Jobs Scheduling =============== :synopsis: Documentation on creating/using jobs in Django-extensions Creating jobs works much like management commands work in Django. Setup ----- Run :: $ python create_jobs to make a ``jobs`` directory inside of an application. The ``jobs`` directory will have the following tree:: jobs ├── daily │   └── ├── hourly │   └── ├── monthly │   └── ├── weekly │   └── ├── yearly │   └── ├── └── Create a job ------------ A job is a Python script with a mandatory ``BaseJob`` class which extends from ``MinutelyJob``, ``QuarterHourlyJob``, ``HourlyJob``, ``DailyJob``, ``WeeklyJob``, ``MonthlyJob`` or ``Yearly``. It has one method that must be implemented called ``execute``, which is called when the job is run. The directories ``hourly``, ``daily``, ``monthly``, ``weekly`` and ``yearly`` are used only to for organisation purpose. Note: If you want to use ``QuarterHourlyJob`` or ``Minutely`` job, create python package with name ``quarter_hourly`` or ``minutely`` respectively (similar to ``hourly`` or ``daily`` package). To create your first job you can start copying ````. Remember to replace ``BaseJob`` with ``MinutelyJob``, ``QuarterHourlyJob``, ``HourlyJob``, ``DailyJob``, ``WeeklyJob``, ``MonthlyJob`` or ``Yearly``. Some simple examples are provided by the ` package `_. Note that each job should be in a new python script (within respective directory) and the class implementing the cron should be named ``Job``. Also, ```` file is not used for identifying jobs. Run a job --------- The following commands are related to jobs: * ``create_jobs``, create the directory structure for jobs * ``runjob``, run a single job * ``runjobs``, run all hourly/daily/weekly/monthly jobs Use "runjob(s) -l" to list all jobs recognized. Jobs do not run automatically! You must either run a job manually specifying the exact time on which the command is to be run, or use crontab: :: @hourly /path/to/my/project/ runjobs hourly :: @daily /path/to/my/project/ runjobs daily :: @weekly /path/to/my/project/ runjobs weekly :: @monthly /path/to/my/project/ runjobs monthly