:orphan: ============ Contributing ============ First of all, thank you for wanting to make **django-braces** better! We love getting input and suggestions from the community. Secondly, we just want to put out a few ground rules for contributing so that we can get your pull requests in sooner and cause less headaches all around. .. _Code Style: Code Style ---------- We stick to `PEP8 `_ as much as possible, so please make sure your code passes a lint test. That means two blank lines before class names and all of those other wonderful rules. We like docstrings in the classes, too. This helps us and those that come later what the class is meant to do. Docstrings in methods are great, too, especially if the method makes any assumptions about how it'll be used. .. _Docs: Docs ---- If you're reading this, you should already know that docs are important to this project and, honestly, all of them. We like any new mixins, or changes in existing mixins, to come with documentation changes showing how to use the mixin. Ideally, you show at least one example usage, but if your mixin provides multiple paths, perhaps a static attribute or a dynamic method, it's really great if your documentation shows both avenues, too. .. _Tests: Tests ----- All code changes should come with test changes. We use `py.test `_ instead of Python's ``unittest``. We try to keep the project at high test coverage but know this isn't something we can achieve alone. Tests should be included with your pull requests and should cover 100% of your changes. We test ``django-braces`` against currently supported versions of Python and LTS versions of Django. All pull requests are run through a matrix of these Python and Django versions. Locally, use a recent Python and Django.