Source code for django_tables2.columns.linkcolumn

from .base import Column, library

class BaseLinkColumn(Column):
    The base for other columns that render links.

        text (str or callable): If set, this value will be used to render the
            text inside link instead of value. The callable gets the record
            being rendered as argument.
        attrs (dict): In addition to ``attrs`` keys supported by `~.Column`, the
            following are available:

             - `a` -- ``<a>`` in ``<td>`` elements.

    def __init__(self, text=None, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.text = text

    def text_value(self, record, value):
        if self.text is None:
            return value
        return self.text(record) if callable(self.text) else self.text

    def value(self, record, value):
        Returns the content for a specific cell similarly to `.render` however
        without any html content.
        return self.text_value(record, value)

    def render(self, record, value):
        return self.text_value(record, value)

[docs]@library.register class LinkColumn(BaseLinkColumn): """ Renders a normal value as an internal hyperlink to another page. .. note :: This column should not be used anymore, the `linkify` keyword argument to regular columns can be used to achieve the same results. It's common to have the primary value in a row hyperlinked to the page dedicated to that record. The first arguments are identical to that of `~django.urls.reverse` and allows an internal URL to be described. If this argument is `None`, then `get_absolute_url`. (see Django references) will be used. The last argument *attrs* allows custom HTML attributes to be added to the rendered ``<a href="...">`` tag. Arguments: viewname (str or None): See `~django.urls.reverse`, or use `None` to use the model's `get_absolute_url` urlconf (str): See `~django.urls.reverse`. args (list): See `~django.urls.reverse`. [2]_ kwargs (dict): See `~django.urls.reverse`. [2]_ current_app (str): See `~django.urls.reverse`. attrs (dict): HTML attributes that are added to the rendered ``<a ...>...</a>`` tag. text (str or callable): Either static text, or a callable. If set, this will be used to render the text inside link instead of value (default). The callable gets the record being rendered as argument. .. [2] In order to create a link to a URL that relies on information in the current row, `.Accessor` objects can be used in the *args* or *kwargs* arguments. The accessor will be resolved using the row's record before `~django.urls.reverse` is called. Example: .. code-block:: python # class Person(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=200) # urlpatterns = patterns('', url("people/([0-9]+)/", views.people_detail, name="people_detail") ) # from django_tables2.utils import A # alias for Accessor class PeopleTable(tables.Table): name = tables.LinkColumn("people_detail", args=[A("pk")]) In order to override the text value (i.e. ``<a ... >text</a>``) consider the following example: .. code-block:: python # from django_tables2.utils import A # alias for Accessor class PeopleTable(tables.Table): name = tables.LinkColumn("people_detail", text="static text", args=[A("pk")]) age = tables.LinkColumn("people_detail", text=lambda record:, args=[A("pk")]) In the first example, a static text would be rendered (``"static text"``) In the second example, you can specify a callable which accepts a record object (and thus can return anything from it) In addition to *attrs* keys supported by `.Column`, the following are available: - `a` -- ``<a>`` elements in ``<td>``. Adding attributes to the ``<a>``-tag looks like this:: class PeopleTable(tables.Table): first_name = tables.LinkColumn(attrs={ "a": {"style": "color: red;"} }) """ def __init__( self, viewname=None, urlconf=None, args=None, kwargs=None, current_app=None, attrs=None, **extra ): super().__init__( attrs=attrs, linkify=dict( viewname=viewname, urlconf=urlconf, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, current_app=current_app, ), **extra )
[docs]@library.register class RelatedLinkColumn(LinkColumn): """ Render a link to a related object using related object's ``get_absolute_url``, same parameters as ``~.LinkColumn``. .. note :: This column should not be used anymore, the `linkify` keyword argument to regular columns can be used achieve the same results. If the related object does not have a method called ``get_absolute_url``, or if it is not callable, the link will be rendered as '#'. Traversing relations is also supported, suppose a Person has a foreign key to Country which in turn has a foreign key to Continent:: class PersonTable(tables.Table): name = tables.Column() country = tables.RelatedLinkColumn() continent = tables.RelatedLinkColumn(accessor="country.continent") will render: - in column 'country', link to ```` with the output of ``str(`` as ``<a>`` contents. - in column 'continent', a link to ```` with the output of ``str(`` as ``<a>`` contents. Alternative contents of ``<a>`` can be supplied using the ``text`` keyword argument as documented for `~.columns.LinkColumn`. """