
Shortcuts when using django-reversion in views.


Wrap every request in a revision block.

The request user will also be added to the revision metadata.

To enable RevisionMiddleware, add 'reversion.middleware.RevisionMiddleware' to your MIDDLEWARE setting.


This will wrap every request that meets the specified criterion in a database transaction. For best performance, consider marking individual views instead.

RevisionMiddleware.manage_manually = False

If True, versions will not be saved when a model’s save() method is called. This allows version control to be switched off for a given revision block.

RevisionMiddleware.using = None

The database to save the revision data. The revision block will be wrapped in a transaction using this database. If None, the default database for reversion.models.Revision will be used.

RevisionMiddleware.atomic = True

If True, the revision block will be wrapped in a transaction.atomic().


By default, any request that isn’t GET, HEAD or OPTIONS will be wrapped in a revision block. Override this method if you need to apply a custom rule.

For example:

from reversion.middleware import RevisionMiddleware

class BypassRevisionMiddleware(RevisionMiddleware):

    def request_creates_revision(self, request):
        # Bypass the revision according to some header
        silent = request.META.get("HTTP_X_NOREVISION", "false")
        return super().request_creates_revision(request) and \
            silent != "true"