Performance =========== :class:`~django_auth_ldap.backend.LDAPBackend` is carefully designed not to require a connection to the LDAP service for every request. Of course, this depends heavily on how it is configured. If LDAP traffic or latency is a concern for your deployment, this section has a few tips on minimizing it, in decreasing order of impact. #. **Cache groups**. If :setting:`AUTH_LDAP_FIND_GROUP_PERMS` is ``True``, the default behavior is to reload a user's group memberships on every request. This is the safest behavior, as any membership change takes effect immediately, but it is expensive. If possible, set :setting:`AUTH_LDAP_CACHE_TIMEOUT` to remove most of this traffic. #. **Don't access user.ldap_user.***. Except for ``ldap_user.dn``, these properties are only cached on a per-request basis. If you can propagate LDAP attributes to a :class:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User`, they will only be updated at login. ``user.ldap_user.attrs`` triggers an LDAP connection for every request in which it's accessed. #. **Use simpler group types**. Some grouping mechanisms are more expensive than others. This will often be outside your control, but it's important to note that the extra functionality of more complex group types like :class:`~django_auth_ldap.config.NestedGroupOfNamesType` is not free and will generally require a greater number and complexity of LDAP queries. #. **Use direct binding**. Binding with :setting:`AUTH_LDAP_USER_DN_TEMPLATE` is a little bit more efficient than relying on :setting:`AUTH_LDAP_USER_SEARCH`. Specifically, it saves two LDAP operations (one bind and one search) per login.