#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Shadow Auth Demo An example of a Circuits Component that requires users authenticate against /etc/passwd or /etc/shadow before letting them into the web site. """ from crypt import crypt from os import path from re import compile as compile_regex from socket import gethostname from circuits import Component, handler from circuits.web import Controller, Server, _httpauth from circuits.web.errors import HTTPError, Unauthorized def check_auth(user, password): salt_pattern = compile_regex(r"\$.*\$.*\$") passwd = "/etc/shadow" if path.exists("/etc/shadow") else "/etc/passwd" with open(passwd, "r") as f: rows = (line.strip().split(":") for line in f) records = [row for row in rows if row[0] == user] hash = records and records[0][1] salt = salt_pattern.match(hash).group() return crypt(password, salt) == hash class PasswdAuth(Component): channel = "web" def init(self, realm=None): self.realm = realm or gethostname() @handler("request", priority=1.0) def _on_request(self, event, request, response): if "authorization" in request.headers: ah = _httpauth.parseAuthorization(request.headers["authorization"]) if ah is None: event.stop() return HTTPError(request, response, 400) username, password = ah["username"], ah["password"] if check_auth(username, password): request.login = username return response.headers["WWW-Authenticate"] = _httpauth.basicAuth(self.realm) event.stop() return Unauthorized(request, response) class Root(Controller): def index(self): return "Hello, {0:s}".format(self.request.login) app = Server(("", 8000)) PasswdAuth().register(app) Root().register(app) app.run()