Using a codon model

We load the unaligned sequences we will use in our examples.


We use an app loader, but since this is just a single file we could have used the cogent3.load_unaligned_seqs() function.

Codon alignment with default settings

The default settings will result in estimation of a guide tree (using percent identity between the sequences). The default “codon” model is MG94HKY.


If you specify unique_guides=True, a guide tree will be estimated for every alignment.

Specify a different distance measure for estimating the guide tree

The distance measures available are the same as for the nucleotide case (percent, TN93 or paralinear).


An estimated guide tree has its branch lengths scaled so they are consistent with usage in a codon model.

Providing a guide tree


The guide tree must have branch lengths, otherwise a ValueError is raised.

Specifying the gap parameters

Specifying the substitution model and parameters

Any cogent3 codon substitution model can be used. (See cogent3.available_models().)


If you provide parameter values, those must be consistent with the model definition.

Alignment settings and file provenance are recorded in the info attribute

The parameters used to construct the alignment, including the guide tree and substitution model, are record in the alignment info attribute.