Source code for cookiecutter.hooks

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Functions for discovering and executing various cookiecutter hooks."""

import errno
import io
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile

from cookiecutter import utils
from cookiecutter.environment import StrictEnvironment
from cookiecutter.exceptions import FailedHookException

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_HOOKS = [

[docs]def valid_hook(hook_file, hook_name): """Determine if a hook file is valid. :param hook_file: The hook file to consider for validity :param hook_name: The hook to find :return: The hook file validity """ filename = os.path.basename(hook_file) basename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] matching_hook = basename == hook_name supported_hook = basename in _HOOKS backup_file = filename.endswith('~') return matching_hook and supported_hook and not backup_file
[docs]def find_hook(hook_name, hooks_dir='hooks'): """Return a dict of all hook scripts provided. Must be called with the project template as the current working directory. Dict's key will be the hook/script's name, without extension, while values will be the absolute path to the script. Missing scripts will not be included in the returned dict. :param hook_name: The hook to find :param hooks_dir: The hook directory in the template :return: The absolute path to the hook script or None """ logger.debug('hooks_dir is %s', os.path.abspath(hooks_dir)) if not os.path.isdir(hooks_dir): logger.debug('No hooks/dir in template_dir') return None for hook_file in os.listdir(hooks_dir): if valid_hook(hook_file, hook_name): return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(hooks_dir, hook_file)) return None
[docs]def run_script(script_path, cwd='.'): """Execute a script from a working directory. :param script_path: Absolute path to the script to run. :param cwd: The directory to run the script from. """ run_thru_shell = sys.platform.startswith('win') if script_path.endswith('.py'): script_command = [sys.executable, script_path] else: script_command = [script_path] utils.make_executable(script_path) try: proc = subprocess.Popen(script_command, shell=run_thru_shell, cwd=cwd) exit_status = proc.wait() if exit_status != EXIT_SUCCESS: raise FailedHookException( 'Hook script failed (exit status: {})'.format(exit_status) ) except OSError as os_error: if os_error.errno == errno.ENOEXEC: raise FailedHookException( 'Hook script failed, might be an ' 'empty file or missing a shebang' ) raise FailedHookException('Hook script failed (error: {})'.format(os_error))
[docs]def run_script_with_context(script_path, cwd, context): """Execute a script after rendering it with Jinja. :param script_path: Absolute path to the script to run. :param cwd: The directory to run the script from. :param context: Cookiecutter project template context. """ _, extension = os.path.splitext(script_path) with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: contents = with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, mode='wb', suffix=extension) as temp: env = StrictEnvironment(context=context, keep_trailing_newline=True) template = env.from_string(contents) output = template.render(**context) temp.write(output.encode('utf-8')) run_script(, cwd)
[docs]def run_hook(hook_name, project_dir, context): """ Try to find and execute a hook from the specified project directory. :param hook_name: The hook to execute. :param project_dir: The directory to execute the script from. :param context: Cookiecutter project context. """ script = find_hook(hook_name) if script is None: logger.debug('No %s hook found', hook_name) return logger.debug('Running hook %s', hook_name) run_script_with_context(script, project_dir, context)