
  1. Either check out Pipeline from GitHub or to pull a release off PyPI

    pip install django-pipeline
  2. Add ‘pipeline’ to your INSTALLED_APPS

  3. Use a pipeline storage for STATICFILES_STORAGE

  4. Add the PipelineFinder to STATICFILES_FINDERS



You need to use Django>=1.7 to be able to use this version of pipeline.

Upgrading from 1.3

To upgrade from pipeline 1.3, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Update templates to use the new syntax

    {# pipeline<1.4 #}
    {% load compressed %}
    {% compressed_js 'group' %}
    {% compressed_css 'group' %}
    {# pipeline>=1.4 #}
    {% load pipeline %}
    {% javascript 'group' %}
    {% stylesheet 'group' %}
  2. Add the PipelineFinder to STATICFILES_FINDERS


Upgrading from 1.5

To upgrade from pipeline 1.5, you will need update all your PIPELINE_* settings and move them under the new PIPELINE setting. See Configuration.


Pipeline’s default CSS and JS compressor is Yuglify. Yuglify wraps UglifyJS and cssmin, applying the default YUI configurations to them. It can be downloaded from:

If you do not install yuglify, make sure to disable the compressor in your settings.