_html_join
[docs]class Sequence(list):
Represents a column sequence, e.g. ``('first_name', '...', 'last_name')``
This is used to represent `.Table.Meta.sequence` or the `.Table`
constructors's *sequence* keyword argument.
The sequence must be a list of column names and is used to specify the
order of the columns on a table. Optionally a '...' item can be inserted,
which is treated as a *catch-all* for column names that are not explicitly
[docs] def expand(self, columns):
Expands the ``'...'`` item in the sequence into the appropriate column
names that should be placed there.
columns (list): list of column names.
The current instance.
`ValueError` if the sequence is invalid for the columns.
ellipses = self.count("...")
if ellipses > 1:
raise ValueError("'...' must be used at most once in a sequence.")
elif ellipses == 0:
# everything looks good, let's expand the "..." item
columns = list(columns) # take a copy and exhaust the generator
head = []
tail = []
target = head # start by adding things to the head
for name in self:
if name == "...":
# now we'll start adding elements to the tail
target = tail
if name in columns:
self[:] = chain(head, columns, tail)
return self
[docs]class OrderBy(str):
A single item in an `.OrderByTuple` object.
This class is essentially just a `str` with some extra properties.
[docs] def __new__(cls, value):
instance = super().__new__(cls, value)
if Accessor.LEGACY_SEPARATOR in value:
message = (
"Use '__' to separate path components, not '.' in accessor '{}'"
" (fallback will be removed in django_tables2 version 3)."
warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3)
return instance
def bare(self):
`.OrderBy`: the bare form.
The *bare form* is the non-prefixed form. Typically the bare form is
just the ascending form.
Example: ``age`` is the bare form of ``-age``
return OrderBy(self[1:]) if self[:1] == "-" else self
def opposite(self):
Provides the opposite of the current sorting direction.
`.OrderBy`: object with an opposite sort influence.
>>> order_by = OrderBy('name')
>>> order_by.opposite
return OrderBy(self[1:]) if self.is_descending else OrderBy("-" + self)
def is_descending(self):
Returns `True` if this object induces *descending* ordering.
return self.startswith("-")
def is_ascending(self):
Returns `True` if this object induces *ascending* ordering.
return not self.is_descending
[docs] def for_queryset(self):
Returns the current instance usable in Django QuerySet's order_by
return self.replace(Accessor.LEGACY_SEPARATOR, OrderBy.QUERYSET_SEPARATOR)
[docs]class OrderByTuple(tuple):
Stores ordering as (as `.OrderBy` objects).
The `~.Table.order_by` property is always converted to an `.OrderByTuple` object.
This class is essentially just a `tuple` with some useful extras.
>>> x = OrderByTuple(('name', '-age'))
>>> x['age']
>>> x['age'].is_descending
>>> x['age'].opposite
[docs] def __new__(cls, iterable):
transformed = []
for item in iterable:
if not isinstance(item, OrderBy):
item = OrderBy(item)
return super().__new__(cls, transformed)
[docs] def __str__(self):
return ",".join(self)
[docs] def __contains__(self, name):
Determine if a column has an influence on ordering.
>>> x = OrderByTuple(('name', ))
>>> 'name' in x
>>> '-name' in x
name (str): The name of a column. (optionally prefixed)
bool: `True` if the column with `name` influences the ordering.
name = OrderBy(name).bare
for order_by in self:
if order_by.bare == name:
return True
return False
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index):
Allows an `.OrderBy` object to be extracted via named or integer
based indexing.
When using named based indexing, it's fine to used a prefixed named::
>>> x = OrderByTuple(('name', '-age'))
>>> x[0]
>>> x['age']
>>> x['-age']
index (int): Index to query the ordering for.
`.OrderBy`: for the ordering at the index.
if isinstance(index, str):
for order_by in self:
if order_by == index or order_by.bare == index:
return order_by
raise KeyError
return super().__getitem__(index)
def key(self):
accessors = []
reversing = []
for order_by in self:
class Comparator:
def __init__(self, obj):
self.obj = obj
def __eq__(self, other):
for accessor in accessors:
a = accessor.resolve(self.obj, quiet=True)
b = accessor.resolve(other.obj, quiet=True)
if not a == b:
return False
return True
def __lt__(self, other):
for accessor, reverse in zip(accessors, reversing):
a = accessor.resolve(self.obj, quiet=True)
b = accessor.resolve(other.obj, quiet=True)
if a == b:
if reverse:
a, b = b, a
# The rest of this should be refactored out into a util
# function 'compare' that handles different types.
return a < b
except TypeError:
# If the truth values differ, it's a good way to
# determine ordering.
if bool(a) is not bool(b):
return bool(a) < bool(b)
# Handle comparing different types, by falling back to
# the string and id of the type. This at least groups
# different types together.
a_type = type(a)
b_type = type(b)
return (repr(a_type), id(a_type)) < (repr(b_type), id(b_type))
return False
return Comparator
[docs] def get(self, key, fallback):
Identical to `__getitem__`, but supports fallback value.
return self[key]
except (KeyError, IndexError):
return fallback
def opposite(self):
Return version with each `.OrderBy` prefix toggled::
>>> order_by = OrderByTuple(('name', '-age'))
>>> order_by.opposite
('-name', 'age')
return type(self)((o.opposite for o in self))
[docs]class Accessor(str):
A string describing a path from one object to another via attribute/index
accesses. For convenience, the class has an alias `.A` to allow for more concise code.
Relations are separated by a ``__`` character.
To support list-of-dicts from ``QuerySet.values()``, if the context is a dictionary,
and the accessor is a key in the dictionary, it is returned right away.
ALTERS_DATA_ERROR_FMT = "Refusing to call {method}() because `.alters_data = True`"
"Failed lookup for key [{key}] in {context}, when resolving the accessor {accessor}"
[docs] def __new__(cls, value):
instance = super().__new__(cls, value)
if cls.LEGACY_SEPARATOR in value:
message = (
"Use '__' to separate path components, not '.' in accessor '{}'"
" (fallback will be removed in django_tables2 version 3)."
warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3)
return instance
[docs] def resolve(self, context, safe=True, quiet=False):
Return an object described by the accessor by traversing the attributes of *context*.
Lookups are attempted in the following order:
- dictionary (e.g. ``obj[related]``)
- attribute (e.g. ``obj.related``)
- list-index lookup (e.g. ``obj[int(related)]``)
Callable objects are called, and their result is used, before
proceeding with the resolving.
>>> x = Accessor("__len__")
>>> x.resolve("brad")
>>> x = Accessor("0__upper")
>>> x.resolve("brad")
If the context is a dictionary and the accessor-value is a key in it,
the value for that key is immediately returned::
>>> x = Accessor("user__first_name")
>>> x.resolve({"user__first_name": "brad"})
context : The root/first object to traverse.
safe (bool): Don't call anything with `alters_data = True`
quiet (bool): Smother all exceptions and instead return `None`
target object
TypeError`, `AttributeError`, `KeyError`, `ValueError`
(unless `quiet` == `True`)
# Short-circuit if the context contains a key with the exact name of the accessor,
# supporting list-of-dicts data returned from values_list("related_model__field")
if isinstance(context, dict) and self in context:
return context[self]
current = context
for bit in self.bits:
try: # dictionary lookup
current = current[bit]
except (TypeError, AttributeError, KeyError):
try: # attribute lookup
current = getattr(current, bit)
except (TypeError, AttributeError):
try: # list-index lookup
current = current[int(bit)]
except (
IndexError, # list index out of range
ValueError, # invalid literal for int()
KeyError, # dict without `int(bit)` key
TypeError, # unsubscriptable object
current_context = (
type(current) if isinstance(current, models.Model) else current
raise ValueError(
key=bit, context=current_context, accessor=self
if callable(current):
if safe and getattr(current, "alters_data", False):
raise ValueError(self.ALTERS_DATA_ERROR_FMT.format(method=repr(current)))
if not getattr(current, "do_not_call_in_templates", False):
current = current()
# Important that we break in None case, or a relationship
# spanning across a null-key will raise an exception in the
# next iteration, instead of defaulting.
if current is None:
return current
except Exception:
if not quiet:
def bits(self):
if self == "":
return ()
return self.split(self.SEPARATOR)
[docs] def get_field(self, model):
Return the django model field for model in context, following relations.
if not hasattr(model, "_meta"):
field = None
for bit in self.bits:
field = model._meta.get_field(bit)
except FieldDoesNotExist:
if hasattr(field, "remote_field"):
rel = getattr(field, "remote_field", None)
model = getattr(rel, "model", model)
return field
[docs] def penultimate(self, context, quiet=True):
Split the accessor on the right-most separator ('__'), return a tuple with:
- the resolved left part.
- the remainder
>>> Accessor("a__b__c").penultimate({"a": {"a": 1, "b": {"c": 2, "d": 4}}})
({"c": 2, "d": 4}, "c")
path, _, remainder = self.rpartition(self.SEPARATOR)
return A(path).resolve(context, quiet=quiet), remainder
A = Accessor # alias
[docs]class AttributeDict(OrderedDict):
A wrapper around `collections.OrderedDict` that knows how to render itself
as HTML style tag attributes.
Any key with ``value is None`` will be skipped.
The returned string is marked safe, so it can be used safely in a template.
See `.as_html` for a usage example.
blacklist = ("th", "td", "_ordering", "thead", "tbody", "tfoot")
def _iteritems(self):
for key, v in self.items():
value = v() if callable(v) else v
if key not in self.blacklist and value is not None:
yield (key, value)
[docs] def as_html(self):
Render to HTML tag attributes.
.. code-block:: python
>>> from django_tables2.utils import AttributeDict
>>> attrs = AttributeDict({'class': 'mytable', 'id': 'someid'})
>>> attrs.as_html()
'class="mytable" id="someid"'
returns: `~django.utils.safestring.SafeUnicode` object
return format_html_join(" ", '{}="{}"', self._iteritems())
def segment(sequence, aliases):
Translates a flat sequence of items into a set of prefixed aliases.
This allows the value set by `.QuerySet.order_by` to be translated into
a list of columns that would have the same result. These are called
"order by aliases" which are optionally prefixed column names::
>>> list(segment(('a', '-b', 'c'),
... {'x': ('a'),
... 'y': ('b', '-c'),
... 'z': ('-b', 'c')}))
[('x', '-y'), ('x', 'z')]
if not (sequence or aliases):
for alias, parts in aliases.items():
variants = {
# alias: order by tuple
alias: OrderByTuple(parts),
OrderBy(alias).opposite: OrderByTuple(parts).opposite,
for valias, vparts in variants.items():
if list(sequence[: len(vparts)]) == list(vparts):
tail_aliases = dict(aliases)
del tail_aliases[alias]
tail_sequence = sequence[len(vparts) :]
if tail_sequence:
for tail in segment(tail_sequence, tail_aliases):
yield tuple(chain([valias], tail))
yield tuple([valias])
[docs]def signature(fn):
tuple: Returns a (arguments, kwarg_name)-tuple:
- the arguments (positional or keyword)
- the name of the ** kwarg catch all.
The self-argument for methods is always removed.
signature = inspect.signature(fn)
args = []
keywords = None
for arg in signature.parameters.values():
if arg.kind == arg.VAR_KEYWORD:
keywords =
elif arg.kind == arg.VAR_POSITIONAL:
continue # skip *args catch-all
return tuple(args), keywords
[docs]def call_with_appropriate(fn, kwargs):
Calls the function ``fn`` with the keyword arguments from ``kwargs`` it expects
If the kwargs argument is defined, pass all arguments, else provide exactly
the arguments wanted.
If one of the arguments of ``fn`` are not contained in kwargs, ``fn`` will not
be called and ``None`` will be returned.
args, kwargs_name = signature(fn)
# no catch-all defined, we need to exactly pass the arguments specified.
if not kwargs_name:
kwargs = {key: kwargs[key] for key in kwargs if key in args}
# if any argument of fn is not in kwargs, just return None
if any(arg not in kwargs for arg in args):
return None
return fn(**kwargs)
[docs]def computed_values(d, kwargs=None):
Returns a new `dict` that has callable values replaced with the return values.
>>> compute_values({'foo': lambda: 'bar'})
{'foo': 'bar'}
Arbitrarily deep structures are supported. The logic is as follows:
1. If the value is callable, call it and make that the new value.
2. If the value is an instance of dict, use ComputableDict to compute its keys.
>>> def parents():
... return {
... 'father': lambda: 'Foo',
... 'mother': 'Bar'
... }
>>> a = {
... 'name': 'Brad',
... 'parents': parents
... }
>>> computed_values(a)
{'name': 'Brad', 'parents': {'father': 'Foo', 'mother': 'Bar'}}
d (dict): The original dictionary.
kwargs: any extra keyword arguments will be passed to the callables, if the callable
takes an argument with such a name.
dict: with callable values replaced.
kwargs = kwargs or {}
result = {}
for k, v in d.items():
if callable(v):
v = call_with_appropriate(v, kwargs=kwargs)
if isinstance(v, dict):
v = computed_values(v, kwargs=kwargs)
result[k] = v
return result