.. _ref-configuration: ============= Configuration ============= Configuration and list of available settings for Pipeline. Pipeline settings are namespaced in a PIPELINE dictionary in your project settings, e.g.: :: PIPELINE = { 'PIPELINE_ENABLED': True, 'JAVASCRIPT': { 'stats': { 'source_filenames': ( 'js/jquery.js', 'js/d3.js', 'js/collections/*.js', 'js/application.js', ), 'output_filename': 'js/stats.js', } } } Specifying files ================ You specify groups of files to be compressed in your settings. You can use glob syntax to select multiples files. The basic syntax for specifying CSS/JavaScript groups files is :: PIPELINE = { 'STYLESHEETS': { 'colors': { 'source_filenames': ( 'css/core.css', 'css/colors/*.css', 'css/layers.css' ), 'output_filename': 'css/colors.css', 'extra_context': { 'media': 'screen,projection', }, }, }, 'JAVASCRIPT': { 'stats': { 'source_filenames': ( 'js/jquery.js', 'js/d3.js', 'js/collections/*.js', 'js/application.js', ), 'output_filename': 'js/stats.js', } } } Group options ------------- ``source_filenames`` .................... **Required** Is a tuple with the source files to be compressed. The files are concatenated in the order specified in the tuple. ``output_filename`` ................... **Required** Is the filename of the (to be) compressed file. ``variant`` ........... **Optional** Is the variant you want to apply to your CSS. This allow you to embed images and fonts in CSS with data-URI. Allowed values are : ``None`` and ``datauri``. Defaults to ``None``. ``template_name`` ................. **Optional** Name of the template used to render ``