Source code for cookiecutter.prompt

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Functions for prompting the user for project info."""

from collections import OrderedDict
import json

import click
import six

from jinja2.exceptions import UndefinedError

from cookiecutter.exceptions import UndefinedVariableInTemplate
from cookiecutter.environment import StrictEnvironment

[docs]def read_user_variable(var_name, default_value): """Prompt user for variable and return the entered value or given default. :param str var_name: Variable of the context to query the user :param default_value: Value that will be returned if no input happens """ # Please see return click.prompt(var_name, default=default_value)
[docs]def read_user_yes_no(question, default_value): """Prompt the user to reply with 'yes' or 'no' (or equivalent values). Note: Possible choices are 'true', '1', 'yes', 'y' or 'false', '0', 'no', 'n' :param str question: Question to the user :param default_value: Value that will be returned if no input happens """ # Please see return click.prompt(question, default=default_value, type=click.BOOL)
[docs]def read_repo_password(question): """Prompt the user to enter a password. :param str question: Question to the user """ # Please see return click.prompt(question, hide_input=True)
[docs]def read_user_choice(var_name, options): """Prompt the user to choose from several options for the given variable. The first item will be returned if no input happens. :param str var_name: Variable as specified in the context :param list options: Sequence of options that are available to select from :return: Exactly one item of ``options`` that has been chosen by the user """ # Please see if not isinstance(options, list): raise TypeError if not options: raise ValueError choice_map = OrderedDict( (u'{}'.format(i), value) for i, value in enumerate(options, 1) ) choices = choice_map.keys() default = u'1' choice_lines = [u'{} - {}'.format(*c) for c in choice_map.items()] prompt = u'\n'.join( ( u'Select {}:'.format(var_name), u'\n'.join(choice_lines), u'Choose from {}'.format(u', '.join(choices)), ) ) user_choice = click.prompt( prompt, type=click.Choice(choices), default=default, show_choices=False ) return choice_map[user_choice]
[docs]def process_json(user_value): """Load user-supplied value as a JSON dict. :param str user_value: User-supplied value to load as a JSON dict """ try: user_dict = json.loads(user_value, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) except Exception: # Leave it up to click to ask the user again raise click.UsageError('Unable to decode to JSON.') if not isinstance(user_dict, dict): # Leave it up to click to ask the user again raise click.UsageError('Requires JSON dict.') return user_dict
[docs]def read_user_dict(var_name, default_value): """Prompt the user to provide a dictionary of data. :param str var_name: Variable as specified in the context :param default_value: Value that will be returned if no input is provided :return: A Python dictionary to use in the context. """ # Please see if not isinstance(default_value, dict): raise TypeError default_display = 'default' user_value = click.prompt( var_name, default=default_display, type=click.STRING, value_proc=process_json ) if user_value == default_display: # Return the given default w/o any processing return default_value return user_value
[docs]def render_variable(env, raw, cookiecutter_dict): """Render the next variable to be displayed in the user prompt. Inside the prompting taken from the cookiecutter.json file, this renders the next variable. For example, if a project_name is "Peanut Butter Cookie", the repo_name could be be rendered with: `{{ cookiecutter.project_name.replace(" ", "_") }}`. This is then presented to the user as the default. :param Environment env: A Jinja2 Environment object. :param raw: The next value to be prompted for by the user. :param dict cookiecutter_dict: The current context as it's gradually being populated with variables. :return: The rendered value for the default variable. """ if raw is None: return None elif isinstance(raw, dict): return { render_variable(env, k, cookiecutter_dict): render_variable( env, v, cookiecutter_dict ) for k, v in raw.items() } elif isinstance(raw, list): return [render_variable(env, v, cookiecutter_dict) for v in raw] elif not isinstance(raw, six.string_types): raw = str(raw) template = env.from_string(raw) rendered_template = template.render(cookiecutter=cookiecutter_dict) return rendered_template
[docs]def prompt_choice_for_config(cookiecutter_dict, env, key, options, no_input): """Prompt user with a set of options to choose from. Each of the possible choices is rendered beforehand. """ rendered_options = [render_variable(env, raw, cookiecutter_dict) for raw in options] if no_input: return rendered_options[0] return read_user_choice(key, rendered_options)
[docs]def prompt_for_config(context, no_input=False): """Prompt user to enter a new config. :param dict context: Source for field names and sample values. :param no_input: Prompt the user at command line for manual configuration? """ cookiecutter_dict = OrderedDict([]) env = StrictEnvironment(context=context) # First pass: Handle simple and raw variables, plus choices. # These must be done first because the dictionaries keys and # values might refer to them. for key, raw in context[u'cookiecutter'].items(): if key.startswith(u'_'): cookiecutter_dict[key] = raw continue try: if isinstance(raw, list): # We are dealing with a choice variable val = prompt_choice_for_config( cookiecutter_dict, env, key, raw, no_input ) cookiecutter_dict[key] = val elif not isinstance(raw, dict): # We are dealing with a regular variable val = render_variable(env, raw, cookiecutter_dict) if not no_input: val = read_user_variable(key, val) cookiecutter_dict[key] = val except UndefinedError as err: msg = "Unable to render variable '{}'".format(key) raise UndefinedVariableInTemplate(msg, err, context) # Second pass; handle the dictionaries. for key, raw in context[u'cookiecutter'].items(): try: if isinstance(raw, dict): # We are dealing with a dict variable val = render_variable(env, raw, cookiecutter_dict) if not no_input: val = read_user_dict(key, val) cookiecutter_dict[key] = val except UndefinedError as err: msg = "Unable to render variable '{}'".format(key) raise UndefinedVariableInTemplate(msg, err, context) return cookiecutter_dict