
Configuration and list of available settings for Pipeline. Pipeline settings are namespaced in a PIPELINE dictionary in your project settings, e.g.:

        'stats': {
            'source_filenames': (
            'output_filename': 'js/stats.js',

Specifying files

You specify groups of files to be compressed in your settings. You can use glob syntax to select multiples files.

The basic syntax for specifying CSS/JavaScript groups files is

        'colors': {
            'source_filenames': (
            'output_filename': 'css/colors.css',
            'extra_context': {
                'media': 'screen,projection',
        'stats': {
            'source_filenames': (
            'output_filename': 'js/stats.js',

Group options



Is a tuple with the source files to be compressed. The files are concatenated in the order specified in the tuple.



Is the filename of the (to be) compressed file.



Is the variant you want to apply to your CSS. This allow you to embed images and fonts in CSS with data-URI. Allowed values are : None and datauri.

Defaults to None.



Name of the template used to render <script> for js package or <link> for css package.

Defaults to None.



Is a dictionary of values to add to the template context, when generating the HTML for the HTML-tags with the templatetags.

For CSS, if you do not specify extra_context/media, the default media in the <link> output will be media="all".

For JS, the default templates support the async and defer tag attributes which are controlled via extra_context:

'extra_context': {
    'async': True,



Indicate if you want this group to appear in your cache manifest.

Defaults to True.



A dictionary passed to compiler’s compile_file method as kwargs. None of default compilers use it currently. It’s to be used by custom compilers in case they need some special parameters.

Defaults to {}.

Other settings


True if assets should be compressed, False if not.

Defaults to not settings.DEBUG.


True if assets should be collected in develop , False if not.

Defaults to True


This only applies when PIPELINE_ENABLED is False.


True if errors compiling CSS/JavaScript files should be shown inline at the top of the browser window, or False if they should trigger exceptions (the older behavior).

This only applies when compiling through the {% stylesheet %} or {% javascript %} template tags. It won’t impact collectstatic.

Defaults to settings.DEBUG.


Compressor class to be applied to CSS files.

If empty or None, CSS files won’t be compressed.

Defaults to 'pipeline.compressors.yuglify.YuglifyCompressor'.


Compressor class to be applied to JavaScript files.

If empty or None, JavaScript files won’t be compressed.

Defaults to 'pipeline.compressors.yuglify.YuglifyCompressor'


Please note that in order to use Yuglify compressor, you need to install Yuglify (see Installation for more details).


Object name where all of your compiled templates will be added, from within your browser. To access them with your own JavaScript namespace, change it to the object of your choice.

Defaults to "window.JST"


The extension for which Pipeline will consider the file as a Javascript template. To use a different extension, like .mustache, set this settings to .mustache.

Defaults to ".jst"


JavaScript function that compiles your JavaScript templates. Pipeline doesn’t bundle a javascript template library, but the default setting is to use the underscore template function.

Defaults to "_.template"


Character chain used by Pipeline as replacement for directory separator.

Defaults to "_"


Tuple that match file extension with their corresponding mimetypes.

Defaults to

  (b'text/coffeescript', '.coffee'),
  (b'text/less', '.less'),
  (b'text/javascript', '.js'),
  (b'text/x-sass', '.sass'),
  (b'text/x-scss', '.scss')


If you support Internet Explorer version 8 and below, you should declare javascript files as text/javascript.

Embedding fonts and images

You can embed fonts and images directly in your compiled css, using Data-URI in modern browsers.

To do so, setup variant group options to the method you wish to use :

    'master': {
        'source_filenames': (
        'output_filename': 'css/master.css',
        'variant': 'datauri',

Images and fonts are embedded following these rules :

  • If asset is under 32 kilobytes to avoid rendering delay or not rendering at all in Internet Explorer 8.

  • If asset path contains a directory named “embed”.

Overriding embedding settings

You can override these rules using the following settings:


Setting that controls the maximum image size (in bytes) to embed in CSS using Data-URIs. Internet Explorer 8 has issues with assets over 32 kilobytes.

Defaults to 32700


Setting the directory that an asset needs to be in so that it is embedded

Defaults to r'[/]?embed/'

Rewriting CSS urls

If the source CSS contains relative URLs (i.e. relative to current file), those URLs will be converted to full relative path.

Wrapped javascript output

All javascript output is wrapped in an anonymous function :

  //JS output...

This safety wrapper, make it difficult to pollute the global namespace by accident and improve performance.

You can override this behavior by setting DISABLE_WRAPPER to True. If you want to use your own wrapper, change the JS_WRAPPER setting. For example:

JS_WRAPPER = "(function(){stuff();%s})();"