Tips ==== The toolbar isn't displayed! ---------------------------- The Debug Toolbar will only display when ``DEBUG = True`` in your project's settings (see :ref:`Show Toolbar Callback `) and your IP address must also match an entry in your project's ``INTERNAL_IPS`` setting (see :ref:`internal-ips`). It will also only display if the MIME type of the response is either ``text/html`` or ``application/xhtml+xml`` and contains a closing ```` tag. Be aware of middleware ordering and other middleware that may intercept requests and return responses. Putting the debug toolbar middleware *after* the ``FlatpageFallbackMiddleware`` middleware, for example, means the toolbar will not show up on flatpages. Browsers have become more aggressive with caching static assets, such as JavaScript and CSS files. Check your browser's development console, and if you see errors, try a hard browser refresh or clearing your cache. Working with htmx and Turbo ---------------------------- Libraries such as `htmx `_ and `Turbo `_ need additional configuration to retain the toolbar handle element through page renders. This can be done by configuring the :ref:`ROOT_TAG_EXTRA_ATTRS ` to include the relevant JavaScript library's attribute. htmx ~~~~ The attribute `htmx `_ uses is `hx-preserve `_. Update your settings to include: .. code-block:: python DEBUG_TOOLBAR_CONFIG = { "ROOT_TAG_EXTRA_ATTRS": "hx-preserve" } Hotwire Turbo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The attribute `Turbo `_ uses is `data-turbo-permanent `_ Update your settings to include: .. code-block:: python DEBUG_TOOLBAR_CONFIG = { "ROOT_TAG_EXTRA_ATTRS": "data-turbo-permanent" } Performance considerations -------------------------- The Debug Toolbar is designed to introduce as little overhead as possible in the rendering of pages. However, depending on your project, the overhead may become noticeable. In extreme cases, it can make development impractical. Here's a breakdown of the performance issues you can run into and their solutions. Problems ~~~~~~~~ The Debug Toolbar works in two phases. First, it gathers data while Django handles a request and stores this data in memory. Second, when you open a panel in the browser, it fetches the data on the server and displays it. If you're seeing excessive CPU or memory consumption while browsing your site, you must optimize the "gathering" phase. If displaying a panel is slow, you must optimize the "rendering" phase. Culprits ~~~~~~~~ The SQL panel may be the culprit if your view performs many SQL queries. You should attempt to minimize the number of SQL queries, but this isn't always possible, for instance if you're using a CMS and have disabled caching for development. The cache panel is very similar to the SQL panel, except it isn't always a bad practice to make many cache queries in a view. The template panel becomes slow if your views or context processors return large contexts and your templates have complex inheritance or inclusion schemes. Solutions ~~~~~~~~~ If the "gathering" phase is too slow, you can disable problematic panels temporarily by deselecting the checkbox at the top right of each panel. That change will apply to the next request. If you don't use some panels at all, you can remove them permanently by customizing the ``DEBUG_TOOLBAR_PANELS`` setting. By default, data gathered during the last 25 requests is kept in memory. This allows you to use the toolbar on a page even if you have browsed to a few other pages since you first loaded that page. You can reduce memory consumption by setting the ``RESULTS_CACHE_SIZE`` configuration option to a lower value. At worst, the toolbar will tell you that the data you're looking for isn't available anymore. If the "rendering" phase is too slow, refrain from clicking on problematic panels :) Or reduce the amount of data gathered and rendered by these panels by disabling some configuration options that are enabled by default: - ``ENABLE_STACKTRACES`` for the SQL and cache panels, - ``SHOW_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT`` for the template panel. - ``PROFILER_CAPTURE_PROJECT_CODE`` and ``PROFILER_THRESHOLD_RATIO`` for the profiling panel. Also, check ``SKIP_TEMPLATE_PREFIXES`` when you're using template-based form widgets.