
The Sequence object contains classes that represent biological sequence data. These provide generic biological sequence manipulation functions, plus functions that are critical for the evolve module calculations.


Do not import sequence classes directly! It is expected that you will access them through MolType objects. The molecular types can be accessed via the cogent3.get_moltype() function. Sequence classes depend on information from the MolType that is only available after MolType has been imported. Sequences are intended to be immutable. This is not enforced by the code for performance reasons, but don’t alter the MolType or the sequence data after creation.

DNA and RNA sequences

Creating a DNA sequence from a string

All sequence and alignment objects have a molecular type, or MolType which provides key properties for validating sequence characters. Here we use the DNA MolType to create a DNA sequence.

Creating a RNA sequence from a string

Converting to FASTA format

Convert a RNA sequence to FASTA format

Creating a named sequence

You can also use a convenience make_seq() function, providing the moltype as a string.

Setting or changing the name of a sequence

Complementing a DNA sequence

Reverse complementing a DNA sequence

The rc method name is easier to type

Translate a DnaSequence to protein

Converting a DNA sequence to RNA

Convert an RNA sequence to DNA

Testing complementarity

Joining two DNA sequences

Slicing DNA sequences

Getting 3rd positions from codons

The easiest approach is to work off the cogent3 ArrayAlignment object.

We’ll do this by specifying the position indices of interest, creating a sequence Feature and using that to extract the positions.

Getting 1st and 2nd positions from codons

In this instance we can use the annotatable sequence classes.

Return a randomized version of the sequence

print rnaseq.shuffle()

Remove gaps from a sequence