#!/usr/bin/python -i """Node Example To use this example run it interactively through the Python interactive shell using the -i option as per the shebang line above. i.e: python -i hello_node.py host port At the python prompt: >>> x = app.fire(hello()) >>> >>> x >>> y = app.fire(remote(hello(), "test")) . . . >>> y , 'app2' channel=None)> """ # noqa from __future__ import print_function import sys from os import getpid from circuits import Component, Event from circuits.node import Node, remote # noqa class hello(Event): """hello Event""" class App(Component): def ready(self, client): print("Ready!") def connected(self, host, port): print("Connected to {}:{}".format(host, port)) print("Try: x = app.fire(hello())") def hello(self): print("Now try: y = app.fire(remote(hello(), \"test\"))") return "Hello World! ({0:d})".format(getpid()) # Setup app1 with a debugger app = App() node = Node().register(app) host = sys.argv[1] port = int(sys.argv[2]) bind = (host, port) # Add an address of a node to talk to called "test" node.add("test", *bind) # Start app as a thread app.start()