#!/usr/bin/env python """A Port Forwarding Example This example demonstrates slightly more complex features and behaviors implementing a TCP/UDP Port Forwarder of network traffic. This can be used as a simple tool to forward traffic from one port to another. Example: ./portforward.py This example also has support for daemonizing the process into the background. """ from optparse import OptionParser from uuid import uuid4 as uuid from circuits import Component, Debugger, handler from circuits.app import Daemon from circuits.net.events import close, connect, write from circuits.net.sockets import TCPClient, TCPServer __version__ = "0.2" USAGE = "%prog [options] " VERSION = "%prog v" + __version__ def parse_options(): parser = OptionParser(usage=USAGE, version=VERSION) parser.add_option( "-d", "--daemon", action="store_true", default=False, dest="daemon", help="Enable daemon mode (fork into the background)" ) parser.add_option( "", "--debug", action="store_true", default=False, dest="debug", help="Enable debug mode (verbose event output)" ) opts, args = parser.parse_args() if len(args) < 2: parser.print_help() raise SystemExit(1) return opts, args def _on_target_disconnected(self, event): """Disconnected Event Handler This unbound function will be later added as an event handler to a dynamically created and registered client instance and used to process Disconnected events of a connected client. """ channel = event.channels[0] sock = self._sockets[channel] self.fire(close(sock), "source") del self._sockets[channel] del self._clients[sock] def _on_target_ready(self, component): """Ready Event Handler This unbound function will be later added as an event handler to a dynamically created and registered client instance and used to process Ready events of a registered client. """ self.fire(connect(*self._target, secure=self._secure), component.channel) def _on_target_read(self, event, data): """Read Event Handler This unbound function will be later added as an event handler to a dynamically created and registered client instance and used to process Read events of a connected client. """ sock = self._sockets[event.channels[0]] self.fire(write(sock, data), "source") class PortForwarder(Component): def init(self, source, target, secure=False): self._source = source self._target = target self._secure = secure self._clients = dict() self._sockets = dict() # Setup our components and register them. server = TCPServer(self._source, secure=self._secure, channel="source") server.register(self) @handler("connect", channel="source") def _on_source_connect(self, sock, host, port): """Explicitly defined connect Event Handler This evens is triggered by the underlying TCPServer Component when a new client connection has been made. Here we dynamically create a Client instance, registere it and add custom event handlers to handle the events of the newly created client. The client is registered with a unique channel per connection. """ bind = 0 channel = uuid() client = TCPClient(bind, channel=channel) client.register(self) self.addHandler( handler("disconnected", channel=channel)(_on_target_disconnected) ) self.addHandler( handler("ready", channel=channel)(_on_target_ready) ) self.addHandler( handler("read", channel=channel)(_on_target_read) ) self._clients[sock] = client self._sockets[client.channel] = sock @handler("read", channel="source") def _on_source_read(self, sock, data): """Explicitly defined Read Event Handler This evens is triggered by the underlying TCPServer Component when a connected client has some data ready to be processed. Here we simply fire a cooresponding write event to the cooresponding matching client which we lookup using the socket object as the key to determinte the unique id. """ client = self._clients[sock] self.fire(write(data), client.channel) def sanitize(s): if ":" in s: address, port = s.split(":") port = int(port) return address, port return s def main(): opts, args = parse_options() source = sanitize(args[0]) target = sanitize(args[1]) if type(source) is not tuple: print("ERROR: source address must specify port (address:port)") raise SystemExit(-1) if type(target) is not tuple: print("ERROR: target address must specify port (address:port)") raise SystemExit(-1) system = PortForwarder(source, target) if opts.daemon: Daemon("portforward.pid").register(system) if opts.debug: Debugger().register(system) system.run() if __name__ == "__main__": main()