Panels ====== The Django Debug Toolbar ships with a series of built-in panels. In addition, several third-party panels are available. Default built-in panels ----------------------- The following panels are enabled by default. History ~~~~~~~ .. class:: debug_toolbar.panels.history.HistoryPanel This panel shows the history of requests made and allows switching to a past snapshot of the toolbar to view that request's stats. .. caution:: If :ref:`RENDER_PANELS ` configuration option is set to ``True`` or if the server runs with multiple processes, the History Panel will be disabled. Version ~~~~~~~ .. class:: debug_toolbar.panels.versions.VersionsPanel Shows versions of Python, Django, and installed apps if possible. Timer ~~~~~ .. class:: debug_toolbar.panels.timer.TimerPanel Request timer. Settings ~~~~~~~~ .. class:: debug_toolbar.panels.settings.SettingsPanel A list of settings in Headers ~~~~~~~ .. class:: debug_toolbar.panels.headers.HeadersPanel This panels shows the HTTP request and response headers, as well as a selection of values from the WSGI environment. Note that headers set by middleware placed before the debug toolbar middleware in ``MIDDLEWARE`` won't be visible in the panel. The WSGI server itself may also add response headers such as ``Date`` and ``Server``. Request ~~~~~~~ .. class:: debug_toolbar.panels.request.RequestPanel GET/POST/cookie/session variable display. SQL ~~~ .. class:: debug_toolbar.panels.sql.SQLPanel SQL queries including time to execute and links to EXPLAIN each query. Template ~~~~~~~~ .. class:: debug_toolbar.panels.templates.TemplatesPanel Templates and context used, and their template paths. Static files ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. class:: debug_toolbar.panels.staticfiles.StaticFilesPanel Used static files and their locations (via the ``staticfiles`` finders). Cache ~~~~~ .. class:: debug_toolbar.panels.cache.CachePanel Cache queries. Is incompatible with Django's per-site caching. Signal ~~~~~~ .. class:: debug_toolbar.panels.signals.SignalsPanel List of signals and receivers. Logging ~~~~~~~ .. class:: debug_toolbar.panels.logging.LoggingPanel Logging output via Python's built-in :mod:`logging` module. Redirects ~~~~~~~~~ .. class:: debug_toolbar.panels.redirects.RedirectsPanel When this panel is enabled, the debug toolbar will show an intermediate page upon redirect so you can view any debug information prior to redirecting. This page will provide a link to the redirect destination you can follow when ready. Since this behavior is annoying when you aren't debugging a redirect, this panel is included but inactive by default. You can activate it by default with the ``DISABLE_PANELS`` configuration option. .. _profiling-panel: Profiling ~~~~~~~~~ .. class:: debug_toolbar.panels.profiling.ProfilingPanel Profiling information for the processing of the request. This panel is included but inactive by default. You can activate it by default with the ``DISABLE_PANELS`` configuration option. The panel will include all function calls made by your project if you're using the setting ``settings.BASE_DIR`` to point to your project's root directory. If a function is in a file within that directory and does not include ``"/site-packages/"`` or ``"/dist-packages/"`` in the path, it will be included. Third-party panels ------------------ .. note:: Third-party panels aren't officially supported! The authors of the Django Debug Toolbar maintain a list of third-party panels, but they can't vouch for the quality of each of them. Please report bugs to their authors. If you'd like to add a panel to this list, please submit a pull request! Flame Graphs ~~~~~~~~~~~~ URL: Path: ``pyflame.djdt.panel.FlamegraphPanel`` Displays a flame graph for visualizing the performance profile of the request, using Brendan Gregg's ` script `_ to perform the heavy lifting. HTML Tidy/Validator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ URL: Path: ``debug_toolbar_htmltidy.panels.HTMLTidyDebugPanel`` HTML Tidy or HTML Validator is a custom panel that validates your HTML and displays warnings and errors. Inspector ~~~~~~~~~ URL: Path: ``inspector_panel.panels.inspector.InspectorPanel`` Retrieves and displays information you specify using the ``debug`` statement. Inspector panel also logs to the console by default, but may be instructed not to. LDAP Tracing ~~~~~~~~~~~~ URL: Path: ``windows_auth.panels.LDAPPanel`` LDAP Operations performed during the request, including timing, request and response messages, the entries received, write changes list, stack-tracing and error debugging. This panel also shows connection usage metrics when it is collected. `Check out the docs `_. Line Profiler ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ URL: Path: ``debug_toolbar_line_profiler.panel.ProfilingPanel`` This package provides a profiling panel that incorporates output from line_profiler_. .. _line_profiler: Mail ~~~~~~~~ URL: Path: ``mail_panel.panels.MailToolbarPanel`` This panel captures and displays emails sent from your application. Memcache ~~~~~~~~ URL: Path: ``memcache_toolbar.panels.memcache.MemcachePanel`` or ``memcache_toolbar.panels.pylibmc.PylibmcPanel`` This panel tracks memcached usage. It currently supports both the pylibmc and memcache libraries. MongoDB ~~~~~~~ URL: Path: ``debug_toolbar_mongo.panel.MongoDebugPanel`` Adds MongoDB debugging information. MrBenn Toolbar Plugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ URL: Path: ``mrbenn_panel.panel.MrBennPanel`` Allows you to quickly open template files and views directly in your IDE! In addition to the path above, you need to add ``mrbenn_panel`` in ``INSTALLED_APPS`` Neo4j ~~~~~ URL: Path: ``neo4j_panel.Neo4jPanel`` Trace neo4j rest API calls in your Django application, this also works for neo4django and neo4jrestclient, support for py2neo is on its way. Pympler ~~~~~~~ URL: Path: ``pympler.panels.MemoryPanel`` Shows process memory information (virtual size, resident set size) and model instances for the current request. Request History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ URL: Path: ``ddt_request_history.panels.request_history.RequestHistoryPanel`` Switch between requests to view their stats. Also adds support for viewing stats for AJAX requests. Requests ~~~~~~~~ URL: Path: ``requests_panel.panel.RequestsDebugPanel`` Lists HTTP requests made with the popular `requests `_ library. Sites ~~~~~ URL: Path: ``sites_toolbar.panels.SitesDebugPanel`` Browse Sites registered in ``django.contrib.sites`` and switch between them. Useful to debug project when you use `django-dynamicsites `_ which sets SITE_ID dynamically. Template Profiler ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ URL: Path: ``template_profiler_panel.panels.template.TemplateProfilerPanel`` Shows template render call duration and distribution on the timeline. Lightweight. Compatible with WSGI servers which reuse threads for multiple requests (Werkzeug). Template Timings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ URL: Path: ``template_timings_panel.panels.TemplateTimings.TemplateTimings`` Displays template rendering times for your Django application. User ~~~~ URL: Path: ``debug_toolbar_user_panel.panels.UserPanel`` Easily switch between logged in users, see properties of current user. VCS Info ~~~~~~~~ URL: Path: ``vcs_info_panel.panels.GitInfoPanel`` Displays VCS status (revision, branch, latest commit log and more) of your Django application. uWSGI Stats ~~~~~~~~~~~ URL: Path: ``django_uwsgi.panels.UwsgiPanel`` Displays uWSGI stats (workers, applications, spooler jobs and more). API for third-party panels -------------------------- Third-party panels must subclass :class:`~debug_toolbar.panels.Panel`, according to the public API described below. Unless noted otherwise, all methods are optional. Panels can ship their own templates, static files and views. All views should be decorated with ``debug_toolbar.decorators.require_show_toolbar`` to prevent unauthorized access. There is no public CSS API at this time. .. autoclass:: debug_toolbar.panels.Panel .. autoattribute:: debug_toolbar.panels.Panel.nav_title .. autoattribute:: debug_toolbar.panels.Panel.nav_subtitle .. autoattribute:: debug_toolbar.panels.Panel.has_content .. autoattribute:: debug_toolbar.panels.Panel.title .. autoattribute:: debug_toolbar.panels.Panel.template .. autoattribute:: debug_toolbar.panels.Panel.content .. autoattribute:: debug_toolbar.panels.Panel.scripts .. automethod:: debug_toolbar.panels.Panel.ready .. automethod:: debug_toolbar.panels.Panel.get_urls .. automethod:: debug_toolbar.panels.Panel.enable_instrumentation .. automethod:: debug_toolbar.panels.Panel.disable_instrumentation .. automethod:: debug_toolbar.panels.Panel.record_stats .. automethod:: debug_toolbar.panels.Panel.get_stats .. automethod:: debug_toolbar.panels.Panel.process_request .. automethod:: debug_toolbar.panels.Panel.generate_server_timing .. automethod:: debug_toolbar.panels.Panel.generate_stats .. automethod:: debug_toolbar.panels.Panel.get_headers .. automethod:: debug_toolbar.panels.Panel.run_checks .. _javascript-api: JavaScript API ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Panel templates should include any JavaScript files they need. There are a few common methods available. .. js:function:: djdt.close Closes the topmost level (window/panel/toolbar) .. js:function:: djdt.cookie.get(key) This is a helper function to fetch values stored in the cookies. :param key: The key for the value to be fetched. .. js:function:: djdt.cookie.set(key, value, options) This is a helper function to set a value stored in the cookies. :param key: The key to be used. :param value: The value to be set. :param options: The options for the value to be set. It should contain the properties ``expires`` and ``path``. .. js:function:: djdt.hide_toolbar Closes any panels and hides the toolbar. .. js:function:: djdt.show_toolbar Shows the toolbar. This can be used to re-render the toolbar when reloading the entire DOM. For example, then using `HTMX's boosting`_. .. _HTMX's boosting: Events ^^^^^^ .. js:attribute:: djdt.panel.render This is an event raised when a panel is rendered. It has the property ``detail.panelId`` which identifies which panel has been loaded. This event can be useful when creating custom scripts to process the HTML further. An example of this for the ``CustomPanel`` would be: .. code-block:: javascript import { $$ } from "./utils.js"; function addCustomMetrics() { // Logic to process/add custom metrics here. // Be sure to cover the case of this function being called twice // due to file being loaded asynchronously. } const djDebug = document.getElementById("djDebug"); $$.onPanelRender(djDebug, "CustomPanel", addCustomMetrics); // Since a panel's scripts are loaded asynchronously, it's possible that // the above statement would occur after the djdt.panel.render event has // been raised. To account for that, the rendering function should be // called here as well. addCustomMetrics();