#!/usr/bin/env python # 2014 - Bibek Kafle & Roland Shoemaker # Port of @jgm's JavaScript stmd.js implementation of the CommonMark spec # Basic usage: # # import CommonMark # parser = CommonMark.DocParser() # renderer = CommonMark.HtmlRenderer() # print(renderer.render(parser.parse('Hello *world*'))) import re, sys, argparse, json # if python3 use html.parser and urllib.parse, else use HTMLParser and urllib if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): import urllib.parse if sys.version_info >= (3, 4): import html.parser HTMLunescape = html.parser.HTMLParser().unescape else: from .entitytrans import _unescape HTMLunescape = _unescape HTMLquote = urllib.parse.quote HTMLunquote = urllib.parse.unquote URLparse = urllib.parse.urlparse else: import urllib, urlparse import entitytrans HTMLunescape = entitytrans._unescape HTMLquote = urllib.quote HTMLunquote = urllib.unquote URLparse = urlparse.urlparse # Some of the regexps used in inline parser :< ESCAPABLE = '[!"#$%&\'()*+,./:;<=>?@[\\\\\\]^_`{|}~-]' ESCAPED_CHAR = '\\\\' + ESCAPABLE IN_DOUBLE_QUOTES = '"(' + ESCAPED_CHAR + '|[^"\\x00])*"' IN_SINGLE_QUOTES = '\'(' + ESCAPED_CHAR + '|[^\'\\x00])*\'' IN_PARENS = '\\((' + ESCAPED_CHAR + '|[^)\\x00])*\\)' REG_CHAR = '[^\\\\()\\x00-\\x20]' IN_PARENS_NOSP = '\\((' + REG_CHAR + '|' + ESCAPED_CHAR + ')*\\)' TAGNAME = '[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*' BLOCKTAGNAME = '(?:article|header|aside|hgroup|iframe|blockquote|hr|body|li|map|button|object|canvas|ol|caption|output|col|p|colgroup|pre|dd|progress|div|section|dl|table|td|dt|tbody|embed|textarea|fieldset|tfoot|figcaption|th|figure|thead|footer|footer|tr|form|ul|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|video|script|style)' ATTRIBUTENAME = '[a-zA-Z_:][a-zA-Z0-9:._-]*' UNQUOTEDVALUE = "[^\"'=<>`\\x00-\\x20]+" SINGLEQUOTEDVALUE = "'[^']*'" DOUBLEQUOTEDVALUE = '"[^"]*"' ATTRIBUTEVALUE = "(?:" + UNQUOTEDVALUE + "|" + \ SINGLEQUOTEDVALUE + "|" + DOUBLEQUOTEDVALUE + ")" ATTRIBUTEVALUESPEC = "(?:" + "\\s*=" + "\\s*" + ATTRIBUTEVALUE + ")" ATTRIBUTE = "(?:" + "\\s+" + ATTRIBUTENAME + ATTRIBUTEVALUESPEC + "?)" OPENTAG = "<" + TAGNAME + ATTRIBUTE + "*" + "\\s*/?>" CLOSETAG = "</" + TAGNAME + "\\s*[>]" OPENBLOCKTAG = "<" + BLOCKTAGNAME + ATTRIBUTE + "*" + "\\s*/?>" CLOSEBLOCKTAG = "</" + BLOCKTAGNAME + "\\s*[>]" HTMLCOMMENT = "<!--([^-]+|[-][^-]+)*-->" PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION = "[<][?].*?[?][>]" DECLARATION = "<![A-Z]+" + "\\s+[^>]*>" CDATA = "<!\\[CDATA\\[([^\\]]+|\\][^\\]]|\\]\\][^>])*\\]\\]>" HTMLTAG = "(?:" + OPENTAG + "|" + CLOSETAG + "|" + HTMLCOMMENT + \ "|" + PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION + "|" + DECLARATION + "|" + CDATA + ")" HTMLBLOCKOPEN = "<(?:" + BLOCKTAGNAME + \ "[\\s/>]" + "|" + "/" + \ BLOCKTAGNAME + "[\\s>]" + "|" + "[?!])" reHtmlTag = re.compile('^' + HTMLTAG, re.IGNORECASE) reHtmlBlockOpen = re.compile('^' + HTMLBLOCKOPEN, re.IGNORECASE) reLinkTitle = re.compile( '^(?:"(' + ESCAPED_CHAR + '|[^"\\x00])*"' + '|' + '\'(' + ESCAPED_CHAR + '|[^\'\\x00])*\'' + '|' + '\\((' + ESCAPED_CHAR + '|[^)\\x00])*\\))') reLinkDestinationBraces = re.compile( '^(?:[<](?:[^<>\\n\\\\\\x00]' + '|' + ESCAPED_CHAR + '|' + '\\\\)*[>])') reLinkDestination = re.compile( '^(?:' + REG_CHAR + '+|' + ESCAPED_CHAR + '|' + IN_PARENS_NOSP + ')*') reEscapable = re.compile(ESCAPABLE) reAllEscapedChar = '\\\\(' + ESCAPABLE + ')' reEscapedChar = re.compile('^\\\\(' + ESCAPABLE + ')') reAllTab = re.compile("\t") reHrule = re.compile(r"^(?:(?:\* *){3,}|(?:_ *){3,}|(?:- *){3,}) *$") # Matches a character with a special meaning in markdown, # or a string of non-special characters. reMain = r"^(?:[\n`\[\]\\!<&*_]|[^\n`\[\]\\!<&*_]+)" # Utility functions def ASTtoJSON(block): """ Output AST in JSON form.""" def prepare(block): if block.parent: block.parent = None if block.children: for i, child in enumerate(block.children): block.children[i] = prepare(child) return block return json.dumps(prepare(block), default=lambda o: o.__dict__, sort_keys=True) # indent=4) def dumpAST(obj, ind=0): """ Print out a block/entire AST.""" indChar = ("\t" * ind) + "-> " if ind else "" print(indChar + "[" + obj.t + "]") if not obj.title == "": print("\t" + indChar + "Title: " + obj.title) if not obj.info == "": print("\t" + indChar + "Info: " + obj.info) if not obj.destination == "": print("\t" + indChar + "Destination: " + obj.destination) if obj.isOpen: print("\t" + indChar + "Open: " + str(obj.isOpen)) if obj.last_line_blank: print( "\t" + indChar + "Last line blank: " + str(obj.last_line_blank)) if obj.start_line: print("\t" + indChar + "Start line: " + str(obj.start_line)) if obj.start_column: print("\t" + indChar + "Start Column: " + str(obj.start_column)) if obj.end_line: print("\t" + indChar + "End line: " + str(obj.end_line)) if not obj.string_content == "": print("\t" + indChar + "String content: " + obj.string_content) if not obj.info == "": print("\t" + indChar + "Info: " + obj.info) if len(obj.strings) > 0: print("\t" + indChar + "Strings: ['" + "', '".join(obj.strings) + "'']") if obj.c: if type(obj.c) is list: print("\t" + indChar + "c:") for b in obj.c: dumpAST(b, ind + 2) else: print("\t" + indChar + "c: "+obj.c) if obj.label: print("\t" + indChar + "Label:") for b in obj.label: dumpAST(b, ind + 2) if hasattr(obj.list_data, "type"): print("\t" + indChar + "List Data: ") print("\t\t" + indChar + "[type] = " + obj.list_data['type']) if hasattr(obj.list_data, "bullet_char"): print( "\t\t" + indChar + "[bullet_char] = " + obj.list_data['bullet_char']) if hasattr(obj.list_data, "start"): print("\t\t" + indChar + "[start] = " + obj.list_data['start']) if hasattr(obj.list_data, "delimiter"): print( "\t\t" + indChar + "[delimiter] = " + obj.list_data['delimiter']) if hasattr(obj.list_data, "padding"): print( "\t\t" + indChar + "[padding] = " + obj.list_data['padding']) if hasattr(obj.list_data, "marker_offset"): print( "\t\t" + indChar + "[marker_offset] = " + obj.list_data['marker_offset']) if len(obj.inline_content) > 0: print("\t" + indChar + "Inline content:") for b in obj.inline_content: dumpAST(b, ind + 2) if len(obj.children) > 0: print("\t" + indChar + "Children:") for b in obj.children: dumpAST(b, ind + 2) def unescape(s): """ Replace backslash escapes with literal characters.""" return re.sub(reAllEscapedChar, r"\g<1>", s) def isBlank(s): """ Returns True if string contains only space characters.""" return bool(re.compile("^\s*$").match(s)) def normalizeReference(s): """ Normalize reference label: collapse internal whitespace to single space, remove leading/trailing whitespace, case fold.""" return re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', s.strip()).upper() def matchAt(pattern, s, offset): """ Attempt to match a regex in string s at offset offset. Return index of match or None.""" matched = re.search(pattern, s[offset:]) if matched: return offset + s[offset:].index(matched.group(0)) else: return None def detabLine(text): """ Convert tabs to spaces on each line using a 4-space tab stop.""" if re.match('\t', text) and text.index('\t') == -1: return text else: def tabber(m): result = " "[(m.end() - 1 - tabber.lastStop) % 4:] tabber.lastStop = m.end() return result tabber.lastStop = 0 text = re.sub("\t", tabber, text) return text class Block(object): @staticmethod def makeBlock(tag, start_line, start_column): return Block(t=tag, start_line=start_line, start_column=start_column) def __init__(self, t="", c="", destination="", label=[], start_line="", start_column="", title=""): self.t = t self.c = c self.destination = destination self.label = label self.isOpen = True self.last_line_blank = False self.start_line = start_line self.start_column = start_column self.end_line = start_line self.children = [] self.parent = None self.string_content = "" self.strings = [] self.inline_content = [] self.list_data = {} self.title = title self.info = "" self.tight = bool() class InlineParser(object): """ INLINE PARSER These are methods of an InlineParser class, defined below. An InlineParser keeps track of a subject (a string to be parsed) and a position in that subject. If re matches at current position in the subject, advance position in subject and return the match; otherwise return null.""" def __init__(self): self.subject = "" self.label_nest_level = 0 self.pos = 0 self.refmap = {} def match(self, regexString, reCompileFlags=0): """ If re matches at current position in the subject, advance position in subject and return the match; otherwise return null.""" match = re.search( regexString, self.subject[self.pos:], flags=reCompileFlags) if match: self.pos += match.end(0) return match.group() else: return None def peek(self): """ Returns the character at the current subject position, or null if there are no more characters.""" try: return self.subject[self.pos] except IndexError: return None def spnl(self): """ Parse zero or more space characters, including at most one newline.""" self.match(r"^ *(?:\n *)?") return 1 # All of the parsers below try to match something at the current position # in the subject. If they succeed in matching anything, they # push an inline element onto the 'inlines' list. They return the # number of characters parsed (possibly 0). def parseBackticks(self, inlines): """ Attempt to parse backticks, adding either a backtick code span or a literal sequence of backticks to the 'inlines' list.""" startpos = self.pos ticks = self.match(r"^`+") if not ticks: return 0 afterOpenTicks = self.pos foundCode = False match = self.match(r"`+", re.MULTILINE) while (not foundCode) and (not match is None): if (match == ticks): c = self.subject[afterOpenTicks:(self.pos - len(ticks))] c = re.sub(r"[ \n]+", ' ', c) c = c.strip() inlines.append(Block(t="Code", c=c)) return (self.pos - startpos) match = self.match(r"`+", re.MULTILINE) inlines.append(Block(t="Str", c=ticks)) self.pos = afterOpenTicks return (self.pos - startpos) def parseEscaped(self, inlines): """ Parse a backslash-escaped special character, adding either the escaped character, a hard line break (if the backslash is followed by a newline), or a literal backslash to the 'inlines' list.""" subj = self.subject pos = self.pos if (subj[pos] == "\\"): if len(subj) > pos + 1 and (subj[pos + 1] == "\n"): inlines.append(Block(t="Hardbreak")) self.pos += 2 return 2 elif (reEscapable.search(subj[pos + 1:pos + 2])): inlines.append(Block(t="Str", c=subj[pos + 1:pos + 2])) self.pos += 2 return 2 else: self.pos += 1 inlines.append(Block(t="Str", c="\\")) return 1 else: return 0 def parseAutoLink(self, inlines): """ Attempt to parse an autolink (URL or email in pointy brackets).""" m = self.match( "^<([a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*)>") m2 = self.match( "^<(?:coap|doi|javascript|aaa|aaas|about|acap|cap|cid|crid|data|dav|dict|dns|file|ftp|geo|go|gopher|h323|http|https|iax|icap|im|imap|info|ipp|iris|iris.beep|iris.xpc|iris.xpcs|iris.lwz|ldap|mailto|mid|msrp|msrps|mtqp|mupdate|news|nfs|ni|nih|nntp|opaquelocktoken|pop|pres|rtsp|service|session|shttp|sieve|sip|sips|sms|snmp|soap.beep|soap.beeps|tag|tel|telnet|tftp|thismessage|tn3270|tip|tv|urn|vemmi|ws|wss|xcon|xcon-userid|xmlrpc.beep|xmlrpc.beeps|xmpp|z39.50r|z39.50s|adiumxtra|afp|afs|aim|apt|attachment|aw|beshare|bitcoin|bolo|callto|chrome|chrome-extension|com-eventbrite-attendee|content|cvs|dlna-playsingle|dlna-playcontainer|dtn|dvb|ed2k|facetime|feed|finger|fish|gg|git|gizmoproject|gtalk|hcp|icon|ipn|irc|irc6|ircs|itms|jar|jms|keyparc|lastfm|ldaps|magnet|maps|market|message|mms|ms-help|msnim|mumble|mvn|notes|oid|palm|paparazzi|platform|proxy|psyc|query|res|resource|rmi|rsync|rtmp|secondlife|sftp|sgn|skype|smb|soldat|spotify|ssh|steam|svn|teamspeak|things|udp|unreal|ut2004|ventrilo|view-source|webcal|wtai|wyciwyg|xfire|xri|ymsgr):[^<>\x00-\x20]*>", re.IGNORECASE) if m: # email dest = m[1:-1] inlines.append( Block(t="Link", label=[Block(t="Str", c=dest)], destination="mailto:" + dest)) return len(m) elif m2: # link dest2 = m2[1:-1] inlines.append( Block(t="Link", label=[Block(t="Str", c=dest2)], destination=dest2)) return len(m2) else: return 0 def parseHtmlTag(self, inlines): """ Attempt to parse a raw HTML tag.""" m = self.match(reHtmlTag) if (m): inlines.append(Block(t="Html", c=m)) return len(m) else: return 0 def scanDelims(self, c): """ Scan a sequence of characters == c, and return information about the number of delimiters and whether they are positioned such that they can open and/or close emphasis or strong emphasis. A utility function for strong/emph parsing.""" numdelims = 0 first_close_delims = 0 char_before = char_after = None startpos = self.pos char_before = '\n' if self.pos == 0 else self.subject[self.pos - 1] while (self.peek() == c): numdelims += 1 self.pos += 1 a = self.peek() char_after = a if a else "\\n" can_open = (numdelims > 0) and ( numdelims <= 3) and (not re.match("\s", char_after)) can_close = (numdelims > 0) and ( numdelims <= 3) and (not re.match("\s", char_before)) if (c == "_"): can_open = can_open and ( not re.match("[a-z0-9]", char_before, re.IGNORECASE)) can_close = can_close and ( not re.match("[a-z0-9]", char_after, re.IGNORECASE)) self.pos = startpos return { "numdelims": numdelims, "can_open": can_open, "can_close": can_close } def parseEmphasis(self, inlines): """ Attempt to parse emphasis or strong emphasis in an efficient way, with no backtracking.""" startpos = self.pos first_close = 0 nxt = self.peek() if ((nxt == "*") or (nxt == "_")): c = nxt else: return 0 res = self.scanDelims(c) numdelims = res["numdelims"] self.pos += numdelims if startpos > 0: inlines.append( Block(t="Str", c=self.subject[self.pos - numdelims:numdelims + startpos])) else: inlines.append( Block(t="Str", c=self.subject[self.pos - numdelims:numdelims])) delimpos = len(inlines) - 1 if ((not res["can_open"]) or (numdelims == 0)): return 0 first_close_delims = 0 if (numdelims == 1): while (True): res = self.scanDelims(c) if (res["numdelims"] >= 1 and res["can_close"]): self.pos += 1 inlines[delimpos].t = "Emph" inlines[delimpos].c = inlines[delimpos + 1:] if len(inlines) > 1: for x in range(delimpos + 1, len(inlines)): inlines.pop(len(inlines) - 1) break else: if (self.parseInline(inlines) == 0): break return (self.pos - startpos) elif (numdelims == 2): while (True): res = self.scanDelims(c) if (res["numdelims"] >= 2 and res["can_close"]): self.pos += 2 inlines[delimpos].t = "Strong" inlines[delimpos].c = inlines[delimpos + 1:] if len(inlines) > 1: for x in range(delimpos + 1, len(inlines)): inlines.pop(len(inlines) - 1) break else: if (self.parseInline(inlines) == 0): break return (self.pos - startpos) elif (numdelims == 3): while (True): res = self.scanDelims(c) if (res["numdelims"] >= 1 and res["numdelims"] <= 3 and res["can_close"] and not res["numdelims"] == first_close_delims): if first_close_delims == 1 and numdelims > 2: res["numdelims"] = 2 elif first_close_delims == 2: res['numdelims'] = 1 elif res['numdelims'] == 3: res['numdelims'] = 1 self.pos += res['numdelims'] if first_close > 0: inlines[ delimpos].t = "Strong" if first_close_delims == 1 else "Emph" temp = "Emph" if first_close_delims == 1 else "Strong" inlines[delimpos].c = [Block(t=temp, c=inlines[delimpos + 1:first_close])] + inlines[ first_close + 1:] # error on 362? if len(inlines) > 1: for x in range(delimpos + 1, len(inlines)): inlines.pop(len(inlines) - 1) break else: inlines.append( Block(t="Str", c=self.subject[self.pos - res["numdelims"]:self.pos])) first_close = len(inlines) - 1 first_close_delims = res["numdelims"] else: if self.parseInline(inlines) == 0: break return (self.pos - startpos) else: return res return 0 def parseLinkTitle(self): """ Attempt to parse link title (sans quotes), returning the string or null if no match.""" title = self.match(reLinkTitle) if title: return unescape(title[1:len(title)-1]) else: return None def parseLinkDestination(self): """ Attempt to parse link destination, returning the string or null if no match.""" res = self.match(reLinkDestinationBraces) if not res is None: return unescape(res[1:len(res) - 1]) else: res2 = self.match(reLinkDestination) if not res2 is None: return unescape(res2) else: return None def parseLinkLabel(self): """ Attempt to parse a link label, returning number of characters parsed.""" if not self.peek() == "[": return 0 startpos = self.pos nest_level = 0 if self.label_nest_level > 0: self.label_nest_level -= 1 return 0 self.pos += 1 c = self.peek() while ((not c == "]") or (nest_level > 0)) and not c is None: if c == "`": self.parseBackticks([]) elif c == "<": self.parseAutoLink([]) or self.parseHtmlTag( []) or self.parseString([]) elif c == "[": nest_level += 1 self.pos += 1 elif c == "]": nest_level -= 1 self.pos += 1 elif c == "\\": self.parseEscaped([]) else: self.parseString([]) c = self.peek() if c == "]": self.label_nest_level = 0 self.pos += 1 return self.pos - startpos else: if c is None: self.label_nest_level = nest_level self.pos = startpos return 0 def parseRawLabel(self, s): """ Parse raw link label, including surrounding [], and return inline contents. (Note: this is not a method of InlineParser.)""" return InlineParser().parse(s[1:-1]) def parseLink(self, inlines): """ Attempt to parse a link. If successful, add the link to inlines.""" startpos = self.pos n = self.parseLinkLabel() if n == 0: return 0 afterlabel = self.pos rawlabel = self.subject[startpos:n+startpos] if self.peek() == "(": self.pos += 1 if self.spnl(): dest = self.parseLinkDestination() if not dest is None and self.spnl(): if re.match(r"^\s", self.subject[self.pos - 1]): title = self.parseLinkTitle() else: title = "" if self.spnl() and self.match(r"^\)"): inlines.append( Block(t="Link", destination=dest, title=title, label=self.parseRawLabel(rawlabel))) return self.pos - startpos else: self.pos = startpos return 0 else: self.pos = startpos return 0 else: self.pos = startpos return 0 savepos = self.pos self.spnl() beforelabel = self.pos n = self.parseLinkLabel() if n == 2: reflabel = rawlabel elif n > 0: reflabel = self.subject[beforelabel:beforelabel + n] else: self.pos = savepos reflabel = rawlabel if normalizeReference(reflabel) in self.refmap: link = self.refmap[normalizeReference(reflabel)] else: link = None if link: if link.get("title", None): title = link['title'] else: title = "" if link.get("destination", None): destination = link['destination'] else: destination = "" inlines.append( Block(t="Link", destination=destination, title=title, label=self.parseRawLabel(rawlabel))) return self.pos - startpos else: self.pos = startpos return 0 self.pos = startpos return 0 def parseEntity(self, inlines): """ Attempt to parse an entity, adding to inlines if successful.""" m = self.match( r"^&(?:#x[a-f0-9]{1,8}|#[0-9]{1,8}|[a-z][a-z0-9]{1,31});", re.IGNORECASE) if m: inlines.append(Block(t="Entity", c=m)) return len(m) else: return 0 def parseString(self, inlines): """ Parse a run of ordinary characters, or a single character with a special meaning in markdown, as a plain string, adding to inlines.""" m = self.match(reMain, re.MULTILINE) if m: inlines.append(Block(t="Str", c=m)) return len(m) else: return 0 def parseNewline(self, inlines): """ Parse a newline. If it was preceded by two spaces, return a hard line break; otherwise a soft line break.""" if (self.peek() == '\n'): self.pos += 1 last = inlines[len(inlines) - 1] if last and last.t == "Str" and last.c[-2:] == " ": last.c = re.sub(r' *$', '', last.c) inlines.append(Block(t="Hardbreak")) else: if last and last.t == "Str" and last.c[-1:] == " ": last.c = last.c[0:-1] inlines.append(Block(t="Softbreak")) return 1 else: return 0 def parseImage(self, inlines): """ Attempt to parse an image. If the opening '!' is not followed by a link, add a literal '!' to inlines.""" if (self.match("^!")): n = self.parseLink(inlines) if (n == 0): inlines.append(Block(t="Str", c="!")) return 1 elif (inlines[len(inlines) - 1] and (inlines[len(inlines) - 1].t == "Link")): inlines[len(inlines) - 1].t = "Image" return n + 1 else: raise Exception("Shouldn't happen") else: return 0 def parseReference(self, s, refmap): """ Attempt to parse a link reference, modifying refmap.""" self.subject = s self.pos = 0 startpos = self.pos matchChars = self.parseLinkLabel() if (matchChars == 0): return 0 else: rawlabel = self.subject[:matchChars] test = self.peek() if (test == ":"): self.pos += 1 else: self.pos = startpos return 0 self.spnl() dest = self.parseLinkDestination() if (dest is None or len(dest) == 0): self.pos = startpos return 0 beforetitle = self.pos self.spnl() title = self.parseLinkTitle() if (title is None): title = "" self.pos = beforetitle if (self.match(r"^ *(?:\n|$)") is None): self.pos = startpos return 0 normlabel = normalizeReference(rawlabel) if (not refmap.get(normlabel, None)): refmap[normlabel] = { "destination": dest, "title": title } return (self.pos - startpos) def parseInline(self, inlines): """ Parse the next inline element in subject, advancing subject position and adding the result to 'inlines'.""" c = self.peek() res = None if (c == '\n'): res = self.parseNewline(inlines) elif (c == "\\"): res = self.parseEscaped(inlines) elif (c == "`"): res = self.parseBackticks(inlines) elif ((c == "*") or (c == "_")): res = self.parseEmphasis(inlines) elif (c == "["): res = self.parseLink(inlines) elif (c == "!"): res = self.parseImage(inlines) elif (c == "<"): res = self.parseAutoLink(inlines) or self.parseHtmlTag(inlines) elif (c == "&"): res = self.parseEntity(inlines) return res or self.parseString(inlines) def parseInlines(self, s, refmap={}): """ Parse s as a list of inlines, using refmap to resolve references.""" self.subject = s self.pos = 0 self.refmap = refmap inlines = [] while (self.parseInline(inlines)): pass return inlines def parse(self, s, refmap={}): """ Pass through to parseInlines.""" return self.parseInlines(s, refmap) class DocParser: def __init__(self, subject=None, pos=0): self.doc = Block.makeBlock("Document", 1, 1) self.subject = subject self.pos = pos self.tip = self.doc self.refmap = {} self.inlineParser = InlineParser() def acceptsLines(self, block_type): """ Returns true if block type can accept lines of text.""" return block_type == "Paragraph" or block_type == "IndentedCode" or block_type == "FencedCode" def endsWithBlankLine(self, block): """ Returns true if block ends with a blank line, descending if needed into lists and sublists.""" if block.last_line_blank: return True if (block.t == "List" or block.t == "ListItem") and len(block.children) > 0: return self.endsWithBlankLine(block.children[len(block.children) - 1]) else: return False def breakOutOfLists(self, block, line_number): """ Break out of all containing lists, resetting the tip of the document to the parent of the highest list, and finalizing all the lists. (This is used to implement the "two blank lines break of of all lists" feature.)""" b = block last_list = None while True: if (b.t == "List"): last_list = b b = b.parent if not b: break if (last_list): while (not block == last_list): self.finalize(block, line_number) block = block.parent self.finalize(last_list, line_number) self.tip = last_list.parent def addLine(self, ln, offset): """ Add a line to the block at the tip. We assume the tip can accept lines -- that check should be done before calling this.""" s = ln[offset:] if not self.tip.isOpen: raise Exception( "Attempted to add line (" + ln + ") to closed container.") self.tip.strings.append(s) def addChild(self, tag, line_number, offset): """ Add block of type tag as a child of the tip. If the tip can't accept children, close and finalize it and try its parent, and so on til we find a block that can accept children.""" while not (self.tip.t == "Document" or self.tip.t == "BlockQuote" or self.tip.t == "ListItem" or (self.tip.t == "List" and tag == "ListItem")): self.finalize(self.tip, line_number) column_number = offset + 1 newBlock = Block.makeBlock(tag, line_number, column_number) self.tip.children.append(newBlock) newBlock.parent = self.tip self.tip = newBlock return newBlock def listsMatch(self, list_data, item_data): """ Returns true if the two list items are of the same type, with the same delimiter and bullet character. This is used in agglomerating list items into lists.""" return (list_data.get("type", None) == item_data.get("type", None) and list_data.get("delimiter", None) == item_data.get("delimiter", None) and list_data.get("bullet_char", None) == item_data.get("bullet_char", None)) def parseListMarker(self, ln, offset): """ Parse a list marker and return data on the marker (type, start, delimiter, bullet character, padding) or null.""" rest = ln[offset:] data = {} blank_item = bool() if re.match(reHrule, rest): return None match = re.search(r'^[*+-]( +|$)', rest) match2 = re.search(r'^(\d+)([.)])( +|$)', rest) if match: spaces_after_marker = len(match.group(1)) data['type'] = 'Bullet' data['bullet_char'] = match.group(0)[0] blank_item = match.group(0) == len(rest) elif match2: spaces_after_marker = len(match2.group(3)) data['type'] = 'Ordered' data['start'] = int(match2.group(1)) data['delimiter'] = match2.group(2) blank_item = match2.group(0) == len(rest) else: return None if spaces_after_marker >= 5 or spaces_after_marker < 1 or blank_item: if match: data['padding'] = len(match.group(0)) - spaces_after_marker + 1 elif match2: data['padding'] = len( match2.group(0)) - spaces_after_marker + 1 else: if match: data['padding'] = len(match.group(0)) elif match2: data['padding'] = len(match2.group(0)) return data def incorporateLine(self, ln, line_number): """ Analyze a line of text and update the document appropriately. We parse markdown text by calling this on each line of input, then finalizing the document.""" all_matched = True offset = 0 CODE_INDENT = 4 blank = None already_done = False container = self.doc oldtip = self.tip ln = detabLine(ln) while len(container.children) > 0: last_child = container.children[-1] if not last_child.isOpen: break container = last_child match = matchAt(r"[^ ]", ln, offset) if match is None: first_nonspace = len(ln) blank = True else: first_nonspace = match blank = False indent = first_nonspace - offset if container.t == "BlockQuote": matched = bool() if len(ln) > first_nonspace and len(ln) > 0: matched = ln[first_nonspace] == ">" matched = indent <= 3 and matched if matched: offset = first_nonspace + 1 try: if ln[offset] == " ": offset += 1 except IndexError: pass else: all_matched = False elif container.t == "ListItem": if (indent >= container.list_data['marker_offset'] + container.list_data['padding']): offset += container.list_data[ 'marker_offset'] + container.list_data['padding'] elif blank: offset = first_nonspace else: all_matched = False elif container.t == "IndentedCode": if indent >= CODE_INDENT: offset += CODE_INDENT elif blank: offset = first_nonspace else: all_matched = False elif container.t in ["ATXHeader", "SetextHeader", "HorizontalRule"]: all_matched = False elif container.t == "FencedCode": i = container.fence_offset while i > 0 and len(ln) > offset and ln[offset] == " ": offset += 1 i -= 1 elif container.t == "HtmlBlock": if blank: all_matched = False elif container.t == "Paragraph": if blank: container.last_line_blank = True all_matched = False if not all_matched: container = container.parent break last_matched_container = container def closeUnmatchedBlocks(self, already_done, oldtip): """ This function is used to finalize and close any unmatched blocks. We aren't ready to do this now, because we might have a lazy paragraph continuation, in which case we don't want to close unmatched blocks. So we store this closure for use later, when we have more information.""" while not already_done and not oldtip == last_matched_container: self.finalize(oldtip, line_number) oldtip = oldtip.parent return True, oldtip if blank and container.last_line_blank: self.breakOutOfLists(container, line_number) while not container.t == "FencedCode" and not container.t == "IndentedCode" and not container.t == "HtmlBlock" and not matchAt(r"^[ #`~*+_=<>0-9-]", ln, offset) is None: match = matchAt("[^ ]", ln, offset) if match is None: first_nonspace = len(ln) blank = True else: first_nonspace = match blank = False ATXmatch = re.search(r"^#{1,6}(?: +|$)", ln[first_nonspace:]) FENmatch = re.search( r"^`{3,}(?!.*`)|^~{3,}(?!.*~)", ln[first_nonspace:]) PARmatch = re.search(r"^(?:=+|-+) *$", ln[first_nonspace:]) data = self.parseListMarker(ln, first_nonspace) indent = first_nonspace - offset if indent >= CODE_INDENT: if not self.tip.t == "Paragraph" and not blank: offset += CODE_INDENT already_done, oldtip = closeUnmatchedBlocks( self, already_done, oldtip) container = self.addChild( 'IndentedCode', line_number, offset) else: break elif len(ln) > first_nonspace and ln[first_nonspace] == ">": offset = first_nonspace + 1 try: if ln[offset] == " ": offset += 1 except IndexError: pass already_done, oldtip = closeUnmatchedBlocks( self, already_done, oldtip) container = self.addChild("BlockQuote", line_number, offset) elif ATXmatch: offset = first_nonspace + len(ATXmatch.group(0)) already_done, oldtip = closeUnmatchedBlocks( self, already_done, oldtip) container = self.addChild( "ATXHeader", line_number, first_nonspace) container.level = len(ATXmatch.group(0).strip()) if not re.search(r'\\#', ln[offset:]) is None: container.strings = [ re.sub(r'(?:(\\#) *#*| *#+) *$', '\g<1>', ln[offset:])] else: container.strings = [ re.sub(r'(?:(\\#) *#*| *#+) *$', '', ln[offset:])] break elif FENmatch: fence_length = len(FENmatch.group(0)) already_done, oldtip = closeUnmatchedBlocks( self, already_done, oldtip) container = self.addChild( "FencedCode", line_number, first_nonspace) container.fence_length = fence_length container.fence_char = FENmatch.group(0)[0] container.fence_offset = first_nonspace - offset offset = first_nonspace + fence_length break elif not matchAt(reHtmlBlockOpen, ln, first_nonspace) is None: already_done, oldtip = closeUnmatchedBlocks( self, already_done, oldtip) container = self.addChild( 'HtmlBlock', line_number, first_nonspace) break elif container.t == "Paragraph" and len(container.strings) == 1 and PARmatch: already_done, oldtip = closeUnmatchedBlocks( self, already_done, oldtip) container.t = "SetextHeader" container.level = 1 if PARmatch.group(0)[0] == '=' else 2 offset = len(ln) elif not matchAt(reHrule, ln, first_nonspace) is None: already_done, oldtip = closeUnmatchedBlocks( self, already_done, oldtip) container = self.addChild( "HorizontalRule", line_number, first_nonspace) offset = len(ln) - 1 break elif data: already_done, oldtip = closeUnmatchedBlocks( self, already_done, oldtip) data['marker_offset'] = indent offset = first_nonspace + data['padding'] if not container.t == "List" or not self.listsMatch( container.list_data, data): container = self.addChild( "List", line_number, first_nonspace) container.list_data = data container = self.addChild( "ListItem", line_number, first_nonspace) container.list_data = data else: break if self.acceptsLines(container.t): break match = matchAt(r"[^ ]", ln, offset) if match is None: first_nonspace = len(ln) blank = True else: first_nonspace = match blank = False indent = first_nonspace - offset if not self.tip == last_matched_container and not blank and self.tip.t == "Paragraph" and len(self.tip.strings) > 0: self.last_line_blank = False self.addLine(ln, offset) else: already_done, oldtip = closeUnmatchedBlocks( self, already_done, oldtip) container.last_line_blank = blank and not (container.t == "BlockQuote" or container.t == "FencedCode" or ( container.t == "ListItem" and len(container.children) == 0 and container.start_line == line_number)) cont = container while cont.parent: cont.parent.last_line_blank = False cont = cont.parent if container.t == "IndentedCode" or container.t == "HtmlBlock": self.addLine(ln, offset) elif container.t == "FencedCode": match = bool() if len(ln) > 0: match = len(ln) > first_nonspace and ln[first_nonspace] == container.fence_char and re.match( r"^(?:`{3,}|~{3,})(?= *$)", ln[first_nonspace:]) match = indent <= 3 and match FENmatch = re.search( r"^(?:`{3,}|~{3,})(?= *$)", ln[first_nonspace:]) if match and len(FENmatch.group(0)) >= container.fence_length: self.finalize(container, line_number) else: self.addLine(ln, offset) elif container.t in ["ATXHeader", "SetextHeader", "HtmlBlock"]: # nothing to do; we already added the contents. pass else: if self.acceptsLines(container.t): self.addLine(ln, first_nonspace) elif blank: pass elif not container.t == "HorizontalRule" and not container.t == "SetextHeader": container = self.addChild( "Paragraph", line_number, first_nonspace) self.addLine(ln, first_nonspace) else: # print("Line " + str(line_number) + # " with container type " + # container.t + " did not match any condition.") pass def finalize(self, block, line_number): """ Finalize a block. Close it and do any necessary postprocessing, e.g. creating string_content from strings, setting the 'tight' or 'loose' status of a list, and parsing the beginnings of paragraphs for reference definitions. Reset the tip to the parent of the closed block.""" if (not block.isOpen): return 0 block.isOpen = False if (line_number > block.start_line): block.end_line = line_number - 1 else: block.end_line = line_number if (block.t == "Paragraph"): block.string_content = "" for i, line in enumerate(block.strings): block.strings[i] = re.sub(r'^ *', '', line, re.MULTILINE) block.string_content = '\n'.join(block.strings) pos = self.inlineParser.parseReference( block.string_content, self.refmap) while (block.string_content[0] == "[" and pos): block.string_content = block.string_content[pos:] if (isBlank(block.string_content)): block.t = "ReferenceDef" break pos = self.inlineParser.parseReference( block.string_content, self.refmap) elif (block.t in ["ATXHeader", "SetextHeader", "HtmlBlock"]): block.string_content = "\n".join(block.strings) elif (block.t == "IndentedCode"): block.string_content = re.sub( r"(\n *)*$", "\n", "\n".join(block.strings)) elif (block.t == "FencedCode"): block.info = unescape(block.strings[0].strip()) if (len(block.strings) == 1): block.string_content = "" else: block.string_content = "\n".join(block.strings[1:]) + "\n" elif (block.t == "List"): block.tight = True numitems = len(block.children) i = 0 while (i < numitems): item = block.children[i] last_item = (i == numitems-1) if (self.endsWithBlankLine(item) and not last_item): block.tight = False break numsubitems = len(item.children) j = 0 while (j < numsubitems): subitem = item.children[j] last_subitem = j == (numsubitems - 1) if (self.endsWithBlankLine(subitem) and not (last_item and last_subitem)): block.tight = False break j += 1 i += 1 else: pass self.tip = block.parent def processInlines(self, block): """ Walk through a block & children recursively, parsing string content into inline content where appropriate.""" if block.t in ["ATXHeader", "Paragraph", "SetextHeader"]: block.inline_content = self.inlineParser.parse( block.string_content.strip(), self.refmap) block.string_content = "" if block.children: for i in block.children: self.processInlines(i) def parse(self, input): """ The main parsing function. Returns a parsed document AST.""" self.doc = Block.makeBlock("Document", 1, 1) self.tip = self.doc self.refmap = {} lines = re.split(r"\r\n|\n|\r", re.sub(r"\n$", '', input)) length = len(lines) for i in range(length): self.incorporateLine(lines[i], i + 1) while (self.tip): self.finalize(self.tip, length - 1) self.processInlines(self.doc) return self.doc class HTMLRenderer(object): blocksep = "\n" innersep = "\n" softbreak = "\n" escape_pairs = (("[&]", '&'), ("[<]", '<'), ("[>]", '>'), ('["]', '"')) @staticmethod def inTags(tag, attribs, contents, selfclosing=None): """ Helper function to produce content in a pair of HTML tags.""" result = "<" + tag if (len(attribs) > 0): i = 0 while (len(attribs) > i) and (not attribs[i] is None): attrib = attribs[i] result += (" " + attrib[0] + '="' + attrib[1] + '"') i += 1 if (len(contents) > 0): result += ('>' + contents + '</' + tag + '>') elif (selfclosing): result += " />" else: result += ('></' + tag + '>') return result def __init__(self): pass def URLescape(self, s): """ Escape href URLs.""" if not re.search("mailto|MAILTO", s): if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): return re.sub("[&](?;|[a-z][a-z0-9]{1,31};)", "&", HTMLquote(HTMLunescape(s), ":/=*%?&)(#"), re.IGNORECASE) else: return re.sub("[&](?;|[a-z][a-z0-9]{1,31};)", "&", HTMLquote(HTMLunescape(s).encode("utf-8"), ":/=*%?&)(#"), re.IGNORECASE) else: return s def escape(self, s, preserve_entities=None): """ Escape HTML entities.""" if preserve_entities: e = self.escape_pairs[1:] s = re.sub( "[&](?;|[a-z][a-z0-9]{1,31};)", "&", HTMLunescape(s), re.IGNORECASE) else: e = self.escape_pairs for r in e: s = re.sub(r[0], r[1], s) return s def renderInline(self, inline): """ Render an inline element as HTML.""" attrs = None if (inline.t == "Str"): return self.escape(inline.c) elif (inline.t == "Softbreak"): return self.softbreak elif inline.t == "Hardbreak": return self.inTags('br', [], "", True) + "\n" elif inline.t == "Emph": return self.inTags('em', [], self.renderInlines(inline.c)) elif inline.t == "Strong": return self.inTags("strong", [], self.renderInlines(inline.c)) elif inline.t == "Html": return inline.c elif inline.t == "Entity": if inline.c == " ": return " " else: return self.escape(inline.c, True) elif inline.t == "Link": attrs = [['href', self.URLescape(inline.destination)]] if inline.title: attrs.append(['title', self.escape(inline.title, True)]) return self.inTags('a', attrs, self.renderInlines(inline.label)) elif inline.t == "Image": attrs = [['src', self.escape(inline.destination, True)], [ 'alt', self.escape(self.renderInlines(inline.label))]] if inline.title: attrs.append(['title', self.escape(inline.title, True)]) return self.inTags('img', attrs, "", True) elif inline.t == "Code": return self.inTags('code', [], self.escape(inline.c)) else: print("Unknown inline type " + inline.t) return "" def renderInlines(self, inlines): """ Render a list of inlines.""" result = '' for i in range(len(inlines)): result += self.renderInline(inlines[i]) return result def renderBlock(self, block, in_tight_list): """ Render a single block element.""" tag = attr = info_words = None if (block.t == "Document"): whole_doc = self.renderBlocks(block.children) if (whole_doc == ""): return "" else: return (whole_doc + "\n") elif (block.t == "Paragraph"): if (in_tight_list): return self.renderInlines(block.inline_content) else: return self.inTags('p', [], self.renderInlines(block.inline_content)) elif (block.t == "BlockQuote"): filling = self.renderBlocks(block.children) if (filling == ""): a = self.innersep else: a = self.innersep + \ self.renderBlocks(block.children) + self.innersep return self.inTags('blockquote', [], a) elif (block.t == "ListItem"): return self.inTags("li", [], self.renderBlocks(block.children, in_tight_list).strip()) elif (block.t == "List"): if (block.list_data['type'] == "Bullet"): tag = "ul" else: tag = "ol" attr = [] if (not block.list_data.get('start')) or block.list_data[ 'start'] == 1 else [['start', str(block.list_data['start'])]] return self.inTags(tag, attr, self.innersep + self.renderBlocks(block.children, block.tight) + self.innersep) elif ((block.t == "ATXHeader") or (block.t == "SetextHeader")): tag = "h" + str(block.level) return self.inTags(tag, [], self.renderInlines(block.inline_content)) elif (block.t == "IndentedCode"): return HTMLRenderer.inTags('pre', [], HTMLRenderer.inTags('code', [], self.escape(block.string_content))) elif (block.t == "FencedCode"): info_words = [] if block.info: info_words = re.split(r" +", block.info) attr = [] if len(info_words) == 0 else [ ["class", "language-" + self.escape(info_words[0], True)]] return self.inTags('pre', [], self.inTags('code', attr, self.escape(block.string_content))) elif (block.t == "HtmlBlock"): return block.string_content elif (block.t == "ReferenceDef"): return "" elif (block.t == "HorizontalRule"): return self.inTags("hr", [], "", True) else: print("Unknown block type" + block.t) return "" def renderBlocks(self, blocks, in_tight_list=None): """ Render a list of block elements, separated by this.blocksep.""" result = [] for i in range(len(blocks)): if not blocks[i].t == "ReferenceDef": result.append(self.renderBlock(blocks[i], in_tight_list)) return self.blocksep.join(result) def render(self, block, in_tight_list=None): """ Pass through for renderBlock""" return self.renderBlock(block, in_tight_list)
var reAllEscapedChar
var reAllTab
var reEscapable
var reEscapedChar
var reHrule
var reHtmlBlockOpen
var reHtmlTag
var reLinkDestination
var reLinkDestinationBraces
var reLinkTitle
var reMain
def ASTtoJSON(
Output AST in JSON form.
def ASTtoJSON(block): """ Output AST in JSON form.""" def prepare(block): if block.parent: block.parent = None if block.children: for i, child in enumerate(block.children): block.children[i] = prepare(child) return block return json.dumps(prepare(block), default=lambda o: o.__dict__, sort_keys=True) # indent=4)
def detabLine(
Convert tabs to spaces on each line using a 4-space tab stop.
def detabLine(text): """ Convert tabs to spaces on each line using a 4-space tab stop.""" if re.match('\t', text) and text.index('\t') == -1: return text else: def tabber(m): result = " "[(m.end() - 1 - tabber.lastStop) % 4:] tabber.lastStop = m.end() return result tabber.lastStop = 0 text = re.sub("\t", tabber, text) return text
def dumpAST(
obj, ind=0)
Print out a block/entire AST.
def dumpAST(obj, ind=0): """ Print out a block/entire AST.""" indChar = ("\t" * ind) + "-> " if ind else "" print(indChar + "[" + obj.t + "]") if not obj.title == "": print("\t" + indChar + "Title: " + obj.title) if not obj.info == "": print("\t" + indChar + "Info: " + obj.info) if not obj.destination == "": print("\t" + indChar + "Destination: " + obj.destination) if obj.isOpen: print("\t" + indChar + "Open: " + str(obj.isOpen)) if obj.last_line_blank: print( "\t" + indChar + "Last line blank: " + str(obj.last_line_blank)) if obj.start_line: print("\t" + indChar + "Start line: " + str(obj.start_line)) if obj.start_column: print("\t" + indChar + "Start Column: " + str(obj.start_column)) if obj.end_line: print("\t" + indChar + "End line: " + str(obj.end_line)) if not obj.string_content == "": print("\t" + indChar + "String content: " + obj.string_content) if not obj.info == "": print("\t" + indChar + "Info: " + obj.info) if len(obj.strings) > 0: print("\t" + indChar + "Strings: ['" + "', '".join(obj.strings) + "'']") if obj.c: if type(obj.c) is list: print("\t" + indChar + "c:") for b in obj.c: dumpAST(b, ind + 2) else: print("\t" + indChar + "c: "+obj.c) if obj.label: print("\t" + indChar + "Label:") for b in obj.label: dumpAST(b, ind + 2) if hasattr(obj.list_data, "type"): print("\t" + indChar + "List Data: ") print("\t\t" + indChar + "[type] = " + obj.list_data['type']) if hasattr(obj.list_data, "bullet_char"): print( "\t\t" + indChar + "[bullet_char] = " + obj.list_data['bullet_char']) if hasattr(obj.list_data, "start"): print("\t\t" + indChar + "[start] = " + obj.list_data['start']) if hasattr(obj.list_data, "delimiter"): print( "\t\t" + indChar + "[delimiter] = " + obj.list_data['delimiter']) if hasattr(obj.list_data, "padding"): print( "\t\t" + indChar + "[padding] = " + obj.list_data['padding']) if hasattr(obj.list_data, "marker_offset"): print( "\t\t" + indChar + "[marker_offset] = " + obj.list_data['marker_offset']) if len(obj.inline_content) > 0: print("\t" + indChar + "Inline content:") for b in obj.inline_content: dumpAST(b, ind + 2) if len(obj.children) > 0: print("\t" + indChar + "Children:") for b in obj.children: dumpAST(b, ind + 2)
def isBlank(
Returns True if string contains only space characters.
def isBlank(s): """ Returns True if string contains only space characters.""" return bool(re.compile("^\s*$").match(s))
def matchAt(
pattern, s, offset)
Attempt to match a regex in string s at offset offset. Return index of match or None.
def matchAt(pattern, s, offset): """ Attempt to match a regex in string s at offset offset. Return index of match or None.""" matched = re.search(pattern, s[offset:]) if matched: return offset + s[offset:].index(matched.group(0)) else: return None
def normalizeReference(
Normalize reference label: collapse internal whitespace to single space, remove leading/trailing whitespace, case fold.
def normalizeReference(s): """ Normalize reference label: collapse internal whitespace to single space, remove leading/trailing whitespace, case fold.""" return re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', s.strip()).upper()
def unescape(
Replace backslash escapes with literal characters.
def unescape(s): """ Replace backslash escapes with literal characters.""" return re.sub(reAllEscapedChar, r"\g<1>", s)
class Block
class Block(object): @staticmethod def makeBlock(tag, start_line, start_column): return Block(t=tag, start_line=start_line, start_column=start_column) def __init__(self, t="", c="", destination="", label=[], start_line="", start_column="", title=""): self.t = t self.c = c self.destination = destination self.label = label self.isOpen = True self.last_line_blank = False self.start_line = start_line self.start_column = start_column self.end_line = start_line self.children = [] self.parent = None self.string_content = "" self.strings = [] self.inline_content = [] self.list_data = {} self.title = title self.info = "" self.tight = bool()
def makeBlock(
tag, start_line, start_column)
@staticmethod def makeBlock(tag, start_line, start_column): return Block(t=tag, start_line=start_line, start_column=start_column)
var c
var children
var destination
var end_line
var info
var inline_content
var isOpen
var label
var last_line_blank
var list_data
var parent
var start_column
var start_line
var string_content
var strings
var t
var tight
var title
def __init__(
self, t='', c='', destination='', label=[], start_line='', start_column='', title='')
def __init__(self, t="", c="", destination="", label=[], start_line="", start_column="", title=""): self.t = t self.c = c self.destination = destination self.label = label self.isOpen = True self.last_line_blank = False self.start_line = start_line self.start_column = start_column self.end_line = start_line self.children = [] self.parent = None self.string_content = "" self.strings = [] self.inline_content = [] self.list_data = {} self.title = title self.info = "" self.tight = bool()
class DocParser
class DocParser: def __init__(self, subject=None, pos=0): self.doc = Block.makeBlock("Document", 1, 1) self.subject = subject self.pos = pos self.tip = self.doc self.refmap = {} self.inlineParser = InlineParser() def acceptsLines(self, block_type): """ Returns true if block type can accept lines of text.""" return block_type == "Paragraph" or block_type == "IndentedCode" or block_type == "FencedCode" def endsWithBlankLine(self, block): """ Returns true if block ends with a blank line, descending if needed into lists and sublists.""" if block.last_line_blank: return True if (block.t == "List" or block.t == "ListItem") and len(block.children) > 0: return self.endsWithBlankLine(block.children[len(block.children) - 1]) else: return False def breakOutOfLists(self, block, line_number): """ Break out of all containing lists, resetting the tip of the document to the parent of the highest list, and finalizing all the lists. (This is used to implement the "two blank lines break of of all lists" feature.)""" b = block last_list = None while True: if (b.t == "List"): last_list = b b = b.parent if not b: break if (last_list): while (not block == last_list): self.finalize(block, line_number) block = block.parent self.finalize(last_list, line_number) self.tip = last_list.parent def addLine(self, ln, offset): """ Add a line to the block at the tip. We assume the tip can accept lines -- that check should be done before calling this.""" s = ln[offset:] if not self.tip.isOpen: raise Exception( "Attempted to add line (" + ln + ") to closed container.") self.tip.strings.append(s) def addChild(self, tag, line_number, offset): """ Add block of type tag as a child of the tip. If the tip can't accept children, close and finalize it and try its parent, and so on til we find a block that can accept children.""" while not (self.tip.t == "Document" or self.tip.t == "BlockQuote" or self.tip.t == "ListItem" or (self.tip.t == "List" and tag == "ListItem")): self.finalize(self.tip, line_number) column_number = offset + 1 newBlock = Block.makeBlock(tag, line_number, column_number) self.tip.children.append(newBlock) newBlock.parent = self.tip self.tip = newBlock return newBlock def listsMatch(self, list_data, item_data): """ Returns true if the two list items are of the same type, with the same delimiter and bullet character. This is used in agglomerating list items into lists.""" return (list_data.get("type", None) == item_data.get("type", None) and list_data.get("delimiter", None) == item_data.get("delimiter", None) and list_data.get("bullet_char", None) == item_data.get("bullet_char", None)) def parseListMarker(self, ln, offset): """ Parse a list marker and return data on the marker (type, start, delimiter, bullet character, padding) or null.""" rest = ln[offset:] data = {} blank_item = bool() if re.match(reHrule, rest): return None match = re.search(r'^[*+-]( +|$)', rest) match2 = re.search(r'^(\d+)([.)])( +|$)', rest) if match: spaces_after_marker = len(match.group(1)) data['type'] = 'Bullet' data['bullet_char'] = match.group(0)[0] blank_item = match.group(0) == len(rest) elif match2: spaces_after_marker = len(match2.group(3)) data['type'] = 'Ordered' data['start'] = int(match2.group(1)) data['delimiter'] = match2.group(2) blank_item = match2.group(0) == len(rest) else: return None if spaces_after_marker >= 5 or spaces_after_marker < 1 or blank_item: if match: data['padding'] = len(match.group(0)) - spaces_after_marker + 1 elif match2: data['padding'] = len( match2.group(0)) - spaces_after_marker + 1 else: if match: data['padding'] = len(match.group(0)) elif match2: data['padding'] = len(match2.group(0)) return data def incorporateLine(self, ln, line_number): """ Analyze a line of text and update the document appropriately. We parse markdown text by calling this on each line of input, then finalizing the document.""" all_matched = True offset = 0 CODE_INDENT = 4 blank = None already_done = False container = self.doc oldtip = self.tip ln = detabLine(ln) while len(container.children) > 0: last_child = container.children[-1] if not last_child.isOpen: break container = last_child match = matchAt(r"[^ ]", ln, offset) if match is None: first_nonspace = len(ln) blank = True else: first_nonspace = match blank = False indent = first_nonspace - offset if container.t == "BlockQuote": matched = bool() if len(ln) > first_nonspace and len(ln) > 0: matched = ln[first_nonspace] == ">" matched = indent <= 3 and matched if matched: offset = first_nonspace + 1 try: if ln[offset] == " ": offset += 1 except IndexError: pass else: all_matched = False elif container.t == "ListItem": if (indent >= container.list_data['marker_offset'] + container.list_data['padding']): offset += container.list_data[ 'marker_offset'] + container.list_data['padding'] elif blank: offset = first_nonspace else: all_matched = False elif container.t == "IndentedCode": if indent >= CODE_INDENT: offset += CODE_INDENT elif blank: offset = first_nonspace else: all_matched = False elif container.t in ["ATXHeader", "SetextHeader", "HorizontalRule"]: all_matched = False elif container.t == "FencedCode": i = container.fence_offset while i > 0 and len(ln) > offset and ln[offset] == " ": offset += 1 i -= 1 elif container.t == "HtmlBlock": if blank: all_matched = False elif container.t == "Paragraph": if blank: container.last_line_blank = True all_matched = False if not all_matched: container = container.parent break last_matched_container = container def closeUnmatchedBlocks(self, already_done, oldtip): """ This function is used to finalize and close any unmatched blocks. We aren't ready to do this now, because we might have a lazy paragraph continuation, in which case we don't want to close unmatched blocks. So we store this closure for use later, when we have more information.""" while not already_done and not oldtip == last_matched_container: self.finalize(oldtip, line_number) oldtip = oldtip.parent return True, oldtip if blank and container.last_line_blank: self.breakOutOfLists(container, line_number) while not container.t == "FencedCode" and not container.t == "IndentedCode" and not container.t == "HtmlBlock" and not matchAt(r"^[ #`~*+_=<>0-9-]", ln, offset) is None: match = matchAt("[^ ]", ln, offset) if match is None: first_nonspace = len(ln) blank = True else: first_nonspace = match blank = False ATXmatch = re.search(r"^#{1,6}(?: +|$)", ln[first_nonspace:]) FENmatch = re.search( r"^`{3,}(?!.*`)|^~{3,}(?!.*~)", ln[first_nonspace:]) PARmatch = re.search(r"^(?:=+|-+) *$", ln[first_nonspace:]) data = self.parseListMarker(ln, first_nonspace) indent = first_nonspace - offset if indent >= CODE_INDENT: if not self.tip.t == "Paragraph" and not blank: offset += CODE_INDENT already_done, oldtip = closeUnmatchedBlocks( self, already_done, oldtip) container = self.addChild( 'IndentedCode', line_number, offset) else: break elif len(ln) > first_nonspace and ln[first_nonspace] == ">": offset = first_nonspace + 1 try: if ln[offset] == " ": offset += 1 except IndexError: pass already_done, oldtip = closeUnmatchedBlocks( self, already_done, oldtip) container = self.addChild("BlockQuote", line_number, offset) elif ATXmatch: offset = first_nonspace + len(ATXmatch.group(0)) already_done, oldtip = closeUnmatchedBlocks( self, already_done, oldtip) container = self.addChild( "ATXHeader", line_number, first_nonspace) container.level = len(ATXmatch.group(0).strip()) if not re.search(r'\\#', ln[offset:]) is None: container.strings = [ re.sub(r'(?:(\\#) *#*| *#+) *$', '\g<1>', ln[offset:])] else: container.strings = [ re.sub(r'(?:(\\#) *#*| *#+) *$', '', ln[offset:])] break elif FENmatch: fence_length = len(FENmatch.group(0)) already_done, oldtip = closeUnmatchedBlocks( self, already_done, oldtip) container = self.addChild( "FencedCode", line_number, first_nonspace) container.fence_length = fence_length container.fence_char = FENmatch.group(0)[0] container.fence_offset = first_nonspace - offset offset = first_nonspace + fence_length break elif not matchAt(reHtmlBlockOpen, ln, first_nonspace) is None: already_done, oldtip = closeUnmatchedBlocks( self, already_done, oldtip) container = self.addChild( 'HtmlBlock', line_number, first_nonspace) break elif container.t == "Paragraph" and len(container.strings) == 1 and PARmatch: already_done, oldtip = closeUnmatchedBlocks( self, already_done, oldtip) container.t = "SetextHeader" container.level = 1 if PARmatch.group(0)[0] == '=' else 2 offset = len(ln) elif not matchAt(reHrule, ln, first_nonspace) is None: already_done, oldtip = closeUnmatchedBlocks( self, already_done, oldtip) container = self.addChild( "HorizontalRule", line_number, first_nonspace) offset = len(ln) - 1 break elif data: already_done, oldtip = closeUnmatchedBlocks( self, already_done, oldtip) data['marker_offset'] = indent offset = first_nonspace + data['padding'] if not container.t == "List" or not self.listsMatch( container.list_data, data): container = self.addChild( "List", line_number, first_nonspace) container.list_data = data container = self.addChild( "ListItem", line_number, first_nonspace) container.list_data = data else: break if self.acceptsLines(container.t): break match = matchAt(r"[^ ]", ln, offset) if match is None: first_nonspace = len(ln) blank = True else: first_nonspace = match blank = False indent = first_nonspace - offset if not self.tip == last_matched_container and not blank and self.tip.t == "Paragraph" and len(self.tip.strings) > 0: self.last_line_blank = False self.addLine(ln, offset) else: already_done, oldtip = closeUnmatchedBlocks( self, already_done, oldtip) container.last_line_blank = blank and not (container.t == "BlockQuote" or container.t == "FencedCode" or ( container.t == "ListItem" and len(container.children) == 0 and container.start_line == line_number)) cont = container while cont.parent: cont.parent.last_line_blank = False cont = cont.parent if container.t == "IndentedCode" or container.t == "HtmlBlock": self.addLine(ln, offset) elif container.t == "FencedCode": match = bool() if len(ln) > 0: match = len(ln) > first_nonspace and ln[first_nonspace] == container.fence_char and re.match( r"^(?:`{3,}|~{3,})(?= *$)", ln[first_nonspace:]) match = indent <= 3 and match FENmatch = re.search( r"^(?:`{3,}|~{3,})(?= *$)", ln[first_nonspace:]) if match and len(FENmatch.group(0)) >= container.fence_length: self.finalize(container, line_number) else: self.addLine(ln, offset) elif container.t in ["ATXHeader", "SetextHeader", "HtmlBlock"]: # nothing to do; we already added the contents. pass else: if self.acceptsLines(container.t): self.addLine(ln, first_nonspace) elif blank: pass elif not container.t == "HorizontalRule" and not container.t == "SetextHeader": container = self.addChild( "Paragraph", line_number, first_nonspace) self.addLine(ln, first_nonspace) else: # print("Line " + str(line_number) + # " with container type " + # container.t + " did not match any condition.") pass def finalize(self, block, line_number): """ Finalize a block. Close it and do any necessary postprocessing, e.g. creating string_content from strings, setting the 'tight' or 'loose' status of a list, and parsing the beginnings of paragraphs for reference definitions. Reset the tip to the parent of the closed block.""" if (not block.isOpen): return 0 block.isOpen = False if (line_number > block.start_line): block.end_line = line_number - 1 else: block.end_line = line_number if (block.t == "Paragraph"): block.string_content = "" for i, line in enumerate(block.strings): block.strings[i] = re.sub(r'^ *', '', line, re.MULTILINE) block.string_content = '\n'.join(block.strings) pos = self.inlineParser.parseReference( block.string_content, self.refmap) while (block.string_content[0] == "[" and pos): block.string_content = block.string_content[pos:] if (isBlank(block.string_content)): block.t = "ReferenceDef" break pos = self.inlineParser.parseReference( block.string_content, self.refmap) elif (block.t in ["ATXHeader", "SetextHeader", "HtmlBlock"]): block.string_content = "\n".join(block.strings) elif (block.t == "IndentedCode"): block.string_content = re.sub( r"(\n *)*$", "\n", "\n".join(block.strings)) elif (block.t == "FencedCode"): block.info = unescape(block.strings[0].strip()) if (len(block.strings) == 1): block.string_content = "" else: block.string_content = "\n".join(block.strings[1:]) + "\n" elif (block.t == "List"): block.tight = True numitems = len(block.children) i = 0 while (i < numitems): item = block.children[i] last_item = (i == numitems-1) if (self.endsWithBlankLine(item) and not last_item): block.tight = False break numsubitems = len(item.children) j = 0 while (j < numsubitems): subitem = item.children[j] last_subitem = j == (numsubitems - 1) if (self.endsWithBlankLine(subitem) and not (last_item and last_subitem)): block.tight = False break j += 1 i += 1 else: pass self.tip = block.parent def processInlines(self, block): """ Walk through a block & children recursively, parsing string content into inline content where appropriate.""" if block.t in ["ATXHeader", "Paragraph", "SetextHeader"]: block.inline_content = self.inlineParser.parse( block.string_content.strip(), self.refmap) block.string_content = "" if block.children: for i in block.children: self.processInlines(i) def parse(self, input): """ The main parsing function. Returns a parsed document AST.""" self.doc = Block.makeBlock("Document", 1, 1) self.tip = self.doc self.refmap = {} lines = re.split(r"\r\n|\n|\r", re.sub(r"\n$", '', input)) length = len(lines) for i in range(length): self.incorporateLine(lines[i], i + 1) while (self.tip): self.finalize(self.tip, length - 1) self.processInlines(self.doc) return self.doc
var doc
var inlineParser
var pos
var refmap
var subject
var tip
def __init__(
self, subject=None, pos=0)
def __init__(self, subject=None, pos=0): self.doc = Block.makeBlock("Document", 1, 1) self.subject = subject self.pos = pos self.tip = self.doc self.refmap = {} self.inlineParser = InlineParser()
def acceptsLines(
self, block_type)
Returns true if block type can accept lines of text.
def acceptsLines(self, block_type): """ Returns true if block type can accept lines of text.""" return block_type == "Paragraph" or block_type == "IndentedCode" or block_type == "FencedCode"
def addChild(
self, tag, line_number, offset)
Add block of type tag as a child of the tip. If the tip can't accept children, close and finalize it and try its parent, and so on til we find a block that can accept children.
def addChild(self, tag, line_number, offset): """ Add block of type tag as a child of the tip. If the tip can't accept children, close and finalize it and try its parent, and so on til we find a block that can accept children.""" while not (self.tip.t == "Document" or self.tip.t == "BlockQuote" or self.tip.t == "ListItem" or (self.tip.t == "List" and tag == "ListItem")): self.finalize(self.tip, line_number) column_number = offset + 1 newBlock = Block.makeBlock(tag, line_number, column_number) self.tip.children.append(newBlock) newBlock.parent = self.tip self.tip = newBlock return newBlock
def addLine(
self, ln, offset)
Add a line to the block at the tip. We assume the tip can accept lines -- that check should be done before calling this.
def addLine(self, ln, offset): """ Add a line to the block at the tip. We assume the tip can accept lines -- that check should be done before calling this.""" s = ln[offset:] if not self.tip.isOpen: raise Exception( "Attempted to add line (" + ln + ") to closed container.") self.tip.strings.append(s)
def breakOutOfLists(
self, block, line_number)
Break out of all containing lists, resetting the tip of the document to the parent of the highest list, and finalizing all the lists. (This is used to implement the "two blank lines break of of all lists" feature.)
def breakOutOfLists(self, block, line_number): """ Break out of all containing lists, resetting the tip of the document to the parent of the highest list, and finalizing all the lists. (This is used to implement the "two blank lines break of of all lists" feature.)""" b = block last_list = None while True: if (b.t == "List"): last_list = b b = b.parent if not b: break if (last_list): while (not block == last_list): self.finalize(block, line_number) block = block.parent self.finalize(last_list, line_number) self.tip = last_list.parent
def endsWithBlankLine(
self, block)
Returns true if block ends with a blank line, descending if needed into lists and sublists.
def endsWithBlankLine(self, block): """ Returns true if block ends with a blank line, descending if needed into lists and sublists.""" if block.last_line_blank: return True if (block.t == "List" or block.t == "ListItem") and len(block.children) > 0: return self.endsWithBlankLine(block.children[len(block.children) - 1]) else: return False
def finalize(
self, block, line_number)
Finalize a block. Close it and do any necessary postprocessing, e.g. creating string_content from strings, setting the 'tight' or 'loose' status of a list, and parsing the beginnings of paragraphs for reference definitions. Reset the tip to the parent of the closed block.
def finalize(self, block, line_number): """ Finalize a block. Close it and do any necessary postprocessing, e.g. creating string_content from strings, setting the 'tight' or 'loose' status of a list, and parsing the beginnings of paragraphs for reference definitions. Reset the tip to the parent of the closed block.""" if (not block.isOpen): return 0 block.isOpen = False if (line_number > block.start_line): block.end_line = line_number - 1 else: block.end_line = line_number if (block.t == "Paragraph"): block.string_content = "" for i, line in enumerate(block.strings): block.strings[i] = re.sub(r'^ *', '', line, re.MULTILINE) block.string_content = '\n'.join(block.strings) pos = self.inlineParser.parseReference( block.string_content, self.refmap) while (block.string_content[0] == "[" and pos): block.string_content = block.string_content[pos:] if (isBlank(block.string_content)): block.t = "ReferenceDef" break pos = self.inlineParser.parseReference( block.string_content, self.refmap) elif (block.t in ["ATXHeader", "SetextHeader", "HtmlBlock"]): block.string_content = "\n".join(block.strings) elif (block.t == "IndentedCode"): block.string_content = re.sub( r"(\n *)*$", "\n", "\n".join(block.strings)) elif (block.t == "FencedCode"): block.info = unescape(block.strings[0].strip()) if (len(block.strings) == 1): block.string_content = "" else: block.string_content = "\n".join(block.strings[1:]) + "\n" elif (block.t == "List"): block.tight = True numitems = len(block.children) i = 0 while (i < numitems): item = block.children[i] last_item = (i == numitems-1) if (self.endsWithBlankLine(item) and not last_item): block.tight = False break numsubitems = len(item.children) j = 0 while (j < numsubitems): subitem = item.children[j] last_subitem = j == (numsubitems - 1) if (self.endsWithBlankLine(subitem) and not (last_item and last_subitem)): block.tight = False break j += 1 i += 1 else: pass self.tip = block.parent
def incorporateLine(
self, ln, line_number)
Analyze a line of text and update the document appropriately. We parse markdown text by calling this on each line of input, then finalizing the document.
def incorporateLine(self, ln, line_number): """ Analyze a line of text and update the document appropriately. We parse markdown text by calling this on each line of input, then finalizing the document.""" all_matched = True offset = 0 CODE_INDENT = 4 blank = None already_done = False container = self.doc oldtip = self.tip ln = detabLine(ln) while len(container.children) > 0: last_child = container.children[-1] if not last_child.isOpen: break container = last_child match = matchAt(r"[^ ]", ln, offset) if match is None: first_nonspace = len(ln) blank = True else: first_nonspace = match blank = False indent = first_nonspace - offset if container.t == "BlockQuote": matched = bool() if len(ln) > first_nonspace and len(ln) > 0: matched = ln[first_nonspace] == ">" matched = indent <= 3 and matched if matched: offset = first_nonspace + 1 try: if ln[offset] == " ": offset += 1 except IndexError: pass else: all_matched = False elif container.t == "ListItem": if (indent >= container.list_data['marker_offset'] + container.list_data['padding']): offset += container.list_data[ 'marker_offset'] + container.list_data['padding'] elif blank: offset = first_nonspace else: all_matched = False elif container.t == "IndentedCode": if indent >= CODE_INDENT: offset += CODE_INDENT elif blank: offset = first_nonspace else: all_matched = False elif container.t in ["ATXHeader", "SetextHeader", "HorizontalRule"]: all_matched = False elif container.t == "FencedCode": i = container.fence_offset while i > 0 and len(ln) > offset and ln[offset] == " ": offset += 1 i -= 1 elif container.t == "HtmlBlock": if blank: all_matched = False elif container.t == "Paragraph": if blank: container.last_line_blank = True all_matched = False if not all_matched: container = container.parent break last_matched_container = container def closeUnmatchedBlocks(self, already_done, oldtip): """ This function is used to finalize and close any unmatched blocks. We aren't ready to do this now, because we might have a lazy paragraph continuation, in which case we don't want to close unmatched blocks. So we store this closure for use later, when we have more information.""" while not already_done and not oldtip == last_matched_container: self.finalize(oldtip, line_number) oldtip = oldtip.parent return True, oldtip if blank and container.last_line_blank: self.breakOutOfLists(container, line_number) while not container.t == "FencedCode" and not container.t == "IndentedCode" and not container.t == "HtmlBlock" and not matchAt(r"^[ #`~*+_=<>0-9-]", ln, offset) is None: match = matchAt("[^ ]", ln, offset) if match is None: first_nonspace = len(ln) blank = True else: first_nonspace = match blank = False ATXmatch = re.search(r"^#{1,6}(?: +|$)", ln[first_nonspace:]) FENmatch = re.search( r"^`{3,}(?!.*`)|^~{3,}(?!.*~)", ln[first_nonspace:]) PARmatch = re.search(r"^(?:=+|-+) *$", ln[first_nonspace:]) data = self.parseListMarker(ln, first_nonspace) indent = first_nonspace - offset if indent >= CODE_INDENT: if not self.tip.t == "Paragraph" and not blank: offset += CODE_INDENT already_done, oldtip = closeUnmatchedBlocks( self, already_done, oldtip) container = self.addChild( 'IndentedCode', line_number, offset) else: break elif len(ln) > first_nonspace and ln[first_nonspace] == ">": offset = first_nonspace + 1 try: if ln[offset] == " ": offset += 1 except IndexError: pass already_done, oldtip = closeUnmatchedBlocks( self, already_done, oldtip) container = self.addChild("BlockQuote", line_number, offset) elif ATXmatch: offset = first_nonspace + len(ATXmatch.group(0)) already_done, oldtip = closeUnmatchedBlocks( self, already_done, oldtip) container = self.addChild( "ATXHeader", line_number, first_nonspace) container.level = len(ATXmatch.group(0).strip()) if not re.search(r'\\#', ln[offset:]) is None: container.strings = [ re.sub(r'(?:(\\#) *#*| *#+) *$', '\g<1>', ln[offset:])] else: container.strings = [ re.sub(r'(?:(\\#) *#*| *#+) *$', '', ln[offset:])] break elif FENmatch: fence_length = len(FENmatch.group(0)) already_done, oldtip = closeUnmatchedBlocks( self, already_done, oldtip) container = self.addChild( "FencedCode", line_number, first_nonspace) container.fence_length = fence_length container.fence_char = FENmatch.group(0)[0] container.fence_offset = first_nonspace - offset offset = first_nonspace + fence_length break elif not matchAt(reHtmlBlockOpen, ln, first_nonspace) is None: already_done, oldtip = closeUnmatchedBlocks( self, already_done, oldtip) container = self.addChild( 'HtmlBlock', line_number, first_nonspace) break elif container.t == "Paragraph" and len(container.strings) == 1 and PARmatch: already_done, oldtip = closeUnmatchedBlocks( self, already_done, oldtip) container.t = "SetextHeader" container.level = 1 if PARmatch.group(0)[0] == '=' else 2 offset = len(ln) elif not matchAt(reHrule, ln, first_nonspace) is None: already_done, oldtip = closeUnmatchedBlocks( self, already_done, oldtip) container = self.addChild( "HorizontalRule", line_number, first_nonspace) offset = len(ln) - 1 break elif data: already_done, oldtip = closeUnmatchedBlocks( self, already_done, oldtip) data['marker_offset'] = indent offset = first_nonspace + data['padding'] if not container.t == "List" or not self.listsMatch( container.list_data, data): container = self.addChild( "List", line_number, first_nonspace) container.list_data = data container = self.addChild( "ListItem", line_number, first_nonspace) container.list_data = data else: break if self.acceptsLines(container.t): break match = matchAt(r"[^ ]", ln, offset) if match is None: first_nonspace = len(ln) blank = True else: first_nonspace = match blank = False indent = first_nonspace - offset if not self.tip == last_matched_container and not blank and self.tip.t == "Paragraph" and len(self.tip.strings) > 0: self.last_line_blank = False self.addLine(ln, offset) else: already_done, oldtip = closeUnmatchedBlocks( self, already_done, oldtip) container.last_line_blank = blank and not (container.t == "BlockQuote" or container.t == "FencedCode" or ( container.t == "ListItem" and len(container.children) == 0 and container.start_line == line_number)) cont = container while cont.parent: cont.parent.last_line_blank = False cont = cont.parent if container.t == "IndentedCode" or container.t == "HtmlBlock": self.addLine(ln, offset) elif container.t == "FencedCode": match = bool() if len(ln) > 0: match = len(ln) > first_nonspace and ln[first_nonspace] == container.fence_char and re.match( r"^(?:`{3,}|~{3,})(?= *$)", ln[first_nonspace:]) match = indent <= 3 and match FENmatch = re.search( r"^(?:`{3,}|~{3,})(?= *$)", ln[first_nonspace:]) if match and len(FENmatch.group(0)) >= container.fence_length: self.finalize(container, line_number) else: self.addLine(ln, offset) elif container.t in ["ATXHeader", "SetextHeader", "HtmlBlock"]: # nothing to do; we already added the contents. pass else: if self.acceptsLines(container.t): self.addLine(ln, first_nonspace) elif blank: pass elif not container.t == "HorizontalRule" and not container.t == "SetextHeader": container = self.addChild( "Paragraph", line_number, first_nonspace) self.addLine(ln, first_nonspace) else: # print("Line " + str(line_number) + # " with container type " + # container.t + " did not match any condition.") pass
def listsMatch(
self, list_data, item_data)
Returns true if the two list items are of the same type, with the same delimiter and bullet character. This is used in agglomerating list items into lists.
def listsMatch(self, list_data, item_data): """ Returns true if the two list items are of the same type, with the same delimiter and bullet character. This is used in agglomerating list items into lists.""" return (list_data.get("type", None) == item_data.get("type", None) and list_data.get("delimiter", None) == item_data.get("delimiter", None) and list_data.get("bullet_char", None) == item_data.get("bullet_char", None))
def parse(
self, input)
The main parsing function. Returns a parsed document AST.
def parse(self, input): """ The main parsing function. Returns a parsed document AST.""" self.doc = Block.makeBlock("Document", 1, 1) self.tip = self.doc self.refmap = {} lines = re.split(r"\r\n|\n|\r", re.sub(r"\n$", '', input)) length = len(lines) for i in range(length): self.incorporateLine(lines[i], i + 1) while (self.tip): self.finalize(self.tip, length - 1) self.processInlines(self.doc) return self.doc
def parseListMarker(
self, ln, offset)
Parse a list marker and return data on the marker (type, start, delimiter, bullet character, padding) or null.
def parseListMarker(self, ln, offset): """ Parse a list marker and return data on the marker (type, start, delimiter, bullet character, padding) or null.""" rest = ln[offset:] data = {} blank_item = bool() if re.match(reHrule, rest): return None match = re.search(r'^[*+-]( +|$)', rest) match2 = re.search(r'^(\d+)([.)])( +|$)', rest) if match: spaces_after_marker = len(match.group(1)) data['type'] = 'Bullet' data['bullet_char'] = match.group(0)[0] blank_item = match.group(0) == len(rest) elif match2: spaces_after_marker = len(match2.group(3)) data['type'] = 'Ordered' data['start'] = int(match2.group(1)) data['delimiter'] = match2.group(2) blank_item = match2.group(0) == len(rest) else: return None if spaces_after_marker >= 5 or spaces_after_marker < 1 or blank_item: if match: data['padding'] = len(match.group(0)) - spaces_after_marker + 1 elif match2: data['padding'] = len( match2.group(0)) - spaces_after_marker + 1 else: if match: data['padding'] = len(match.group(0)) elif match2: data['padding'] = len(match2.group(0)) return data
def processInlines(
self, block)
Walk through a block & children recursively, parsing string content into inline content where appropriate.
def processInlines(self, block): """ Walk through a block & children recursively, parsing string content into inline content where appropriate.""" if block.t in ["ATXHeader", "Paragraph", "SetextHeader"]: block.inline_content = self.inlineParser.parse( block.string_content.strip(), self.refmap) block.string_content = "" if block.children: for i in block.children: self.processInlines(i)
class HTMLRenderer
class HTMLRenderer(object): blocksep = "\n" innersep = "\n" softbreak = "\n" escape_pairs = (("[&]", '&'), ("[<]", '<'), ("[>]", '>'), ('["]', '"')) @staticmethod def inTags(tag, attribs, contents, selfclosing=None): """ Helper function to produce content in a pair of HTML tags.""" result = "<" + tag if (len(attribs) > 0): i = 0 while (len(attribs) > i) and (not attribs[i] is None): attrib = attribs[i] result += (" " + attrib[0] + '="' + attrib[1] + '"') i += 1 if (len(contents) > 0): result += ('>' + contents + '</' + tag + '>') elif (selfclosing): result += " />" else: result += ('></' + tag + '>') return result def __init__(self): pass def URLescape(self, s): """ Escape href URLs.""" if not re.search("mailto|MAILTO", s): if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): return re.sub("[&](?;|[a-z][a-z0-9]{1,31};)", "&", HTMLquote(HTMLunescape(s), ":/=*%?&)(#"), re.IGNORECASE) else: return re.sub("[&](?;|[a-z][a-z0-9]{1,31};)", "&", HTMLquote(HTMLunescape(s).encode("utf-8"), ":/=*%?&)(#"), re.IGNORECASE) else: return s def escape(self, s, preserve_entities=None): """ Escape HTML entities.""" if preserve_entities: e = self.escape_pairs[1:] s = re.sub( "[&](?;|[a-z][a-z0-9]{1,31};)", "&", HTMLunescape(s), re.IGNORECASE) else: e = self.escape_pairs for r in e: s = re.sub(r[0], r[1], s) return s def renderInline(self, inline): """ Render an inline element as HTML.""" attrs = None if (inline.t == "Str"): return self.escape(inline.c) elif (inline.t == "Softbreak"): return self.softbreak elif inline.t == "Hardbreak": return self.inTags('br', [], "", True) + "\n" elif inline.t == "Emph": return self.inTags('em', [], self.renderInlines(inline.c)) elif inline.t == "Strong": return self.inTags("strong", [], self.renderInlines(inline.c)) elif inline.t == "Html": return inline.c elif inline.t == "Entity": if inline.c == " ": return " " else: return self.escape(inline.c, True) elif inline.t == "Link": attrs = [['href', self.URLescape(inline.destination)]] if inline.title: attrs.append(['title', self.escape(inline.title, True)]) return self.inTags('a', attrs, self.renderInlines(inline.label)) elif inline.t == "Image": attrs = [['src', self.escape(inline.destination, True)], [ 'alt', self.escape(self.renderInlines(inline.label))]] if inline.title: attrs.append(['title', self.escape(inline.title, True)]) return self.inTags('img', attrs, "", True) elif inline.t == "Code": return self.inTags('code', [], self.escape(inline.c)) else: print("Unknown inline type " + inline.t) return "" def renderInlines(self, inlines): """ Render a list of inlines.""" result = '' for i in range(len(inlines)): result += self.renderInline(inlines[i]) return result def renderBlock(self, block, in_tight_list): """ Render a single block element.""" tag = attr = info_words = None if (block.t == "Document"): whole_doc = self.renderBlocks(block.children) if (whole_doc == ""): return "" else: return (whole_doc + "\n") elif (block.t == "Paragraph"): if (in_tight_list): return self.renderInlines(block.inline_content) else: return self.inTags('p', [], self.renderInlines(block.inline_content)) elif (block.t == "BlockQuote"): filling = self.renderBlocks(block.children) if (filling == ""): a = self.innersep else: a = self.innersep + \ self.renderBlocks(block.children) + self.innersep return self.inTags('blockquote', [], a) elif (block.t == "ListItem"): return self.inTags("li", [], self.renderBlocks(block.children, in_tight_list).strip()) elif (block.t == "List"): if (block.list_data['type'] == "Bullet"): tag = "ul" else: tag = "ol" attr = [] if (not block.list_data.get('start')) or block.list_data[ 'start'] == 1 else [['start', str(block.list_data['start'])]] return self.inTags(tag, attr, self.innersep + self.renderBlocks(block.children, block.tight) + self.innersep) elif ((block.t == "ATXHeader") or (block.t == "SetextHeader")): tag = "h" + str(block.level) return self.inTags(tag, [], self.renderInlines(block.inline_content)) elif (block.t == "IndentedCode"): return HTMLRenderer.inTags('pre', [], HTMLRenderer.inTags('code', [], self.escape(block.string_content))) elif (block.t == "FencedCode"): info_words = [] if block.info: info_words = re.split(r" +", block.info) attr = [] if len(info_words) == 0 else [ ["class", "language-" + self.escape(info_words[0], True)]] return self.inTags('pre', [], self.inTags('code', attr, self.escape(block.string_content))) elif (block.t == "HtmlBlock"): return block.string_content elif (block.t == "ReferenceDef"): return "" elif (block.t == "HorizontalRule"): return self.inTags("hr", [], "", True) else: print("Unknown block type" + block.t) return "" def renderBlocks(self, blocks, in_tight_list=None): """ Render a list of block elements, separated by this.blocksep.""" result = [] for i in range(len(blocks)): if not blocks[i].t == "ReferenceDef": result.append(self.renderBlock(blocks[i], in_tight_list)) return self.blocksep.join(result) def render(self, block, in_tight_list=None): """ Pass through for renderBlock""" return self.renderBlock(block, in_tight_list)
var blocksep
var escape_pairs
var innersep
var softbreak
def inTags(
tag, attribs, contents, selfclosing=None)
Helper function to produce content in a pair of HTML tags.
@staticmethod def inTags(tag, attribs, contents, selfclosing=None): """ Helper function to produce content in a pair of HTML tags.""" result = "<" + tag if (len(attribs) > 0): i = 0 while (len(attribs) > i) and (not attribs[i] is None): attrib = attribs[i] result += (" " + attrib[0] + '="' + attrib[1] + '"') i += 1 if (len(contents) > 0): result += ('>' + contents + '</' + tag + '>') elif (selfclosing): result += " />" else: result += ('></' + tag + '>') return result
def __init__(
def __init__(self): pass
def URLescape(
self, s)
Escape href URLs.
def URLescape(self, s): """ Escape href URLs.""" if not re.search("mailto|MAILTO", s): if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): return re.sub("[&](?;|[a-z][a-z0-9]{1,31};)", "&", HTMLquote(HTMLunescape(s), ":/=*%?&)(#"), re.IGNORECASE) else: return re.sub("[&](?;|[a-z][a-z0-9]{1,31};)", "&", HTMLquote(HTMLunescape(s).encode("utf-8"), ":/=*%?&)(#"), re.IGNORECASE) else: return s
def escape(
self, s, preserve_entities=None)
Escape HTML entities.
def escape(self, s, preserve_entities=None): """ Escape HTML entities.""" if preserve_entities: e = self.escape_pairs[1:] s = re.sub( "[&](?;|[a-z][a-z0-9]{1,31};)", "&", HTMLunescape(s), re.IGNORECASE) else: e = self.escape_pairs for r in e: s = re.sub(r[0], r[1], s) return s
def render(
self, block, in_tight_list=None)
Pass through for renderBlock
def render(self, block, in_tight_list=None): """ Pass through for renderBlock""" return self.renderBlock(block, in_tight_list)
def renderBlock(
self, block, in_tight_list)
Render a single block element.
def renderBlock(self, block, in_tight_list): """ Render a single block element.""" tag = attr = info_words = None if (block.t == "Document"): whole_doc = self.renderBlocks(block.children) if (whole_doc == ""): return "" else: return (whole_doc + "\n") elif (block.t == "Paragraph"): if (in_tight_list): return self.renderInlines(block.inline_content) else: return self.inTags('p', [], self.renderInlines(block.inline_content)) elif (block.t == "BlockQuote"): filling = self.renderBlocks(block.children) if (filling == ""): a = self.innersep else: a = self.innersep + \ self.renderBlocks(block.children) + self.innersep return self.inTags('blockquote', [], a) elif (block.t == "ListItem"): return self.inTags("li", [], self.renderBlocks(block.children, in_tight_list).strip()) elif (block.t == "List"): if (block.list_data['type'] == "Bullet"): tag = "ul" else: tag = "ol" attr = [] if (not block.list_data.get('start')) or block.list_data[ 'start'] == 1 else [['start', str(block.list_data['start'])]] return self.inTags(tag, attr, self.innersep + self.renderBlocks(block.children, block.tight) + self.innersep) elif ((block.t == "ATXHeader") or (block.t == "SetextHeader")): tag = "h" + str(block.level) return self.inTags(tag, [], self.renderInlines(block.inline_content)) elif (block.t == "IndentedCode"): return HTMLRenderer.inTags('pre', [], HTMLRenderer.inTags('code', [], self.escape(block.string_content))) elif (block.t == "FencedCode"): info_words = [] if block.info: info_words = re.split(r" +", block.info) attr = [] if len(info_words) == 0 else [ ["class", "language-" + self.escape(info_words[0], True)]] return self.inTags('pre', [], self.inTags('code', attr, self.escape(block.string_content))) elif (block.t == "HtmlBlock"): return block.string_content elif (block.t == "ReferenceDef"): return "" elif (block.t == "HorizontalRule"): return self.inTags("hr", [], "", True) else: print("Unknown block type" + block.t) return ""
def renderBlocks(
self, blocks, in_tight_list=None)
Render a list of block elements, separated by this.blocksep.
def renderBlocks(self, blocks, in_tight_list=None): """ Render a list of block elements, separated by this.blocksep.""" result = [] for i in range(len(blocks)): if not blocks[i].t == "ReferenceDef": result.append(self.renderBlock(blocks[i], in_tight_list)) return self.blocksep.join(result)
def renderInline(
self, inline)
Render an inline element as HTML.
def renderInline(self, inline): """ Render an inline element as HTML.""" attrs = None if (inline.t == "Str"): return self.escape(inline.c) elif (inline.t == "Softbreak"): return self.softbreak elif inline.t == "Hardbreak": return self.inTags('br', [], "", True) + "\n" elif inline.t == "Emph": return self.inTags('em', [], self.renderInlines(inline.c)) elif inline.t == "Strong": return self.inTags("strong", [], self.renderInlines(inline.c)) elif inline.t == "Html": return inline.c elif inline.t == "Entity": if inline.c == " ": return " " else: return self.escape(inline.c, True) elif inline.t == "Link": attrs = [['href', self.URLescape(inline.destination)]] if inline.title: attrs.append(['title', self.escape(inline.title, True)]) return self.inTags('a', attrs, self.renderInlines(inline.label)) elif inline.t == "Image": attrs = [['src', self.escape(inline.destination, True)], [ 'alt', self.escape(self.renderInlines(inline.label))]] if inline.title: attrs.append(['title', self.escape(inline.title, True)]) return self.inTags('img', attrs, "", True) elif inline.t == "Code": return self.inTags('code', [], self.escape(inline.c)) else: print("Unknown inline type " + inline.t) return ""
def renderInlines(
self, inlines)
Render a list of inlines.
def renderInlines(self, inlines): """ Render a list of inlines.""" result = '' for i in range(len(inlines)): result += self.renderInline(inlines[i]) return result
class InlineParser
These are methods of an InlineParser class, defined below. An InlineParser keeps track of a subject (a string to be parsed) and a position in that subject.
If re matches at current position in the subject, advance position in subject and return the match; otherwise return null.
class InlineParser(object): """ INLINE PARSER These are methods of an InlineParser class, defined below. An InlineParser keeps track of a subject (a string to be parsed) and a position in that subject. If re matches at current position in the subject, advance position in subject and return the match; otherwise return null.""" def __init__(self): self.subject = "" self.label_nest_level = 0 self.pos = 0 self.refmap = {} def match(self, regexString, reCompileFlags=0): """ If re matches at current position in the subject, advance position in subject and return the match; otherwise return null.""" match = re.search( regexString, self.subject[self.pos:], flags=reCompileFlags) if match: self.pos += match.end(0) return match.group() else: return None def peek(self): """ Returns the character at the current subject position, or null if there are no more characters.""" try: return self.subject[self.pos] except IndexError: return None def spnl(self): """ Parse zero or more space characters, including at most one newline.""" self.match(r"^ *(?:\n *)?") return 1 # All of the parsers below try to match something at the current position # in the subject. If they succeed in matching anything, they # push an inline element onto the 'inlines' list. They return the # number of characters parsed (possibly 0). def parseBackticks(self, inlines): """ Attempt to parse backticks, adding either a backtick code span or a literal sequence of backticks to the 'inlines' list.""" startpos = self.pos ticks = self.match(r"^`+") if not ticks: return 0 afterOpenTicks = self.pos foundCode = False match = self.match(r"`+", re.MULTILINE) while (not foundCode) and (not match is None): if (match == ticks): c = self.subject[afterOpenTicks:(self.pos - len(ticks))] c = re.sub(r"[ \n]+", ' ', c) c = c.strip() inlines.append(Block(t="Code", c=c)) return (self.pos - startpos) match = self.match(r"`+", re.MULTILINE) inlines.append(Block(t="Str", c=ticks)) self.pos = afterOpenTicks return (self.pos - startpos) def parseEscaped(self, inlines): """ Parse a backslash-escaped special character, adding either the escaped character, a hard line break (if the backslash is followed by a newline), or a literal backslash to the 'inlines' list.""" subj = self.subject pos = self.pos if (subj[pos] == "\\"): if len(subj) > pos + 1 and (subj[pos + 1] == "\n"): inlines.append(Block(t="Hardbreak")) self.pos += 2 return 2 elif (reEscapable.search(subj[pos + 1:pos + 2])): inlines.append(Block(t="Str", c=subj[pos + 1:pos + 2])) self.pos += 2 return 2 else: self.pos += 1 inlines.append(Block(t="Str", c="\\")) return 1 else: return 0 def parseAutoLink(self, inlines): """ Attempt to parse an autolink (URL or email in pointy brackets).""" m = self.match( "^<([a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*)>") m2 = self.match( "^<(?:coap|doi|javascript|aaa|aaas|about|acap|cap|cid|crid|data|dav|dict|dns|file|ftp|geo|go|gopher|h323|http|https|iax|icap|im|imap|info|ipp|iris|iris.beep|iris.xpc|iris.xpcs|iris.lwz|ldap|mailto|mid|msrp|msrps|mtqp|mupdate|news|nfs|ni|nih|nntp|opaquelocktoken|pop|pres|rtsp|service|session|shttp|sieve|sip|sips|sms|snmp|soap.beep|soap.beeps|tag|tel|telnet|tftp|thismessage|tn3270|tip|tv|urn|vemmi|ws|wss|xcon|xcon-userid|xmlrpc.beep|xmlrpc.beeps|xmpp|z39.50r|z39.50s|adiumxtra|afp|afs|aim|apt|attachment|aw|beshare|bitcoin|bolo|callto|chrome|chrome-extension|com-eventbrite-attendee|content|cvs|dlna-playsingle|dlna-playcontainer|dtn|dvb|ed2k|facetime|feed|finger|fish|gg|git|gizmoproject|gtalk|hcp|icon|ipn|irc|irc6|ircs|itms|jar|jms|keyparc|lastfm|ldaps|magnet|maps|market|message|mms|ms-help|msnim|mumble|mvn|notes|oid|palm|paparazzi|platform|proxy|psyc|query|res|resource|rmi|rsync|rtmp|secondlife|sftp|sgn|skype|smb|soldat|spotify|ssh|steam|svn|teamspeak|things|udp|unreal|ut2004|ventrilo|view-source|webcal|wtai|wyciwyg|xfire|xri|ymsgr):[^<>\x00-\x20]*>", re.IGNORECASE) if m: # email dest = m[1:-1] inlines.append( Block(t="Link", label=[Block(t="Str", c=dest)], destination="mailto:" + dest)) return len(m) elif m2: # link dest2 = m2[1:-1] inlines.append( Block(t="Link", label=[Block(t="Str", c=dest2)], destination=dest2)) return len(m2) else: return 0 def parseHtmlTag(self, inlines): """ Attempt to parse a raw HTML tag.""" m = self.match(reHtmlTag) if (m): inlines.append(Block(t="Html", c=m)) return len(m) else: return 0 def scanDelims(self, c): """ Scan a sequence of characters == c, and return information about the number of delimiters and whether they are positioned such that they can open and/or close emphasis or strong emphasis. A utility function for strong/emph parsing.""" numdelims = 0 first_close_delims = 0 char_before = char_after = None startpos = self.pos char_before = '\n' if self.pos == 0 else self.subject[self.pos - 1] while (self.peek() == c): numdelims += 1 self.pos += 1 a = self.peek() char_after = a if a else "\\n" can_open = (numdelims > 0) and ( numdelims <= 3) and (not re.match("\s", char_after)) can_close = (numdelims > 0) and ( numdelims <= 3) and (not re.match("\s", char_before)) if (c == "_"): can_open = can_open and ( not re.match("[a-z0-9]", char_before, re.IGNORECASE)) can_close = can_close and ( not re.match("[a-z0-9]", char_after, re.IGNORECASE)) self.pos = startpos return { "numdelims": numdelims, "can_open": can_open, "can_close": can_close } def parseEmphasis(self, inlines): """ Attempt to parse emphasis or strong emphasis in an efficient way, with no backtracking.""" startpos = self.pos first_close = 0 nxt = self.peek() if ((nxt == "*") or (nxt == "_")): c = nxt else: return 0 res = self.scanDelims(c) numdelims = res["numdelims"] self.pos += numdelims if startpos > 0: inlines.append( Block(t="Str", c=self.subject[self.pos - numdelims:numdelims + startpos])) else: inlines.append( Block(t="Str", c=self.subject[self.pos - numdelims:numdelims])) delimpos = len(inlines) - 1 if ((not res["can_open"]) or (numdelims == 0)): return 0 first_close_delims = 0 if (numdelims == 1): while (True): res = self.scanDelims(c) if (res["numdelims"] >= 1 and res["can_close"]): self.pos += 1 inlines[delimpos].t = "Emph" inlines[delimpos].c = inlines[delimpos + 1:] if len(inlines) > 1: for x in range(delimpos + 1, len(inlines)): inlines.pop(len(inlines) - 1) break else: if (self.parseInline(inlines) == 0): break return (self.pos - startpos) elif (numdelims == 2): while (True): res = self.scanDelims(c) if (res["numdelims"] >= 2 and res["can_close"]): self.pos += 2 inlines[delimpos].t = "Strong" inlines[delimpos].c = inlines[delimpos + 1:] if len(inlines) > 1: for x in range(delimpos + 1, len(inlines)): inlines.pop(len(inlines) - 1) break else: if (self.parseInline(inlines) == 0): break return (self.pos - startpos) elif (numdelims == 3): while (True): res = self.scanDelims(c) if (res["numdelims"] >= 1 and res["numdelims"] <= 3 and res["can_close"] and not res["numdelims"] == first_close_delims): if first_close_delims == 1 and numdelims > 2: res["numdelims"] = 2 elif first_close_delims == 2: res['numdelims'] = 1 elif res['numdelims'] == 3: res['numdelims'] = 1 self.pos += res['numdelims'] if first_close > 0: inlines[ delimpos].t = "Strong" if first_close_delims == 1 else "Emph" temp = "Emph" if first_close_delims == 1 else "Strong" inlines[delimpos].c = [Block(t=temp, c=inlines[delimpos + 1:first_close])] + inlines[ first_close + 1:] # error on 362? if len(inlines) > 1: for x in range(delimpos + 1, len(inlines)): inlines.pop(len(inlines) - 1) break else: inlines.append( Block(t="Str", c=self.subject[self.pos - res["numdelims"]:self.pos])) first_close = len(inlines) - 1 first_close_delims = res["numdelims"] else: if self.parseInline(inlines) == 0: break return (self.pos - startpos) else: return res return 0 def parseLinkTitle(self): """ Attempt to parse link title (sans quotes), returning the string or null if no match.""" title = self.match(reLinkTitle) if title: return unescape(title[1:len(title)-1]) else: return None def parseLinkDestination(self): """ Attempt to parse link destination, returning the string or null if no match.""" res = self.match(reLinkDestinationBraces) if not res is None: return unescape(res[1:len(res) - 1]) else: res2 = self.match(reLinkDestination) if not res2 is None: return unescape(res2) else: return None def parseLinkLabel(self): """ Attempt to parse a link label, returning number of characters parsed.""" if not self.peek() == "[": return 0 startpos = self.pos nest_level = 0 if self.label_nest_level > 0: self.label_nest_level -= 1 return 0 self.pos += 1 c = self.peek() while ((not c == "]") or (nest_level > 0)) and not c is None: if c == "`": self.parseBackticks([]) elif c == "<": self.parseAutoLink([]) or self.parseHtmlTag( []) or self.parseString([]) elif c == "[": nest_level += 1 self.pos += 1 elif c == "]": nest_level -= 1 self.pos += 1 elif c == "\\": self.parseEscaped([]) else: self.parseString([]) c = self.peek() if c == "]": self.label_nest_level = 0 self.pos += 1 return self.pos - startpos else: if c is None: self.label_nest_level = nest_level self.pos = startpos return 0 def parseRawLabel(self, s): """ Parse raw link label, including surrounding [], and return inline contents. (Note: this is not a method of InlineParser.)""" return InlineParser().parse(s[1:-1]) def parseLink(self, inlines): """ Attempt to parse a link. If successful, add the link to inlines.""" startpos = self.pos n = self.parseLinkLabel() if n == 0: return 0 afterlabel = self.pos rawlabel = self.subject[startpos:n+startpos] if self.peek() == "(": self.pos += 1 if self.spnl(): dest = self.parseLinkDestination() if not dest is None and self.spnl(): if re.match(r"^\s", self.subject[self.pos - 1]): title = self.parseLinkTitle() else: title = "" if self.spnl() and self.match(r"^\)"): inlines.append( Block(t="Link", destination=dest, title=title, label=self.parseRawLabel(rawlabel))) return self.pos - startpos else: self.pos = startpos return 0 else: self.pos = startpos return 0 else: self.pos = startpos return 0 savepos = self.pos self.spnl() beforelabel = self.pos n = self.parseLinkLabel() if n == 2: reflabel = rawlabel elif n > 0: reflabel = self.subject[beforelabel:beforelabel + n] else: self.pos = savepos reflabel = rawlabel if normalizeReference(reflabel) in self.refmap: link = self.refmap[normalizeReference(reflabel)] else: link = None if link: if link.get("title", None): title = link['title'] else: title = "" if link.get("destination", None): destination = link['destination'] else: destination = "" inlines.append( Block(t="Link", destination=destination, title=title, label=self.parseRawLabel(rawlabel))) return self.pos - startpos else: self.pos = startpos return 0 self.pos = startpos return 0 def parseEntity(self, inlines): """ Attempt to parse an entity, adding to inlines if successful.""" m = self.match( r"^&(?:#x[a-f0-9]{1,8}|#[0-9]{1,8}|[a-z][a-z0-9]{1,31});", re.IGNORECASE) if m: inlines.append(Block(t="Entity", c=m)) return len(m) else: return 0 def parseString(self, inlines): """ Parse a run of ordinary characters, or a single character with a special meaning in markdown, as a plain string, adding to inlines.""" m = self.match(reMain, re.MULTILINE) if m: inlines.append(Block(t="Str", c=m)) return len(m) else: return 0 def parseNewline(self, inlines): """ Parse a newline. If it was preceded by two spaces, return a hard line break; otherwise a soft line break.""" if (self.peek() == '\n'): self.pos += 1 last = inlines[len(inlines) - 1] if last and last.t == "Str" and last.c[-2:] == " ": last.c = re.sub(r' *$', '', last.c) inlines.append(Block(t="Hardbreak")) else: if last and last.t == "Str" and last.c[-1:] == " ": last.c = last.c[0:-1] inlines.append(Block(t="Softbreak")) return 1 else: return 0 def parseImage(self, inlines): """ Attempt to parse an image. If the opening '!' is not followed by a link, add a literal '!' to inlines.""" if (self.match("^!")): n = self.parseLink(inlines) if (n == 0): inlines.append(Block(t="Str", c="!")) return 1 elif (inlines[len(inlines) - 1] and (inlines[len(inlines) - 1].t == "Link")): inlines[len(inlines) - 1].t = "Image" return n + 1 else: raise Exception("Shouldn't happen") else: return 0 def parseReference(self, s, refmap): """ Attempt to parse a link reference, modifying refmap.""" self.subject = s self.pos = 0 startpos = self.pos matchChars = self.parseLinkLabel() if (matchChars == 0): return 0 else: rawlabel = self.subject[:matchChars] test = self.peek() if (test == ":"): self.pos += 1 else: self.pos = startpos return 0 self.spnl() dest = self.parseLinkDestination() if (dest is None or len(dest) == 0): self.pos = startpos return 0 beforetitle = self.pos self.spnl() title = self.parseLinkTitle() if (title is None): title = "" self.pos = beforetitle if (self.match(r"^ *(?:\n|$)") is None): self.pos = startpos return 0 normlabel = normalizeReference(rawlabel) if (not refmap.get(normlabel, None)): refmap[normlabel] = { "destination": dest, "title": title } return (self.pos - startpos) def parseInline(self, inlines): """ Parse the next inline element in subject, advancing subject position and adding the result to 'inlines'.""" c = self.peek() res = None if (c == '\n'): res = self.parseNewline(inlines) elif (c == "\\"): res = self.parseEscaped(inlines) elif (c == "`"): res = self.parseBackticks(inlines) elif ((c == "*") or (c == "_")): res = self.parseEmphasis(inlines) elif (c == "["): res = self.parseLink(inlines) elif (c == "!"): res = self.parseImage(inlines) elif (c == "<"): res = self.parseAutoLink(inlines) or self.parseHtmlTag(inlines) elif (c == "&"): res = self.parseEntity(inlines) return res or self.parseString(inlines) def parseInlines(self, s, refmap={}): """ Parse s as a list of inlines, using refmap to resolve references.""" self.subject = s self.pos = 0 self.refmap = refmap inlines = [] while (self.parseInline(inlines)): pass return inlines def parse(self, s, refmap={}): """ Pass through to parseInlines.""" return self.parseInlines(s, refmap)
var label_nest_level
var pos
var refmap
var subject
def __init__(
def __init__(self): self.subject = "" self.label_nest_level = 0 self.pos = 0 self.refmap = {}
def match(
self, regexString, reCompileFlags=0)
If re matches at current position in the subject, advance position in subject and return the match; otherwise return null.
def match(self, regexString, reCompileFlags=0): """ If re matches at current position in the subject, advance position in subject and return the match; otherwise return null.""" match = re.search( regexString, self.subject[self.pos:], flags=reCompileFlags) if match: self.pos += match.end(0) return match.group() else: return None
def parse(
self, s, refmap={})
Pass through to parseInlines.
def parse(self, s, refmap={}): """ Pass through to parseInlines.""" return self.parseInlines(s, refmap)
def parseAutoLink(
self, inlines)
Attempt to parse an autolink (URL or email in pointy brackets).
def parseAutoLink(self, inlines): """ Attempt to parse an autolink (URL or email in pointy brackets).""" m = self.match( "^<([a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*)>") m2 = self.match( "^<(?:coap|doi|javascript|aaa|aaas|about|acap|cap|cid|crid|data|dav|dict|dns|file|ftp|geo|go|gopher|h323|http|https|iax|icap|im|imap|info|ipp|iris|iris.beep|iris.xpc|iris.xpcs|iris.lwz|ldap|mailto|mid|msrp|msrps|mtqp|mupdate|news|nfs|ni|nih|nntp|opaquelocktoken|pop|pres|rtsp|service|session|shttp|sieve|sip|sips|sms|snmp|soap.beep|soap.beeps|tag|tel|telnet|tftp|thismessage|tn3270|tip|tv|urn|vemmi|ws|wss|xcon|xcon-userid|xmlrpc.beep|xmlrpc.beeps|xmpp|z39.50r|z39.50s|adiumxtra|afp|afs|aim|apt|attachment|aw|beshare|bitcoin|bolo|callto|chrome|chrome-extension|com-eventbrite-attendee|content|cvs|dlna-playsingle|dlna-playcontainer|dtn|dvb|ed2k|facetime|feed|finger|fish|gg|git|gizmoproject|gtalk|hcp|icon|ipn|irc|irc6|ircs|itms|jar|jms|keyparc|lastfm|ldaps|magnet|maps|market|message|mms|ms-help|msnim|mumble|mvn|notes|oid|palm|paparazzi|platform|proxy|psyc|query|res|resource|rmi|rsync|rtmp|secondlife|sftp|sgn|skype|smb|soldat|spotify|ssh|steam|svn|teamspeak|things|udp|unreal|ut2004|ventrilo|view-source|webcal|wtai|wyciwyg|xfire|xri|ymsgr):[^<>\x00-\x20]*>", re.IGNORECASE) if m: # email dest = m[1:-1] inlines.append( Block(t="Link", label=[Block(t="Str", c=dest)], destination="mailto:" + dest)) return len(m) elif m2: # link dest2 = m2[1:-1] inlines.append( Block(t="Link", label=[Block(t="Str", c=dest2)], destination=dest2)) return len(m2) else: return 0
def parseBackticks(
self, inlines)
Attempt to parse backticks, adding either a backtick code span or a literal sequence of backticks to the 'inlines' list.
def parseBackticks(self, inlines): """ Attempt to parse backticks, adding either a backtick code span or a literal sequence of backticks to the 'inlines' list.""" startpos = self.pos ticks = self.match(r"^`+") if not ticks: return 0 afterOpenTicks = self.pos foundCode = False match = self.match(r"`+", re.MULTILINE) while (not foundCode) and (not match is None): if (match == ticks): c = self.subject[afterOpenTicks:(self.pos - len(ticks))] c = re.sub(r"[ \n]+", ' ', c) c = c.strip() inlines.append(Block(t="Code", c=c)) return (self.pos - startpos) match = self.match(r"`+", re.MULTILINE) inlines.append(Block(t="Str", c=ticks)) self.pos = afterOpenTicks return (self.pos - startpos)
def parseEmphasis(
self, inlines)
Attempt to parse emphasis or strong emphasis in an efficient way, with no backtracking.
def parseEmphasis(self, inlines): """ Attempt to parse emphasis or strong emphasis in an efficient way, with no backtracking.""" startpos = self.pos first_close = 0 nxt = self.peek() if ((nxt == "*") or (nxt == "_")): c = nxt else: return 0 res = self.scanDelims(c) numdelims = res["numdelims"] self.pos += numdelims if startpos > 0: inlines.append( Block(t="Str", c=self.subject[self.pos - numdelims:numdelims + startpos])) else: inlines.append( Block(t="Str", c=self.subject[self.pos - numdelims:numdelims])) delimpos = len(inlines) - 1 if ((not res["can_open"]) or (numdelims == 0)): return 0 first_close_delims = 0 if (numdelims == 1): while (True): res = self.scanDelims(c) if (res["numdelims"] >= 1 and res["can_close"]): self.pos += 1 inlines[delimpos].t = "Emph" inlines[delimpos].c = inlines[delimpos + 1:] if len(inlines) > 1: for x in range(delimpos + 1, len(inlines)): inlines.pop(len(inlines) - 1) break else: if (self.parseInline(inlines) == 0): break return (self.pos - startpos) elif (numdelims == 2): while (True): res = self.scanDelims(c) if (res["numdelims"] >= 2 and res["can_close"]): self.pos += 2 inlines[delimpos].t = "Strong" inlines[delimpos].c = inlines[delimpos + 1:] if len(inlines) > 1: for x in range(delimpos + 1, len(inlines)): inlines.pop(len(inlines) - 1) break else: if (self.parseInline(inlines) == 0): break return (self.pos - startpos) elif (numdelims == 3): while (True): res = self.scanDelims(c) if (res["numdelims"] >= 1 and res["numdelims"] <= 3 and res["can_close"] and not res["numdelims"] == first_close_delims): if first_close_delims == 1 and numdelims > 2: res["numdelims"] = 2 elif first_close_delims == 2: res['numdelims'] = 1 elif res['numdelims'] == 3: res['numdelims'] = 1 self.pos += res['numdelims'] if first_close > 0: inlines[ delimpos].t = "Strong" if first_close_delims == 1 else "Emph" temp = "Emph" if first_close_delims == 1 else "Strong" inlines[delimpos].c = [Block(t=temp, c=inlines[delimpos + 1:first_close])] + inlines[ first_close + 1:] # error on 362? if len(inlines) > 1: for x in range(delimpos + 1, len(inlines)): inlines.pop(len(inlines) - 1) break else: inlines.append( Block(t="Str", c=self.subject[self.pos - res["numdelims"]:self.pos])) first_close = len(inlines) - 1 first_close_delims = res["numdelims"] else: if self.parseInline(inlines) == 0: break return (self.pos - startpos) else: return res return 0
def parseEntity(
self, inlines)
Attempt to parse an entity, adding to inlines if successful.
def parseEntity(self, inlines): """ Attempt to parse an entity, adding to inlines if successful.""" m = self.match( r"^&(?:#x[a-f0-9]{1,8}|#[0-9]{1,8}|[a-z][a-z0-9]{1,31});", re.IGNORECASE) if m: inlines.append(Block(t="Entity", c=m)) return len(m) else: return 0
def parseEscaped(
self, inlines)
Parse a backslash-escaped special character, adding either the escaped character, a hard line break (if the backslash is followed by a newline), or a literal backslash to the 'inlines' list.
def parseEscaped(self, inlines): """ Parse a backslash-escaped special character, adding either the escaped character, a hard line break (if the backslash is followed by a newline), or a literal backslash to the 'inlines' list.""" subj = self.subject pos = self.pos if (subj[pos] == "\\"): if len(subj) > pos + 1 and (subj[pos + 1] == "\n"): inlines.append(Block(t="Hardbreak")) self.pos += 2 return 2 elif (reEscapable.search(subj[pos + 1:pos + 2])): inlines.append(Block(t="Str", c=subj[pos + 1:pos + 2])) self.pos += 2 return 2 else: self.pos += 1 inlines.append(Block(t="Str", c="\\")) return 1 else: return 0
def parseHtmlTag(
self, inlines)
Attempt to parse a raw HTML tag.
def parseHtmlTag(self, inlines): """ Attempt to parse a raw HTML tag.""" m = self.match(reHtmlTag) if (m): inlines.append(Block(t="Html", c=m)) return len(m) else: return 0
def parseImage(
self, inlines)
Attempt to parse an image. If the opening '!' is not followed by a link, add a literal '!' to inlines.
def parseImage(self, inlines): """ Attempt to parse an image. If the opening '!' is not followed by a link, add a literal '!' to inlines.""" if (self.match("^!")): n = self.parseLink(inlines) if (n == 0): inlines.append(Block(t="Str", c="!")) return 1 elif (inlines[len(inlines) - 1] and (inlines[len(inlines) - 1].t == "Link")): inlines[len(inlines) - 1].t = "Image" return n + 1 else: raise Exception("Shouldn't happen") else: return 0
def parseInline(
self, inlines)
Parse the next inline element in subject, advancing subject position and adding the result to 'inlines'.
def parseInline(self, inlines): """ Parse the next inline element in subject, advancing subject position and adding the result to 'inlines'.""" c = self.peek() res = None if (c == '\n'): res = self.parseNewline(inlines) elif (c == "\\"): res = self.parseEscaped(inlines) elif (c == "`"): res = self.parseBackticks(inlines) elif ((c == "*") or (c == "_")): res = self.parseEmphasis(inlines) elif (c == "["): res = self.parseLink(inlines) elif (c == "!"): res = self.parseImage(inlines) elif (c == "<"): res = self.parseAutoLink(inlines) or self.parseHtmlTag(inlines) elif (c == "&"): res = self.parseEntity(inlines) return res or self.parseString(inlines)
def parseInlines(
self, s, refmap={})
Parse s as a list of inlines, using refmap to resolve references.
def parseInlines(self, s, refmap={}): """ Parse s as a list of inlines, using refmap to resolve references.""" self.subject = s self.pos = 0 self.refmap = refmap inlines = [] while (self.parseInline(inlines)): pass return inlines
def parseLink(
self, inlines)
Attempt to parse a link. If successful, add the link to inlines.
def parseLink(self, inlines): """ Attempt to parse a link. If successful, add the link to inlines.""" startpos = self.pos n = self.parseLinkLabel() if n == 0: return 0 afterlabel = self.pos rawlabel = self.subject[startpos:n+startpos] if self.peek() == "(": self.pos += 1 if self.spnl(): dest = self.parseLinkDestination() if not dest is None and self.spnl(): if re.match(r"^\s", self.subject[self.pos - 1]): title = self.parseLinkTitle() else: title = "" if self.spnl() and self.match(r"^\)"): inlines.append( Block(t="Link", destination=dest, title=title, label=self.parseRawLabel(rawlabel))) return self.pos - startpos else: self.pos = startpos return 0 else: self.pos = startpos return 0 else: self.pos = startpos return 0 savepos = self.pos self.spnl() beforelabel = self.pos n = self.parseLinkLabel() if n == 2: reflabel = rawlabel elif n > 0: reflabel = self.subject[beforelabel:beforelabel + n] else: self.pos = savepos reflabel = rawlabel if normalizeReference(reflabel) in self.refmap: link = self.refmap[normalizeReference(reflabel)] else: link = None if link: if link.get("title", None): title = link['title'] else: title = "" if link.get("destination", None): destination = link['destination'] else: destination = "" inlines.append( Block(t="Link", destination=destination, title=title, label=self.parseRawLabel(rawlabel))) return self.pos - startpos else: self.pos = startpos return 0 self.pos = startpos return 0
def parseLinkDestination(
Attempt to parse link destination, returning the string or null if no match.
def parseLinkDestination(self): """ Attempt to parse link destination, returning the string or null if no match.""" res = self.match(reLinkDestinationBraces) if not res is None: return unescape(res[1:len(res) - 1]) else: res2 = self.match(reLinkDestination) if not res2 is None: return unescape(res2) else: return None
def parseLinkLabel(
Attempt to parse a link label, returning number of characters parsed.
def parseLinkLabel(self): """ Attempt to parse a link label, returning number of characters parsed.""" if not self.peek() == "[": return 0 startpos = self.pos nest_level = 0 if self.label_nest_level > 0: self.label_nest_level -= 1 return 0 self.pos += 1 c = self.peek() while ((not c == "]") or (nest_level > 0)) and not c is None: if c == "`": self.parseBackticks([]) elif c == "<": self.parseAutoLink([]) or self.parseHtmlTag( []) or self.parseString([]) elif c == "[": nest_level += 1 self.pos += 1 elif c == "]": nest_level -= 1 self.pos += 1 elif c == "\\": self.parseEscaped([]) else: self.parseString([]) c = self.peek() if c == "]": self.label_nest_level = 0 self.pos += 1 return self.pos - startpos else: if c is None: self.label_nest_level = nest_level self.pos = startpos return 0
def parseLinkTitle(
Attempt to parse link title (sans quotes), returning the string or null if no match.
def parseLinkTitle(self): """ Attempt to parse link title (sans quotes), returning the string or null if no match.""" title = self.match(reLinkTitle) if title: return unescape(title[1:len(title)-1]) else: return None
def parseNewline(
self, inlines)
Parse a newline. If it was preceded by two spaces, return a hard line break; otherwise a soft line break.
def parseNewline(self, inlines): """ Parse a newline. If it was preceded by two spaces, return a hard line break; otherwise a soft line break.""" if (self.peek() == '\n'): self.pos += 1 last = inlines[len(inlines) - 1] if last and last.t == "Str" and last.c[-2:] == " ": last.c = re.sub(r' *$', '', last.c) inlines.append(Block(t="Hardbreak")) else: if last and last.t == "Str" and last.c[-1:] == " ": last.c = last.c[0:-1] inlines.append(Block(t="Softbreak")) return 1 else: return 0
def parseRawLabel(
self, s)
Parse raw link label, including surrounding [], and return inline contents. (Note: this is not a method of InlineParser.)
def parseRawLabel(self, s): """ Parse raw link label, including surrounding [], and return inline contents. (Note: this is not a method of InlineParser.)""" return InlineParser().parse(s[1:-1])
def parseReference(
self, s, refmap)
Attempt to parse a link reference, modifying refmap.
def parseReference(self, s, refmap): """ Attempt to parse a link reference, modifying refmap.""" self.subject = s self.pos = 0 startpos = self.pos matchChars = self.parseLinkLabel() if (matchChars == 0): return 0 else: rawlabel = self.subject[:matchChars] test = self.peek() if (test == ":"): self.pos += 1 else: self.pos = startpos return 0 self.spnl() dest = self.parseLinkDestination() if (dest is None or len(dest) == 0): self.pos = startpos return 0 beforetitle = self.pos self.spnl() title = self.parseLinkTitle() if (title is None): title = "" self.pos = beforetitle if (self.match(r"^ *(?:\n|$)") is None): self.pos = startpos return 0 normlabel = normalizeReference(rawlabel) if (not refmap.get(normlabel, None)): refmap[normlabel] = { "destination": dest, "title": title } return (self.pos - startpos)
def parseString(
self, inlines)
Parse a run of ordinary characters, or a single character with a special meaning in markdown, as a plain string, adding to inlines.
def parseString(self, inlines): """ Parse a run of ordinary characters, or a single character with a special meaning in markdown, as a plain string, adding to inlines.""" m = self.match(reMain, re.MULTILINE) if m: inlines.append(Block(t="Str", c=m)) return len(m) else: return 0
def peek(
Returns the character at the current subject position, or null if there are no more characters.
def peek(self): """ Returns the character at the current subject position, or null if there are no more characters.""" try: return self.subject[self.pos] except IndexError: return None
def scanDelims(
self, c)
Scan a sequence of characters == c, and return information about the number of delimiters and whether they are positioned such that they can open and/or close emphasis or strong emphasis. A utility function for strong/emph parsing.
def scanDelims(self, c): """ Scan a sequence of characters == c, and return information about the number of delimiters and whether they are positioned such that they can open and/or close emphasis or strong emphasis. A utility function for strong/emph parsing.""" numdelims = 0 first_close_delims = 0 char_before = char_after = None startpos = self.pos char_before = '\n' if self.pos == 0 else self.subject[self.pos - 1] while (self.peek() == c): numdelims += 1 self.pos += 1 a = self.peek() char_after = a if a else "\\n" can_open = (numdelims > 0) and ( numdelims <= 3) and (not re.match("\s", char_after)) can_close = (numdelims > 0) and ( numdelims <= 3) and (not re.match("\s", char_before)) if (c == "_"): can_open = can_open and ( not re.match("[a-z0-9]", char_before, re.IGNORECASE)) can_close = can_close and ( not re.match("[a-z0-9]", char_after, re.IGNORECASE)) self.pos = startpos return { "numdelims": numdelims, "can_open": can_open, "can_close": can_close }
def spnl(
Parse zero or more space characters, including at most one newline.
def spnl(self): """ Parse zero or more space characters, including at most one newline.""" self.match(r"^ *(?:\n *)?") return 1
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