================== Settings Reference ================== Here is a list of all available settings of django-filters and their default values. All settings are prefixed with ``FILTERS_``, although this is a bit verbose it helps to make it easy to identify these settings. FILTERS_DEFAULT_LOOKUP_EXPR --------------------------- Default: ``'exact'`` Set the default lookup expression to be generated, when none is defined. FILTERS_EMPTY_CHOICE_LABEL -------------------------- Default: ``'---------'`` Set the default value for ``ChoiceFilter.empty_label``. You may disable the empty choice by setting this to ``None``. FILTERS_NULL_CHOICE_LABEL ------------------------- Default: ``None`` Set the default value for ``ChoiceFilter.null_label``. You may enable the null choice by setting a non-``None`` value. FILTERS_NULL_CHOICE_VALUE ------------------------- Default: ``'null'`` Set the default value for ``ChoiceFilter.null_value``. You may want to change this value if the default ``'null'`` string conflicts with an actual choice. FILTERS_DISABLE_HELP_TEXT ------------------------- Default: ``False`` Some filters provide informational ``help_text``. For example, csv-based filters (``filters.BaseCSVFilter``) inform users that "Multiple values may be separated by commas". You may set this to ``True`` to disable the ``help_text`` for **all** filters, removing the text from the rendered form's output. .. _verbose-lookups-setting: FILTERS_VERBOSE_LOOKUPS ----------------------- .. note:: This is considered an advanced setting and is subject to change. Default: .. code-block:: python # refer to 'django_filters.conf.DEFAULTS' 'VERBOSE_LOOKUPS': { 'exact': _(''), 'iexact': _(''), 'contains': _('contains'), 'icontains': _('contains'), ... } This setting controls the verbose output for generated filter labels. Instead of getting expression parts such as "lt" and "contained_by", the verbose label would contain "is less than" and "is contained by". Verbose output may be disabled by setting this to a falsy value. This setting also accepts callables. The callable should not require arguments and should return a dictionary. This is useful for extending or overriding the default terms without having to copy the entire set of terms to your settings. For example, you could add verbose output for "exact" lookups. .. code-block:: python # settings.py def FILTERS_VERBOSE_LOOKUPS(): from django_filters.conf import DEFAULTS verbose_lookups = DEFAULTS['VERBOSE_LOOKUPS'].copy() verbose_lookups.update({ 'exact': 'is equal to', }) return verbose_lookups