Simulate an alignment ===================== .. sectionauthor:: Gavin Huttley For this example we just create a simple model using a four taxon tree with different branch lengths and a Felsenstein model. .. jupyter-execute:: import sys from cogent3 import make_tree from cogent3.evolve.models import get_model Specify the 4 taxon tree, .. jupyter-execute:: t = make_tree("(a:0.4,b:0.3,(c:0.15,d:0.2)edge.0:0.1);") Define our Felsenstein 1981 substitution model. .. jupyter-execute:: sm = get_model("F81") lf = sm.make_likelihood_function(t) lf.set_constant_lengths() lf.set_motif_probs(dict(A=0.1, C=0.2, G=0.3, T=0.4)) lf We'll now create a simulated alignment of length 1000 nucleotides. .. jupyter-execute:: simulated = lf.simulate_alignment(sequence_length=1000) simulated