
Loading a tree from a file and visualizing it with ascii_art()

Writing a tree to a file

Getting the individual nodes of a tree by name

Getting the name of a node (or a tree)

The object type of a tree and its nodes is the same

Working with the nodes of a tree

Get all the nodes, tips and edges

only the terminal nodes (tips)

for internal nodes (edges) we can use Newick format to simplify the output

Getting the path between two tips or edges (connecting edges)

Getting the distance between two nodes

Getting the last common ancestor (LCA) for two nodes

Getting all the ancestors for a node

Getting all the children for a node

Getting all the distances for a tree

We also show how to select a subset of distances involving just one species.

Getting the two nodes that are farthest apart

Get the nodes within a given distance

Rerooting trees

At a named node

At the midpoint

Near a given tip

Tree representations

Newick format

XML format

Tree traversal

Here is the example tree for reference:



Selecting subtrees

One way to do it

Tree manipulation methods

Pruning the tree

Remove internal nodes with only one child. Create new connections and branch lengths (if tree is a PhyloNode) to reflect the change.

Create a full unrooted copy of the tree

Transform tree into a bifurcating tree

Add internal nodes so that every node has 2 or fewer children.

Transform tree into a balanced tree

Using a balanced tree can substantially improve performance of likelihood calculations. Note that the resulting tree has a different orientation with the effect that specifying clades or stems for model parameterisation should be done using the “outgroup_name” argument.

Test two trees for same topology

Branch lengths don’t matter.

Calculate each node’s maximum distance to a tip

Sets each node’s “TipDistance” attribute to be the distance from that node to its most distant tip.

Scale branch lengths in place to integers for ascii output

Get tip-to-tip distances

Get a distance matrix between all pairs of tips and a list of the tip nodes.

Compare two trees using tip-to-tip distance matrices

Score ranges from 0 (minimum distance) to 1 (maximum distance). The default is to use Pearson’s correlation, in which case a score of 0 means that the Pearson’s correlation was perfectly good (1), and a score of 1 means that the Pearson’s correlation was perfectly bad (-1).

Note: automatically strips out the names that don’t match.